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词汇 Magritte
释义 Ma·gritte 英mɑːˈgriːt美mɑˈgritAHDmä-grētʹ 
n.René Magritte 雷内·马格利特1898-1967;比利时超现实主义画家¹⁰⁰

Belgian surrealist painter 1898-1967He played a major role in rehabilitatingMagritteas an artist.他对恢复玛格里特艺术家的名誉起了重要的作用。
This loyal guide dog accompaniedMagritteto the amusement park.这个忠诚的导盲犬陪伴玛格丽特去了游乐园。
Magritte, a Belgian painter, is a representative of Superrealistic painters.马格里特,比利时画家,超现实主义的代表之一。
Along the way it producedMagritte, Simenon, Tintin, the saxophone and a lot of chocolate.在这一过程中它产生了马格里特译注1,西姆农译注2,丁丁历险记,萨克斯管和许多许多巧克力。
This being said, I believe that the highest aesthetic experience has the exact opposite effect from that of Cage's andMagritte's work.至此,我认为最高层次的审美体验具有与凯奇和马格里特作品截然不同的效果。
Magritteknits verbal signs and plastic elements together, but without referring them to a prior isotopism.马格利特将言说的符号与可塑性元素编织在一起,但并未指出这二者谁更优先。 IN THE land of Magritte, art scarcely matches the surrealism of Belgian politics.
马格里特的比利时,超现实主义艺术不敌超现实主义政治。 ecocn

Réné Magritte's correspondence with Paul Colinet will be sold at Sotheby's in New York on June18th as part of its Fine Books and Manuscripts sale.
雷内·马格利特与保罗·克林勒的书信将于6月18日在纽约索斯比拍卖行拍卖,将出现在珍贵书籍和手稿部分。 ecocn

The graphics in modern posters take on a series of ideas and tactics from Magritte style and enrich themselves with creative graphics expression.
现代招贴设计中的图形从马格里特风格中获得了一系列精神理念和表现手法,从而丰富了图形的创意表现。 dictall

The idea of using absurdist stimuli like Monty Python and the Magritte painting is that, like Kafka’s short story, they challenge our settled perceptions of the world.
使用巨蟒和马格利特荒诞绘画刺激想法,就像卡夫卡的短篇故事一样,是为了他们解决对解决世界挑战的看法。 yeeyan

WHEN René Magritte was13 years old, his mother drowned herself in a local river. When the body was recovered her face was found to be covered with her nightdress.
雷内·马格利特十三岁的时候,母亲在当地投水自杀,尸体捞上来的时候,睡裙盖在脸上。 ecocn

Magritte’s letters to Colinet were recovered from his studio by Georgette after his death and sold at auction in London in1987.
在他死后,妻子乔治特在他工作室里发现了他写给克林勒的信,并于1987年在伦敦拍卖。 ecocn

Along the way it produced Magritte, Simenon, Tintin, the saxophone and a lot of chocolate.
在这一过程中它产生了马格里特译注1,西姆农译注2,丁丁历险记,萨克斯管和许多许多巧克力。 ecocn

As one editorialist put it, alluding to Magritte’s nonsensical pipe: Ceci n’est plus un pays “ This is no longer a country”.
正如一位社论作者暗引马格里特荒诞的管子造型作品之名写道:此国不复存矣这不再是个国家。 ecocn

Five hundred works were seized, including copies of paintings by Matisse, Magritte and Fontana.
他们共缴获了500幅赝品,包括马蒂斯,马格利特和封塔纳等人的作品的伪造品。 tingclass

For nearly a century fans of Magritte have studied his works, determined to find hidden meanings within them.
将近一个世纪以来, Magritte迷们不断研究他的作品,试图揭示其作品背后隐藏的意义。 ecocn

I think this directness is what's most important in Belgian art, including Magritte, who was no painter but a great artist nonetheless.
我认为这直接因果关系是最关键的比利时艺术,包括利特,谁没有一个伟大的画家,但仍然重要的艺术家。 artcomb

In the third study participants reacted to the meaning threat of the Magritte painting by expressing a greater need for structure.
通过在第三个研究参与者的对威胁反应含义,马格利特的绘画表达了对结构更多的需求。 yeeyan

In the third study they used Magritte’s famous absurdist painting of a bowler- hatted gentleman with a big green apple in front of his face.
在第三个研究中,他们使用马格利特著名的荒诞画一个在他面前的绿苹果投球的盔绅士。 yeeyan

Sir Paul was given them by his late wife, Linda, who’d bought them at a sale staged by Magritte’s widow, Georgette.
它是保罗-麦卡特尼爵士已故的妻子琳达在由画家雷尼· 马格利特的遗孀乔其蒂举办的雷尼· 马格利特生前物品拍卖会上拍得送给他的。 yeeyan

Such as Picasso, Dali, Magritte, Naranjo large number of artists such as the emergence of artists exploring the reconstruction aspects of figurative painting set off waves.
如毕加索、达利、马格里特、纳兰霍等一大批艺术家的出现,艺术家们在探索具象绘画的重构方面掀起了巨浪。 fabiao

The letters are full of sketches that show Magritte’s vivid imagination.
这些信件满是草图,显示了马格利特丰富生动的想像力,他喜欢玩弄数字,迷恋数字9; ecocn

The effects would be felt far beyond the fantasy world of Tintin and Magritte’s bowler- hatted men falling from the sky.
对世界产生的影响也远远超过了丁丁的奇幻世界和马格利特的作品——从天而降戴帽子的投球手。 ecocn

The letters are full of sketches that show Magritte’s vivid imagination.
这些满是草图的信件展现出了玛格利特丰富的想象力。 ecocn

The research backed up this idea. Both Python and Magritte produced the same counter- reaction in people, leading them to restate values in which they believed.
恰巧这项研究支持了这个想法,人们对巨蟒和马格利特都产生了相同的反应,导致他们重申他们相信的价值观。 yeeyan

They are all addressed to Paul Colinet, a Belgian poet who worked closely with Magritte and who, for a long time, was also the lover of Magritte’s wife.
这些信全是二十多年来,马格利特写给比利时诗人保罗·克林勒的,后者是马格利特的密友,也曾一度是马格利特妻子的情人。 ecocn

This thesis starts with a detailed analysis of Magritte's paintings and then further studies his painting style from the perspectives of internal spirit features and external visual expression.
本文首先对马格里特的一些绘画作品进行深入分析,从内在精神特征和外在视觉表现两方面对他的绘画风格进行详细研究。 fabiao

This being said, I believe that the highest aesthetic experience has the exact opposite effect from that of Cage's and Magritte's work.
至此,我认为最高层次的审美体验具有与凯奇和马格里特作品截然不同的效果。 hotdic

WHEN René Magritte was13 years old, his mother drowned herself in a local river.
当 René Magritte13岁的时候,他的母亲在当地的一条河中自溺身亡。 ecocn

Magritte, a Belgian painter, is a representative of Superrealistic painters.
马格里特,比利时画家,超现实主义的代表之一。 fabiao

Magritte's art persistently questioned, with a kind of disturbing humor, the conventions of painting.




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