释义 |
apsaras 基本例句 飞天 The Glass Palace and the four Apsaras disappeared. 说完,玻璃宫殿和四个阿帕莎拉都消失了。 blog.sina.com.cn The magnificent palace, the performing Bodhisattvas, the dancing and flying apsaras and birds, and the common people consist of a happy and elegant world. 富丽堂皇的宫苑,奏乐歌舞的伎乐菩萨,伴随歌舞的飞天和神鸟,共同构筑了一个欢乐、优雅的理想世界。 showchina Amazing as it may seem, the greedy Mittavinda went on to seven days of pleasure in a sparkling Jewel Palace with16 Apsaras. 叫人称奇的是,贪婪的弥达维德继续前行,居然到一座闪烁的宝石宫殿里与十六个阿帕莎拉共享了七天的快乐。 blog.sina.com.cn Asuras are unfortunate ugly gods. Some of them are lucky enough to change their form into beautiful young dancing girl goddesses. These are called Apsaras. 阿修罗是一群不幸而丑陋的神。他们中有些幸运,可以变为年轻貌美而善舞的仙女,被称为。 blog.sina.com.cn He wanted very badly to return to the palaces and the dancing girl Apsaras. 他好想返回那些跳着舞的阿帕莎拉的宫殿里。 blog.sina.com.cn In Buddhism, flying Apsaras is the most popular art with endless aesthetics implications. 在佛教艺术里,飞天作为群众最喜闻乐见的艺术形象蕴涵着无穷的美学意蕴。 dictall Moon landing, the flying apsaras once existed in the remote fable, today computer time, the network time initially also only had in our cerebral cortex. 登月、飞天曾经存在于遥远的传说中,今天的电脑时代、网络时代当初也只存在我们的大脑皮层中。2000y Then he spent seven days in a glowing Golden Palace with32 of the most beautiful Apsaras of all. 接着他在一座辉煌的黄金宫殿里与三十二个最美丽的阿帕莎拉一起度过了七天。 blog.sina.com.cn Well, for fresco, the Flying Apsaras Cave is most worth seeing. 呃,要说壁画,飞天洞最值得一看。 iciba You are the white flower in the hand of flying Apsaras. The flower falls on the sea of my feelings with a splash making spray of happiness. 你是飞天捧着的洁白花朵,降在了我的心间,我那感情的海哟,飞溅起幸福的浪花。 iciba |