

单词 maharaja
释义 ma·ha·ra·ja AHDˌmähəˈräjə,-räzhə ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁸⁵⁶¹⁸BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb⁴⁹⁵⁹⁰
a great raja; a Hindu prince or king in India ranking above a raja来自梵语maha,大的,词源同magnate,raja,国王,词源同regal.用于指印度过去的王公,土邦主。近义词 maharajah大君印度君候尊称…
Almost certainly driven by commercial imperatives, and giving the lie to any imperial ambitions. In India, in deference to the Hindu religion, the chicken based Maharaja Mac replaces the Big Mac.
这主要是出于商业运营的考虑,同时也揭示了其饮食帝国的野心:在印度,为了尊重印度教,鸡肉味的 Maharaja Mac替代了 Big Mac; yeeyan

McDonald’s does not sell Big Macs there, so we have taken the price of a Maharaja Mac, made with chicken instead of beef.
麦当劳在印度并不出售巨无霸,所以我们用王公鸡肉堡取而代之,这种汉堡用鸡肉制作而不是牛肉。 ecocn

When Satya- tapa saw our repentant attitude, he became pleased and told us we would live as trees only until Maharaja Bharata came in contact with us.
我们悔改的态度取悦了 Satya- tapa,于是他说我们作为树的生活只会延续到巴茹阿特·玛哈茹阿佳遇见我们时。163

“There is a desire with China to get along, and I know there is such a desire in India,” says Maharaja Krishna Rasgotra, former Indian Foreign Secretary.
“中国希望和平相处,我想印度也有同样的愿望。”印度前外交部长 Maharaja Krishna Rasgotra说。 yeeyan

After darshan with my disciples, Govinda Maharaja came to inform me that we were in hot water regarding our entering the country illegally.
在和门徒见面之后,哥文达•玛哈茹阿佳来告诉我说我们因为是非法入境所以情况还挺麻烦。 blog.sina.com.cn

Asked to speak by Govinda Maharaja, I gave a one hour talk and then asked for questions.
在哥文达玛哈如阿佳的要求下,我给大家讲了一个小时,之后是回答问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

For the first time, we have included India in our survey. McDonald's does not sell Big Macs there, so we have taken the price of a Maharaja Mac, made with chicken instead of beef.
这是我们第一次将印度囊括在调查的国家中,因为麦当劳并不在印度销售巨无霸,于是我们选取印度版巨无霸来研究,汉堡里面夹的是鸡肉而不是牛肉。 kekenet

Getting up, I left my little daydream in the garden and walked with Maharaja to the car.
站起身来,我把我小小的白日梦留在了花园里,和玛哈如阿佳一起向车子走去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Govinda Maharaja usually gets out and jokes with the officers. He even embraces them and then they start laughing and let us go.
哥文达玛哈茹阿佳有时候会下车和警察开个玩笑,他甚至会和他们拥抱,大家一起爆发出笑声,然后我们就可以走了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Guiding them in their spiritual lives is my main service to my own guru maharaja, Srila Prabhupada.
指导门徒的灵性生活是我对我的灵性导师圣帕布帕德履行的主要服务。 blog.sina.com.cn

He was also an unofficial political adviser to Gulab Singh, the then Maharaja of Kashmir.

My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service, reading all the books is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar.
我的古茹玛哈茹阿佳曾经说过,对于那些不从事奉爱服务的人,阅读各种书籍只是在舔蜂蜜罐子的外表。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of the last images is a portrait of Maharaja Jaswant Singh II of Jodhpur.
最后的绘画作品之一是焦特布尔辛格王公二世的肖像画。 topsage

Seeing my exhausted state, Govinda Maharaja told me to stay back from the program. With a little extra time I tried to answer some correspondence, but fell asleep at the computer.
看出我疲劳的状态,哥文达玛哈如阿佳让我留下来休息,这样我就有点时间处理信件,我却在电脑前睡着了。 blog.sina.com.cn

TinTin and Snowy are in India, guests of the Maharaja of Gaipajama, enjoying a well-earned rest.
丁丁和白雪正在印度一个王公家做客,享受著閒适的假期。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

Turkey will be represented by national ski team member Gulsah Alkoclar, and India by the last descendant of the maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir.
代表土耳其出席的是国家滑雪队队员艾可克拉。查谟和克什米尔王朝的后裔则代表印度出席。 i21st

When Lord Nrsimhadeva saw the small boy Prahlada Maharaja prostrated at the soles of His lotus feet, He became most ecstatic in affection toward His devotee.
当主尼星哈戴瓦看到小男孩儿帕拉德大君拜倒在他的莲花足下的时候,祂处于对奉献者的爱的狂喜之中。 www.krishna.com.cn




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