

单词 main river
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Continental Portugal is split in two by its main river, the Tagus Tejo.
塔霍河特茹河,Tagus将葡萄牙分为两部分。 ebigear

The main river closure is one of key techniques for the Three Gorges Project.
长江三峡工程大江截流是三峡工程的关键技术之一。 cnki

A driver called police after seeing a man sitting on top of the road bridge on the Main river near Frankfurt, and thought the25-year-old planned to kill himself.
一位司机在看到有一个男人站在桥的顶端时立即报了警。 他以为,这位现年25岁的年轻人肯定是打算在此结束自己的生命。 cri

According to the monitoring data of water quality, the comprehensive assessment is carried out for the water environment quality of Yishuhe Main River.
根据多年水质监测资料,对沂沭河干流水环境质量进行综合评价; cnki

After that the relative position of cities on main river changed.
后来主要是干流城市相对地位的变化。 cnki

Attribute distinction model of source and main river in Tarim river is built, gaits water quality is calculated.
根据塔里木河各测站的资料,建立了属性识别模型,评价了塔里木河的水质; cnki

Construct dykes along the main river course of the Tarim to channel water through the inland delta down to the lower reaches.
沿着塔里木河干流建堤坝,把水通过中游的内陆三角洲送到下游。 iciba

Finally, opening the flood diversion work's gate is through blasting or manpower, and the open order influences the discharge and elevation of water in main river.
最后是行洪区得两个口门一般是通过爆破或人工扒口打开,其开启顺序对干流河道水位、流量情况也有一定影响。 cnki

This paper is focused on the study of management of flood prevention and storm drainage for the main river of Xiaohaihe.
本文就小海河干流防洪排涝规划问题做了深入研究。 dictall

With the measured data of main and branch river in reservoir region of XLD project, the deposition feature in branch rivers and its relation with the main river deposition are researched.
通过小浪底水库实测干支流河道的断面资料,分析了水库运用初期支流的淤积形态,以及与干流的淤积关系。 cnki




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