

单词 main event
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The main event in London is Thursday's summit on the global financial crisis among the Group of20 wealthy and developing nations.
伦敦的聚焦点是:星期四20个发达和发展中国家将要召开关于这次全球经济危机的峰会。 yeeyan

He was just killing time until the main event, but he was killing it in such exquisite ways. Time, and sometimes people.
他就一直在那里消磨时光直到发生重大的事情,但是他竟然用如此精致的方式去消磨时光。 yeeyan

If there is a second dip it is likely to be smaller and quicker than the main event.
如果经济出现第二次下滑,规模可能会比第一次更小,持续时间也更短。 iciba

If they like you and you pass the interview, it's now time for the main event.
要是他们挺喜欢你,你通过了面试,就该是干正事的时候了。 yeeyan

In the poor countries themselves, agriculture has gone from being a sideshow for the government—something the minister of agriculture does—into its main event, which everyone needs to worry about.
而对贫困国家自身,农业也不再是场仅有农业部长参与的余兴节目,而成为人人都需思考的头等大事。 ecocn




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