

单词 maize
释义 maize 英meɪz美mezAHDmāz ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA¹⁸⁴⁴⁷BNC¹³⁵²²iWeb¹⁶⁵³²Economist⁸⁵⁷³

tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian timesa strong yellow color来自南美土著语。maize oil玉米油maize gruel玉米粥maize husker玉米剥苞叶机…maize borer玉米螟虫maize picker玉米摘穗机maize drill玉米播种机maize meal玉米粉,玉米面…yellow maize黄玉米maize smut玉米黑粉病maize rains玉米雨季white maize白玉米maize grinder玉米粉碎机maize binder玉米割捆机maize streak玉米条纹毒病…maize starch玉蜀黍淀粉,玉米淀粉…
故事记忆走进了 Maze迷宫久久地 Gaze凝视找不到 Maize玉米确实很 Amaze吃惊GRE红宝书读: 妹子-农村的大妹子中玉米
近义词 corn谷物lemon柠檬gamboge藤黄Zea mays玉米Indian corn玉米lemon yellow柠檬黄

We can grow sorghum ormaizeon this plot.我们可以在这块地可以种高粱或玉米。 The warmer temperatures mean that some of them can now grow peaches and maize where previously they could not.
升高的温度意味着一些村民能种植桃子和玉米这些从前不能种植的作物了。 yeeyan

The maize and millet were just putting forth ears.

After all, population growth is slowing and yields of some crops, notably maize, are still rising at a steady pace.
毕竟,人口的增长在减速,而某些农作物的产量,特别是玉米,仍在以一个稳定的速率增长。 yeeyan

American farmers say that government demand for ethanol is starting to abate, so the impact on maize supplies and prices is more modest now.
美国农民说,政府对乙醇的需求正在开始减少,因此目前对玉米供给和价格产生的冲击已有所缓和。 ecocn

As a small, but growing, net exporter of wheat, maize and rice, China has, if anything, helped to ease world grain prices.
做为一个小型的,但是在增长的,小麦、玉米和大米的净出口国,中国更可能是在降低世界谷物价格。 ecocn

At some stage there will always be maize around, and it jumps any class barrier or identity.
在某些阶段,我们生活周遭永远都有玉米的存在,超过了任何障碍与身份识别。 yeeyan

But why did maize become the favoured food and the revered grain of the Americas?
但为什么唯独玉米成为所有美洲人最为青睐的食品与崇敬的谷物? yeeyan

Farmers who planted fertilizer trees reported double the maize production of other farmers.
种植肥料树的农民的玉米产品比其他农民高出一倍。 ebigear

For both wheat and maize, the results, published this week by Science, were negative.
研究发表在本周的《科学》杂志上,对小麦和玉米来说,结果是否定的。 ecocn

He reckons he has enough maize to feed his family until November.
他估计他收获的玉米只能让他的家人吃到今年十一月。 ecocn

In Kenya the price of maize has tripled.
在肯尼亚,玉米的价格增长了三倍。 ecocn

In some African markets maize and wheat prices have risen by 30% this year.
今年,在一些非洲市场上,玉米和小麦的价格上涨了30%。 ecocn

In the States, the trash- food capital of the world, most cattle never see grass but are fed on maize or on sugar- supplemented pellets in giant feed lots, which makes economic if not aesthetic sense.
在美国这个世界垃圾食品的首都,大多数牛从来没见过草,它们是在巨大的饲养场,用玉米或糖补充颗粒喂大的,即使没有增加美感也能产生经济效益。 yeeyan

Now someone must have upset him: rising maize prices could force the price of tortillas up by 50%, the makers of the corn pancakes warned last month.
现在,肯定有谁触犯了这位神灵了:玉米薄饼市场上月警告说,玉米价格的不断上涨推动了玉米饼价格上涨了50%。 ecocn

Prices vary from region to region, but on the global commodity markets wheat and maize have increased almost50 percent over last year.
世界粮食价格因地区而异。但在全球商品市场上,小麦和玉米价格在过去一年上涨了几乎50%。 www.voanews.com.cn




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