

单词 main gate
释义 main gate meinɡeit 短语²⁴⁴⁸⁵
As each car pulled up to the main gate of the scenic area, scores of men blocked the car with their arms and ran up close to the car slapping on the door.
每有车辆即将行至景区大门时,就有数十名男子招手拦车,并紧随车辆拍打车门。 canalblog

If you look inside from the main gate, you will see them neatly attached to the central gates of all the rows of houses, their bright red color making them very eye-catching.
站在古宅的正门处往里望,可以看见每一进位于中轴线上的门上,楹联工整地贴着,鲜艳的红色联纸分外抢眼。 blog.sina.com.cn

The map shows that path leads directly to the main gate of our university.
地图显示那条小路直接通往我们大学的正门。 sisunet

The restoration of Gwanghwamun, the landmark main gate to Gyeongbok Palace in central Seoul, is almost complete and will be open on August15, South Korea's Independence Day.
据韩国《中央日报》报道,韩国首尔市中心的景福宫正门光化门复原工作基本完成,将于15日韩国“光复节”正式开放。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A voice on an intercom at the main gate said the owner would come out to answer questions, but when a gray-haired man in a brown jacket appeared, he said little.
大门上对讲机里的一个声音说,农场主人会出来回答我的问题,但是当一个头发花白、穿着棕色夹克的男人出现后,他却几乎没说出来什么。 yeeyan

At one stage an unprotected person at the main gate would have received the maximum allowable yearly dose for a nuclear-industry worker in a matter of hours.
在处理此次事故中的工作人员,由于没有保护手段,数小时内接受的辐射量相当于人一年内接受的辐射最大剂量。 ecocn

However, apart from the high walls and the main gate, there are no prison bars.
但是,监狱中只有高墙和正门,没有栅栏。 huanqiu

They drove right up to the main gate.
他们将车一直开到大门口。 jukuu

Two huge towers flanked the castle's main gate, and smaller ones defended every angle of its walls.
城堡正门的两侧耸立着两座巨大的塔楼,几座小塔楼则守护着城墙的每个拐角。 cndkc




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