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词汇 magnitsky
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The Russian authorities retaliated with a $17.4m tax case against Hermitage and arrested Mr Magnitsky, who had uncovered evidence of fraud and implicated the policemen who arrested him.
俄罗斯官方报复性地向隐士资本提出了涉及1740万美元的税收指控并逮捕了 Magnitsky,他曝光了涉嫌欺诈的证据,而其中涉及逮捕他的警察们。

After meeting human- rights activists, Mr Medvedev ordered an investigation into Mr Magnitsky's death and into conditions in Russian detention centres.
在跟人权活动家会面后,梅德韦杰夫下令调查 Magnitsky的死和俄罗斯的扣押中心的状况。

Just as Prince Andrey walked into the room, Magnitsky's words were again drowned in laughter.
当安德烈公爵走进房里来,马格尼茨基所讲的话又被笑声淹没了。 tingroom

Mr Magnitsky, a successful corporate lawyer, blew the whistle on a big corruption scheme run by a group of police investigators, only to be put in jail and hounded to death by the same policemen.
马格尼茨基是一个成功的企业律师,他由于揭露了一群警察调查人员的大型腐败计划而被扔到监狱里,并由这同一批警察折磨到死。 ecocn

Sergei Magnitsky worked for Hermitage Capital, an investment fund run by Bill Browder, once a loyal Putinist who was barred from Russia in 2005 after feuding with firms close to the Kremlin.
Sergei Magnitsky曾就职于隐士资本管理公司,公司一把手比尔•布劳德曾是普京的忠实拥护者,但2005年因为长期与克里姆林宫亲近的公司结怨而被逐出了俄罗斯。 ecocn

Speransky listened, laughing beforehand at what Magnitsky was going to say.
斯佩兰斯基听着,对马格尼茨基要讲的话事先就冷嘲热讽。 tingroom

The American government announced a visa ban on dozens of Russian officials linked to the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a tax lawyer who died in a Moscow prison in suspicious circumstances in 2009.
美国政府宣布冻结十余名与谢尔盖•马格涅茨基之死有关的俄罗斯官员,2009年这名税务律师在十分可疑的情况下死于莫斯科一所监狱。 ecocn

The European Parliament has called for European governments to freeze the assets of Russian officials accused of involvement of the death in prison of a Russian lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky.
欧洲议会呼吁欧洲各国政府冻结参与 Sergei Magnitsky在监狱死亡事件的俄罗斯官员的资产。 tingclass

The government failed to investigate the accusations, and is still covering up the circumstances of Mr Magnitsky’s death.
然而政府并没能对各项指控展开调查,且一直隐瞒麦尼特斯基的死讯。 ecocn

Magnitsky at once threw himself into an attitude, and began to recite comic French verses, a skit he had composed on various well-known persons. Several times he was interrupted by applause.
马格尼茨基立刻摆出一副架势,开始朗诵他为讥讽几位彼得堡的知名人士而作的法文滑稽诗,有几次被掌声打断。 tingroom

Magnitsky had hardly finished his anecdote when another gentleman expressed his readiness to relate something even more amusing.
马格尼茨基还没有讲完自己的故事,就有另外一个人表示愿意讲个更加可笑的故事。 tingroom

Mr Magnitsky's death was shocking, but hardly unusual: many people die in pre- trial detention across Russia, and even more in prison.




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