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词汇 Main Thought
释义 Main Thought
In this conclusion , I introduce the liberalism and “new left”, It includes representational person ,main thoughtand their contestation .本文结语中简单地介绍了自由主义和“新左派”的代表人物、主要思想、以及它们二者的论争。
Themain thoughtof parallel ken is to control uke's central line all the time. One must create the situation that uke can only move backward.平行剑首重中心线压制.;务必要在角度及时机上做到让对方只能往后退
Themain thoughtcurrent was to obey confucian classics , devaluate nopracticality knowledge ,and lay claim to practice in Tianqi and Chongzhendynasty.天启、崇祯年间主流思潮是尊遗经,贬俗学,经世致用,钱谦益走在了这股思潮的最前面。
Martin Bubers'main thoughtof dialogic philosophy contains world duality and life duality, ontology of relationship, establishment of the sphere of“ Betweenness”.马丁·伯对话哲学的主要思想包括:世界的二重性与人生的二重性;关系的本体性;“之间”领域的确立;皈依“永恒之你”。
In academe, there is a great bifurcation in the understanding of such things, i.e., themain thoughtof German ideology and its status in the history of Marxist philosophy.学术界对于如何理解《德意志意识形态》的主题思想及在马克思主义哲学史上的地位问题存在着很大的分歧。
Lastly, based on the existing CAI products, sets up a uniform and open CAI platform made up of study platform, self-test platform and communication platform. This CAI platform embodies themain thoughtof modern education.最后,结合现有的计算机辅助教育产品,建立了一个由学习平台、自测平台、通信平台组成的统一的开放性计算机辅助教育平台,并通过这个平台的实现,体现出现代教育的主要思想。




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