

单词 Mahmoud Abbas
释义 Mahmoud Abbas
The Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Ehud Olmert andMahmoud Abbas, look weak.以色列和巴勒斯坦的领导人,奥尔默特和阿巴斯,看起来无能为力。
THE bougainvilleas outside PresidentMahmoud Abbas's house in Gaza City are in full pink-and-white bloom.粉白色的葛蔓花爬满了阿巴斯加沙官邸的外壁。
They demanded that PresidentMahmoud Abbasact against Hamas in Gaza and called for the death of Prime Minster Ismail Haniyeh, a member of Hamas.他们要求巴民族权力机构主席阿巴斯反对哈马斯,并呼吁处死哈马斯领导人、巴民族联合政府总理哈尼亚。
Rice spoke at a news conference with Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbasin the West Bank town of Ramallah.赖斯是在西岸城市拉马拉跟巴勒斯坦领导人阿巴斯举行记者会时讲这番话的。
Fatah leader and Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbasnow heads a more moderate government in the West Bank.法塔赫领导人和巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯目前在西岸领导着一个比较温和的政府。
Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbasdeployed his police forces in the West Bank town of Jenin on Saturday.巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯星期六在约旦河西岸的杰宁镇部署了警察部队。




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