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词汇 maid
释义 maid 英meɪd美medAHDmād ★★☆☆☆高四六研I4八COCA⁸²⁵⁴BNC⁶⁸¹⁰iWeb⁸⁷¹⁰Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺


a female servant


a girl or young woman who is not married

a female domestican unmarried girl especially a virgin
maid, girl, virgin



The virgin vowed she would never marry.那少女发誓永不嫁人。

maid是诗歌用语,在日常生活中较少使用; girl则可以表示小女孩或年轻的未婚女子,有时在口语中甚至可以指已婚妇女。



用作名词 n.
动词+~keep a maid雇用保姆形容词+~careless maid粗心的女仆名词+~cleaner maid清洁女工kitchen maid厨房女佣
故事记忆从前有一个 Mermaid美人鱼长发编成了 Braid发辫给一富家做 Maid女仆因为薪水是 Underpaid少付工资的发动鱼虾来 Raid袭击真是很令人 Afraid害怕非常记忆mai买〖拼音〗+d狗〖编码dog〗⇒女佣买了只狗狗联想记忆m+aid帮助→来帮忙干活的女仆谐音记忆音“买的”⇒这个女佣是买的近义词 girlvirgin反义词 boy男孩
用作名词n.Her maid helped her to dress for the ball.她的女仆帮她穿衣准备参加舞会。
This is a story about the love between a man and amaid.这是一个关于一个小伙子和一个姑娘的爱情故事。Pmaidyn.小女孩Phousemaidn.女佣Pmermaidn.美人鱼Pnursemaidn.保姆Pbondmaidn.女奴隶Psea-maidn.美人鱼Pnurserymaidn.保姆Pbridesmaidn.女傧相Phandmaidn.侍女女仆Psea-maidenn.美人鱼Phandmaidenn.侍女女仆Pbetweenmaidn.打杂女佣Pchambermaidn.女服务员Pmaidservantn.女仆女佣Pservant-maidn.保姆女仆Pmaidenhairn.掌叶钱线蕨Pdairymaidn.乳牛场的女工Pmaidenisha.少女的似少女的Pmaidenhoodn.处女性处女时代Pmaidenlikea.处女般的柔和的Pbarmaidn.酒吧女侍酒吧女招待Pmaidism糙皮病蜀黍红斑陪拉格Pkitchenmaidn.厨房女佣烧饭女佣Pmetermaid处理违章停车的女警察Pmaidenlya.像处女的温柔的文雅的Pmaidisha.少女的老处女的少女似的Pmaidenheadn.处女膜处女时期处女性Pmilkmaidn.挤奶妇在牛奶场工作的女工Pold-maidisha.象老处女的古板的拘谨的Pmaidenlinessn.少女的特性合乎少女身份的举动Pparlormaidn.负责餐桌侍候的客厅女仆负责开门的客厅女仆Pmaidenn.年轻未婚女子少女处女a.未婚的处女的初次的无经验的

用作名词Hermaidhelped her to dress up for the party.她的女仆帮助她穿上参加晚会的礼服。
I'll send themaidround to carry it to your house.我将派女仆把它送到你家去。
Themaidlowered her chin and simpered.那位侍女压低下额傻笑着。
They have two servants, a cook and amaid.他们有两个仆人,一个厨子和一个侍女。用作名词noun.servant
同义词 au pair,chambermaid,girl,housemaidbiddy,damsel,domestic,factotum,handmaiden,help,maidservant,miss,nursemaid,womancleaning lady,cleaning woman,hired girl,live-in
cleaning womannoun female who performs housework
charwoman,cleaning lady,cleaning service,daily,daily woman,housecleaner,household help,housekeeper,housemaid,maidservant
housekeepernoun domestic
caretaker,chambermaid,house cleaner,housemaid,housewife,maid,servant
lassnoun young woman
wenchnoun female servant
girl,lass,maid,maiden,maidservant,young woman But you ought to have a maid.
您应该有一个收拾房间的女仆呀。 ebigear

I made you wear that tacky French maid costume to my friend's party!
那次万圣节,你非让我穿那件难看得要命的法国女仆装! iciba

If she wants to eat bread, then she will have to earn it. Out with this kitchen maid!
谁想吃上面包,谁就得自己去挣得,滚到厨房里做厨房女佣去吧! hjenglish

In these early stories, there was no love interest from Maid Marion, no link to Richard I, no mention of the resistance versus the Norman Conquest.
这些早期的故事里,没有少女玛瑞恩的爱情,没有和理查一世的交往,也没有提到抵抗诺曼征服。 yeeyan

The door was opened by a swarthy foreign-looking maid, with a prominent bosom under a gay neckerchief, whom he vaguely fancied to be Sicilian.
一位黑黝黝的异国面孔的女佣开了门。她胸部高高隆起,戴着花哨的围巾,他隐隐约约觉得她是个西西里人。 kekenet

While in other parts of the world there is no end to the movement and clamour of the revelry of free life, we, like the beggar maid, stand outside and longingly look on.
在世界的其他地方,狂热追求自由生活的运动与抗争从未停止,我们却像求乞的少女,站在外面眼巴巴地看着。 yeeyan

A maid claimed she had not received an increase in her $500 monthly salary for14 years.
报导不像之前一样毕恭毕敬。一名女佣说她500美元的月薪14年来从未加涨。 ecocn

A maid comes twice a week. Her other regular visitor is Esmerelda, her gardener's six-year-old daughter.
除了一个女仆每周过来两次,蕾切尔的花匠六岁的女儿艾斯米尔达也常常来拜访她。 yeeyan

But most Californians were more interested in the scandal surrounding their former governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who admitted fathering a son14 years ago with his family’s maid.
不过大部分加州人更感兴趣的是关于其前任州长阿诺德•施瓦辛格的绯闻,施瓦辛格承认14年前与其家庭女佣育有一个儿子。 ecocn

Catherine goes on to marry Edgar and Ellen leaves with her as her maid.
凯瑟琳嫁给了埃德加,艾伦作为她的女仆跟她一起离开了呼啸山庄。 yeeyan

Click on the chart below for an animated explanation of how this game of Old Maid is played with hundreds of billions of dollars.
点击下面图表,会看到这种“老处女”游戏如何玩转成百上千亿美元的生动说明。 ecocn

Ester left school at14 to work beside her mother as a maid and now has two young kids.
埃斯特14岁离开了学校,在她母亲身边做着女仆的工作,现在已经有了两个小孩。 yeeyan

Few had a good word for the hotel maid; some treated her claims with equal disdain.
对于酒店女仆,几乎没有一句是好话;有些人同样藐视她的陈词。 ecocn

He gave his maid$100 for a month's work.

His first wife, Alice Easley Shields, moved around after they split up, working as a seamstress and a maid, and two of their sons stumbled.
他的第一个妻子爱丽丝-伊斯利-谢尔兹,跟他分手之后居无定所,当过裁缝,干过女佣,拖带着两个孩子,艰难度日。 yeeyan

If you make her dinner, buy her a nice bunch of roses, and get her an incredibly personal and loving gift, then it might be time to break out the French maid costume.
如果你为她烹调一顿晚餐,买一束漂亮的玫瑰,给她一个不可思议的她个人十分喜欢的礼物,那么这可能是时候拿出那套法国女仆套装了。 yeeyan

Millions more have wallowed in the break-up of Arnold Schwarzenegger's marriage after revelations that he fathered a son with a maid.
阿诺德•施瓦辛格被爆与女佣生下一子,之后婚姻破裂,这成了无数美国人茶余饭后的闲话。 ecocn

Remember you released two thousand palace maids? My old maid has two boys now, she is so happy.
您还记得您遣送两千宫女回家吧?我过去的侍女已经有两个孩子了,尽享天伦之乐。 cri

ROSIE, the robotic maid in“The Jetsons”, was quite a character, but she did a reasonably good job of cooking and cleaning.
动画片《杰森一家》里的机器人女仆罗茜,性格非常古怪,但是在对待自己做饭、打扫的工作上,她却极其认真、非常负责。 ecocn

She doubled as secretary and maid in the play.

Still, there may be a similar thread of entitlement running through his earlier reported affairs and the alleged assault against a hotel maid.
不过,较早前报道的他的利用职权的外遇与这次对酒店女佣的性侵, 可能有许多相似之处。 yeeyan

Students at the University of California, Los Angeles now appreciate weekly maid service in the dorms.
加州大学洛杉矶分校的学生现在非常赞赏寝室里每周一次的女佣服务。 ecocn

You can pay a maid to clean your house, or a personal assistant to answer your emails.
你可以雇佣一个女仆帮你打扫房间,或者一个私人助理帮你处理回复邮件。 yeeyan

You lay in bed with the blankets pulled up to your nose, crying, refusing to answer the door when the maid, your manager, your assistant, and finally your parents begged you to come out.
你躺在床上,把毯子一直拉到鼻子上,哭着,在女佣、你的经纪人、你的助理、最后是你的父母请求你出来时,拒绝去开门。 yeeyan

You must let her have a maid to keep things tidy about her, and you must treat her kindly.
你一定得让她有个女仆给她收拾东西,而且你一定得好好对待她。 putclub

Zeus was in favor of Helen even though she was just a maid.
宙斯非常喜爱海伦,尽管她只是一个侍女。 kekenet




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