

单词 mailed
释义 mailed 英meɪld美meldAHDmāld 高COCA¹⁴⁵⁷²BNC³⁴³⁰⁷iWeb³⁵⁶⁵³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
wearing protective mailmail邮件air mail航空邮政
mail-ed如|被…的⇒adj.披着铠甲的;动物有甲壳的;动有锁子甲状鳞的近义词 mail-clad披着铠甲的

The stamps, labels, or printing placed on an item to bemailedas evidence of payment of this charge.邮资已付邮戳贴于需邮寄物品之上作为已付邮资之证明的邮票、标签或印戳
The cheque wasmailedto your home address yesterday.这张支票是昨天寄到你家中的。
Hemaileda letter for me.他为我寄了一封信。
Imailedthe letter as early as Friday.我早在星期五就把信寄了。adj.posted
同义词 delivered,dispatched,shippedsent by mail,sent by post
deliveredadjective brought
checked in,conveyed,deposited,dispatched,expressed,forwarded,handed over,sent,shipped,transported,trucked
sentadjective shipped
appointed,commissioned,committed,consigned,delegated,directed,discharged,dispatched,emitted,gone,issued,mailed,ordered,posted,transmitted,transported Emanuel is also said to have mailed a smelly dead fish to a campaign pollster who upset him.
据说他还曾寄了一条死鱼给一位惹火他的竞选阵营民调分析师。 yeeyan

The divorce papers had arrived six months later, mailed to the cottage that Suchen had rented, not far from their old house.
六个月后,离婚文件寄到了苏晨租住的小屋,小屋离他们原来住的地方不远。 yeeyan

The letter was mailed from Pennsylvania to me.

What's more, don't allow your transaction confirmations and account statements to be mailed to your financial adviser instead of you.
而且,不要允许将你的交易确认书和帐户报表寄到你的财务顾问那里。 ebigear

“ On a whim, I wrote a couple of paragraphs and mailed them in, ” he wrote.
“一时兴起,我写了几章给他们寄了过去”他写道。 yeeyan

A few weeks after she mailed the letter, Mrs. Arnold received a handwritten note from Mr. Obama.
阿诺德夫人寄出这封信几周之后,就收到了奥巴马先生亲笔回复的信笺。 yeeyan

Even though she mailed it several weeks in advance of my birthday, it took about one month to reach me.
尽管她特意提前几周就寄出了贺卡,但我还是在一个月后才收到她的来信。 fortunechina

Have you ever mailed letters to your friends?
你曾给朋友寄过信吗? kekenet

He can choose to download them or he can have them snail- mailedthe game on CD- ROM, the poster as, well, a poster.
他可以选择下载,也可以选择邮寄游戏包含在 CD- ROM上,海报是印刷品。 ibm

He says reporting on the mailed form and through follow- up enumerators often mislabeled the gender of spouses, which skewed the numbers.
他还说,邮寄的表格和普查员经常弄错配偶的性别,这使得数字有偏差。 yeeyan

I need to have this package air mailed.
我必须航空邮寄这包裹。 kekenet

It can be mailed to your hotel room or wherever you are staying at, or you can pick it up yourself at the nearest partner bank.
它会邮寄到你下榻的酒店或是任何你在的地方,你也可以自己到最近的合作银行领取。 yeeyan

Japanese police are trying to identify cremated human remains that were mailed to the headquarters of a TV station by a viewer who was incensed at missing a cartoon.
日前,日本一名电视观众错过一集东京电视台的卡通片后恼羞成怒地将一袋人体骨灰寄到电视台以示报复。 cri

Maybe Mr. Obama should have mailed coupons instead of reducing the tax bite on paychecks.
或许奥巴马之前应当直接向消费者邮寄优惠券,而不是降低他们的收入所得税。 iciba

My friends in California mailed me some news clips about you.
我在加州的朋友给我寄来了一些关于你的新闻剪报。 blog.sina.com.cn

My mother mailed me a parcel.
我妈给我寄了一个包裹。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Now that all the college- admissions acceptance and rejection letters have been mailed, students and parents are taking stock of their lot.
现在,所有的大学的录取通知书和拒绝信都已寄出,学生和家长们都在权衡他们的命运。 yeeyan

She had signed them at once and mailed them back.
她立刻在文件上签了字并寄了回去。 yeeyan

That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the Capri's Weekly newspaper.
那天晚上,我写了一首关于梦想破灭的伤心短诗,并将它寄给了《卡普里周报》。 ebigear

That includes files viewed or edited by a program if they might be mailed by an attacker.
这包括那些被程序浏览或编辑的可能是由攻击者寄来的文件。 ibm

They got mailed when we reached Tulagi Island.
我们抵达图拉吉岛后都寄了出去。 ebigear

Your permanent resident card will be mailed to you at this address.
你的永久居民卡会寄到这个地址。 yeeyan




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