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词汇 Main database
释义 Main database
Any relative directory is relative to the main database file.任何相对目录都相对于主数据库文件。
Once an individual has enrolled to participate in the Usability Research program they are entered into this main database.当个体登记到参与可用性研究项目,他们就进入了这么主要的数据库。
If the main database server fails, the standby server is able to mount and start the database as though it was recovering from a database crash.This allows rapid failover with no data loss.如果主数据库服务器失败,那么standby服务器能够mount这个盘并且重启数据库仿佛是数据库crash之后的恢复。
MobiLink is a session-based synchronization system that allows two-way synchronization between a main database, called the consolidated database, and many remote databases.MobiLink是基于会话的同步系统,它允许在称作统一数据库的主数据库与多个远程数据库之间进行双向同步。
Its concept, classification, application and some main databases are introduced, and it is forecasted that bioinformatics is on the eve of a giant science development.介绍生物信息学的概念、分类、应用和重要的生物信息学数据库,并对生物信息学的发展进行展望 ,指出生物信息学正处在科学发展的前夜。
Vector Graphic Seamless Link with Main Database Model for WWW GIS矢量图形与主数据库无缝连接万维网地理信息系统的设计和实现




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