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词汇 majorities
释义 ma·jor·i·ty 英mə'dʒɒrəti美mə'dʒɔːrəti COCA¹⁹⁸⁵⁸BNC¹⁹⁴⁸⁹Economist⁷⁷²⁸
S多数,大多数; 半数以上

the larger number or amount, especially of people; most; greater number, more than half


difference between the number of votes given to the winning party or candidate in an election and the next party or candidate

the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part;

the majority of his customers prefer it

the bulk of the work is finished

elections more than half of the votesthe age at which persons are considered competent to manage their own affairs

❌ The majority of the land has been cultivated.

✔️ Most of the land has been cultivated.


用作名词 n.
动词+~compose the majority形成多数派enter the majority参加多数派form a majority形成多数gain a majority取得大多数人的帮助get majority获得多数票go over to majority参加多数派have a majority拥有多数hold a majority拥有多数join the majority参加多数派receive majority获得多数票serve the majority为大多数人服务get one's majority到了成年go to the great majority死join the great majority死pass over to the great majority死形容词+~clear majority绝对多数good majority大多数great majority大多数handsome majority可观的多数large majority绝大多数narrow majority微弱的多数silent majority沉默的大多数small majority微弱的多数two-thirds majority三分之二的多数vast majority绝大多数working majority足以成事的多数名词+~committee majority委员会的过半数介词+~by a majority以多数in a majority占多数~+介词majority of people多数人
近义词 massmaturityseniority反义词 minoritychildhood
用作名词n.The Conservatives got in by a majority.保守党人以多数当选。
The vote lacks three of being a majority.差三张选票就过半数。
Dr. Gray was elected by a large majority.格雷博士以多数票当选。
An overwhelming majority of the committee members went in for the currency reform.绝大多数委员赞成实行币制改革。
What he has just said does not accord with the views of the majority.他刚才所说的同大多数人所持的观点不一致。
He believes that his supporters are in the majority.他相信支持他的人占多数。
The director prefers going along with the majority.主任同意大多数人的意见。
Though some suggested putting up Johnson as a candidate, the majority seemed to be for Jones.虽然有些人提名约翰逊为候选人,但大多数人却似乎赞成琼斯。
The party I support has won by a majority of 264 votes.我所支持的政党以超过对方264票获胜。
The candidate was put in by a majority of one thousand.这个候选人以一千票的多数当选。
The majority rules in a democracy.民主国家一切听任多数人的意见裁决。
The majority was for the plan.多数人赞成这个计划。
The majority of the intellectuals want to make progress.多数知识分子要求进步。
The majority of people prefer peace to war.多数人要和平,不要战争。
She has reached her majority.她已达到法定年龄。
The majority of his books are kept upstairs.他的大部分书藏在楼上。
The majority of the damage is easy to repair.这次的大部分损害容易补救。
Who says the majority is always able to impose its will on the minority?谁说多数人总是能将其意志强加在少数人身上呢?





majority只用作单数,通常与of连用。the majority of后可用单数名词,也可用复数名词,谓语动词的数与of后面的名词相一致。


用作名词Themajorityof people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。
Racism is abhorrent to themajorityof people.种族主义是大多数人都憎恨的。
The Democrats became themajorityin the election.民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。
The Democrats became themajorityin the election.民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。
Themajoritywas determined to press its proposal.多数派决心强求通过其提案。 A president with a big personal mandate, solid majorities in both chambers of Congress and a silver tongue ought to have been much braver.
拥有很大的人格魅力,在国会上下议院中有广泛的群众基础,加上能言善辩,这样的总统应该表现的更加的大胆。 ecocn

In November2008 Mr Obama won53% of the popular vote, and the Democrats won handsome majorities in both chambers of Congress.
2008年11月,奥巴马赢得了53%的普选投票,民主党在国会两院占得了可观的多数席位。 ecocn

In the five biggest EU countries large majorities, ranging from77% in Britain to a staggering92% in France, told a recent poll that he would have a positive impact on international events.
最近的一项民意测验显示,在欧盟五个最大的国家中绝大多数人比率从英国77%到法国令人吃惊的92%认为他将对国际事务起到积极影响作用。 ecocn

She won commanding majorities in the working- class suburbs of Buenos Aires and among poorer voters across the country.
在布宜诺斯艾利斯市郊的工人阶级与国家稍贫穷的选民中,菲南德斯赢得了势压一切的多数票。 ecocn

Swept into power by the Cedar revolution, the younger Hariri and his allies have held parliamentary majorities, but only just.
在雪松革命的强力推动下,年轻的哈里里及其盟友在国会中占据了多数,但也仅在那时。 ecocn

Bipartisan majorities in the state legislature voted for it, and the outgoing governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, considers the law one of his main achievements.
国会立法机构两党多数人士投了赞成票,即将离任的州长阿诺施瓦辛格,认为这部法律是他的主要政绩之一。 ecocn

Currently, majorities or pluralities in15 of21 countries outside of China have a positive view of this rising Asian power.
目前,在除中国外被调查的21个国家中,15个国家的多数或相对多数被访者对这一崛起中的亚洲大国持积极态度。 yeeyan

Democrats gained majorities in both the Senate and House of Representatives in 2006 and expanded those majorities in the November elections.
民主党2006年在国会参众两院都成为多数党,在去年11月的选举中又进一步扩大了优势。 ebigear

ELECTIONS in Egypt tend to produce not just one but two solid majorities.
埃及大选将会产生不仅仅是一个,而是两个多数派势力。 ecocn

Even a McCain administration will find itself hemmed in by Democratic majorities in Congress and war-weariness among the public.
即便麦凯恩上台,也会陷入国会中占大多数的民主党人的包围中,还要面对广大民众的厌战情绪。 ecocn

Fourth, the Islamists will not on their own win outright majorities in the new parliaments.
第四,伊斯兰教徒如果仅凭他们自己则无法赢得新国会的大多数席位。 ecocn

His party has majorities of39 seats in the House of Representatives and ten in the Senate.
他的党派在众议院拥有39席的多数并在参议院拥有10个议席的多数优势。 ecocn

His PP and Socialist predecessors as prime minister, respectively José María Aznar and Felipe González, both won absolute majorities in their second terms.
萨帕特罗先生的前任—人民党首相何塞•玛丽亚•阿斯纳尔以及社会党首相菲利普•冈萨雷斯均已绝对的优势赢得连任。 ecocn

His solid mandate and strengthened majorities in Congress equip him with huge political capital.
他在国会获得了广泛且强有力的支持,这给他带来了大笔的政治资本。 yeeyan

In Asia, strong majorities view China positively in Pakistan85% and Indonesia58%.
亚洲国家中,巴基斯坦85%和印度尼西亚58%绝大多数被访者对中国持积极态度。 yeeyan

In several developing countries, majorities consider China’s growing economic strength a good thing.
在许多发展中国家,大多数被访者认为,中国的经济实力增长是件好事。 yeeyan

Large majorities in Europe and the U.S. have a negative view about China’s growing military prowess.
绝大多数欧美被访者对中国军事实力增长持负面态度。 yeeyan

Large majorities, across ages and incomes and ideologies, view women's growing role in the workforce as good for both the economy and society in general.
大部分人,不论其年龄、收入、意识形态如何,都认为总体上女性在职场不断上升的地位对经济和社会发展有利。 yeeyan

One of the new president’s top priorities will be to implement a stimulus package, the passage of which should be made easier by increased Democratic majorities in Congress.
新总统最重要的举措之一就是实施一个新的救助方案。由于民主党在国会中的多数地位,这个方案的通过会较容易些。 ecocn

Opinion polls had put Ennahda's share at25%-30%, but in many districts, including ones assigned to Tunisians living abroad, the party appeared poised to capture outright majorities.
虽然民意测验显示复兴运动党的支持率在25%—30%之间,但是复兴运动党以一种镇定自若的姿态,在许多地区包括那些生活在海外的突尼斯指定代理人赢得了一边倒的多数支持者。 ecocn

People follow confidence, and the majorities of popular people are confident or at least pretend to be.
人们跟着自信的人走,受欢迎的人要么自信,要么假装自信。 yeeyan

The new Congress, with bigger Democratic majorities, has a decidedly less trade- friendly hue.

The rise of the Left Party makes it more difficult for traditional coalitions such as CDU- FDP to build majorities in the Bundestag.
左翼政党的崛起,使诸如基民盟-基社盟这种传统联盟在上议院中越发难以占据多数地位。 ecocn

They supported the financial bail-out and the stimulus package, but only by slender majorities.
他们支持对金融界的拯救和经济刺激方案,不过支持者只占些微的多数。 ecocn

Majorities in the survey call Washington too big and too powerful, and say it's interfering too much in state and local matters.
大多数受访者认为联邦政府过于庞大,过于强势,对各州和地方事务干预过多。 cri




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