

单词 magnetopause
释义 mag·ne·to·pause 英mægˈniːtəˌpɔːz美mægˈnitəˌpɔzAHDmăg-nēʹtə-pôz' BNC⁶²²⁴⁷
The analysis shows that this method may be used to identify several types of the discontinuities which may occur at the magnetopause.
分析表明,这种方法可以用来识别磁层顶上可能出现的若干种间断。 cnki

The fluctuations of solar wind quantities at the magnetopause excite the compressed Alfven waves, which propagate through the collisionless plasma in the tail of magnetosphere.
太阳风的涨落在磁层顶激发压缩阿尔文波,并在磁尾的无碰撞等离子体中传播。 geophy

The location and intensity of the CF- current on the magnetopause are almost same as the results from the model of the ideal discontinuous surface.
实际磁层顶电流片的位置和强度与我们假设的理想磁层顶间断面计算结果基本吻合。 cnki

The magnetohydrodynamic waves can be excited in the magnetotail by the momentum fluctuation of solar wind through the magnetopause.
太阳风的动量涨落将通过磁层边界在磁尾激发磁流体力学波。 cnki

There are few models for the high- latitude magnetopause because of the limit of the satellite observations data.

By using a two-dimensional compressible MHD model, the local reconnection processes at the dayside magnetopause region are simulated based on the theory of vortex- induced reconnection.
本文用二维可压缩 MHD模型,模拟研究了向阳面磁顶区的涡旋诱发重联过程。 cnki

In this paper, by using a three-layer model and the observations from Satellite ISEE, the stabilities of rotational discontinuity for magnetopause are discussed.
本文应用三层模式和 ISEE卫星观测资料,讨论了磁层顶旋转间断的稳定性。 cnki

Observations of the average values of the size, shape and orientation of the dayside magnetopause agree quite well with the theoretical prediction.
该椭球面的平均大小、形状和方位的观测值与理论预计值是非常一致的。 cnki

This method itself is independent of the normal directions on the magnetopause.
这种方法本身与磁层顶的法线方向无关。 http://dict.cnki.net

Magnetopause boundary layer is always impacted by the solar wind from the bow shock.
磁层顶边界层可以看作是受到非均匀太阳风动压冲击的边界层。 cnki




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