

单词 mair
释义 mair
=Maritime Air Force 海上空军,海军航空兵
The wheat flour is the mair raw material of people's food and the main source of people's nutrition.
小麦粉是人们食物的主要原料,也是人体营养的主要来源。 qikan

“ Without a strong ideology, there’s little reason why big parties should hold together, ” says Peter Mair of the European University Institute in Florence.
正如弗罗伦萨欧洲大学研究所的 Peter Mair所言:“没有强大的共同意识形态,各大党派不可能团结一致。 ecocn

And once in power, notes Peter Mair of the European University Institute in Florence, governments lose popularity more quickly, not least because they are constrained by decisions taken in Brussels.
然而一旦掌权,就如同位于佛罗伦萨的欧洲大学协会的 Peter Mair所说的那样,政府很快就失信于民,而不仅仅只是因为他们被布鲁赛尔所做的决定限制住了。 ecocn

For the nail fungustrecwhilsth mair conditioninghineent is the primary prerequisite for correct diagnosis.

I don't have anything like the experience to judge, but Victor Mair, who does and who passed it on to me, believes it rings quite true.
我没有亲身体会过,所以我不能妄下结论。但是 Victor Mair,这位体验过,并且传达给我的人,相信这是真的。 yeeyan

In this paper states the method of producing the pigment B by using2— naphthol as the mair raw material and its results.
本文叙述了以2——萘酚为主要原料合成颜料绿 B的方法及其研究成果。 cnki

NO SPECTACLE is “so ridiculous being the British public in one of its periodicals fits of morality”- harrumphed Thomas Mair conditioneraulay- a Victorian historian.
维多利亚时期的历史学家托马斯?麦考利一经怀恨:“没有什么阵势能比英国民众德行题目的周期性发作更为妄诞可笑。” topnews_0

The sewing mair conditionerhine won't function well if you don't oil it regularly.
如果你不定时上油那台缝纫机就不好用。 ttx355

There are sufficient people to help them pick apple mair conditionerskintoshs.
有足够的人去助理副理他们摘苹果。 sporteverydays

We advertisements either the following entrees: roast meats fried chicken or cooked mair coolingkerel.
我们从下列主菜中采选一项:烤牛肉、炸鸡或烘鲭鱼。 ledaowai




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