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词汇 mahout
释义 ma·hout 英məˈhaʊt美məˈhaʊtAHDmə-houtʹ 高COCA⁷¹⁴⁹⁶BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb⁴⁸⁷⁹³
the driver and keeper of an elephant来自印度语。
用作名词This was what themahoutdid,they were skilled warriors.这就是象夫所做的,他们是具有经验的战士。 The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job.
驯象中至关生要的是指派一名专门的驯象员,全面负责这项工作。 kekenet

The final results are stored in a single file labeled with the category name, one document per line, which is the input format that Mahout expects.
最终结果将存储在一个特定的文件中该文件名包含类别名,并采用每行一个文档的格式,这是 Mahout所需的输入格式。 ibm

The output from such a test in Mahout is a data structure called a confusion matrix.
这种测试在 Mahout中输出的数据结构是混合矩阵。 ibm

Then I'll show you how to use Mahout to do some interesting machine- learning tasks using the freely available Wikipedia data set.
然后,我将演示如何使用 Mahout完成一些有趣的机器学习任务,这需要使用免费的 Wikipedia数据集。 ibm

“ They didn’t pay me, ” the mahout said.
他们没有付钱给我呢。 ecocn

“ What’s the meaning of this?” he shouted to the mahout.
“这是什么意思呀?”他大声问了问那个看象人。 ecocn

After giving a brief overview of machine- learning concepts, I'll introduce you to the Apache Mahout project's features, history, and goals.
在简要概述机器学习的概念之后,我将介绍 Apache Mahout项目的特性、历史和目标。 ibm

Apache Mahout has come a long way in just over a year, with significant capabilities for clustering, categorization, and CF, but it also has plenty of room for growth.
Apache Mahout在一年多的时间中走过了漫长的道路,为集群、分类和 CF提供了许多重要的功能,但它还存在很大的发展空间。 ibm

Apache Mahout is a new open source project by the Apache Software Foundation ASF with the primary goal of creating scalable machine- learning algorithms that are free to use under the Apache license.
Apache Mahout是 Apache Software Foundation ASF 开发的一个全新的开源项目,其主要目标是创建一些可伸缩的机器学习算法,供开发人员在 Apache在许可下免费使用。 ibm

Gripping my hair with both hands, his own long hair blowing in the wind, he rode me like a mahout rides a baggy old elephant.
他用手抓住我的头发,他的长头发在风中飞舞,他骑在我身上,就像一名驯象师骑着一匹又肥又老的大象。 yeeyan

Halfway up the hill, he saw an elephant coming down, with a small bundle of leaves on its back and a mahout poking its ear with an iron rod.
就在上到半山腰的时候,他看到了迎面走过来一头大象,大象背上背着一小捆树叶,旁边看象人拿一根小铁棒在拨弄着它的耳朵。 ecocn

I'll take a deeper look at each of these tasks at the conceptual level before exploring their implementations in Mahout.
在研究它们在 Mahout中的实现之前,我将从概念的层面上更加深入地讨论这些任务。 ibm

If he charged, I could shoot; if he took no notice of me, it would be safe to leave him until the mahout came back.
它要是向我冲过来,那我就开枪;它要是不理我,那就不会再有危险,就由它去,等驯象人回来再说。 yeeyan

In your use of Mahout, you will likely want to try creating vectors in a variety of ways to see which yields the best results.
在使用 Mahout时,您可能希望尝试采用不同的方法来创建矢量,以确定哪种方法的效果最好。 ibm

Next up, I'll take a look at how to find similar articles by leveraging some of Mahout's clustering capabilities.
接下来,我将讨论如何通过利用 Mahout的集群功能来查找相似文章。 ibm

Run the clustering algorithm of choice using one of the many Hadoop- ready driver programs available in Mahout.
使用 Mahout中可用的 Hadoop就绪的驱动程序运行所选集群算法。 ibm

Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.
这种极端的事例虽不可全信,但强调了一项基本原则,象和驯象员之间的关系是驯象成功与否的关健。 hjenglish

The next time you have a need to cluster, categorize, or recommend content, especially at large scale, give Apache Mahout a look.
下次在需要集群、分类或推荐内容时,特别是规模很大时,一定要考虑使用 Apache Mahout。 ibm

This is the first step in enabling Mahout learning algorithms process a data base.
这也是采用Mahout机器学习算法来处理数据的首要任务。 infoq

Thus, to run Mahout's classifier, you need to first train the model and then use that model to classify new content.
因此,要运行 Mahout的分类器,您首先需要训练模式,然后再使用该模式对新内容进行分类。 ibm

Watching a mahout lovingly bathe his elephant, I tried capturing the moment from the riverside but wasn't satisfied with what I saw through the viewfinder.

Mahout contains implementations for clustering, categorization, CF, and evolutionary programming.
Mahout包含许多实现,包括集群、分类、CP和进化程序。 ibm

Mahout currently provides tools for building a recommendation engine through the Taste library— a fast and flexible engine for CF.
Mahout目前提供了一些工具,可用于通过 Taste库建立一个推荐引擎—针对 CF的快速且灵活的引擎。 ibm




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