释义 |
MahendraEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 摩哂陀约270BC-240BC,印度人,阿育王之子,在锡兰传播佛教。 Mahendrabelonged to the Vaishnava sect and was Ram's neighbour.摩亨佐属于外氏那瓦教派毗瑟奴派,也是罗姆的邻居。 He was taken to the drawing-room and there he engaged in conversation withMahendraGoswami.他被带到客厅,还在那里与摩亨佐哥斯瓦米聊起来。 Within less than one and a half years, KingMahendradissolved the newly elected government and grabbed power.然而不到一年半的时间内,马享德国王解散了新选举的政府并攫取了权力。 Mahendrarecorded in his diary Sri Ramakrishna's conversations with his devotees.摩哂陀把室利罗摩克里希纳与门徒的交谈记录成日记。 MahendraPolice Club defeated Tribhuwan Army Club 2-0 to clinch the Nepal League crown here at the Dashrath Stadium on Sunday.非胜不可的马亨德拉警察,周日以2比0打败特里布万武装,赢得尼泊尔联赛冠军。 We said this compromise was bad and that there was a danger of the palace grabbing power again, as had happened inMahendra's time.我们认为妥协是有害的,存在着王室会重新攫取政权的危险性,这个危险在马享德拉时期果然发生了。 |