

单词 magnetism
释义 mag·net·ism 英ˈmægnɪˌtɪzəm美ˈmægnɪˌtɪzəmAHDmăgʹnĭ-tĭz'əm ☆☆☆☆☆高六IT八COCA²⁸²⁸³BNC²⁰¹⁸²iWeb¹⁸¹⁸⁴Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields of forcethe branch of science that studies magnetism词根词缀: magnet磁铁 + -ism名词词尾,现象animal magnetism动物磁性说induced magnetism感生磁性residual magnetism剩磁,余磁,顽磁,残…retentive magnetism剩磁earth magnetism地磁terrestrial magnetism地磁,地磁学…free magnetism自由磁性vertical magnetism垂直磁性blue magnetism蓝色南极磁性,蓝磁性…natural magnetism天然磁性galvano magnetism电磁,电磁学…red magnetism红磁性rock magnetism岩石磁学,岩石磁性…temporary magnetism暂时磁性remnant magnetism剩磁,残磁性…specific magnetism磁化率,饱和磁化强度…apparent magnetism视在磁性surface magnetism表面磁性permanent magnetism永磁
钱博士magnet磁石-ism性质/状态抽象名词后缀,表现象→磁石相互吸引的现象⇒磁力现象,磁性参考单词magnet磁石magnet磁石-ism性质/状态抽象名词后缀,表现象→磁石相互吸引的现象⇒磁力现象,磁性参考单词magnet磁石。词根记忆magnet磁铁近义词 呼吁pull拉draw拖sex性别charm魅力appeal恳求magic魔法allure诱惑mystique神秘magnetics磁学invitation邀请enticement诱人attraction吸引fascination魅力mesmerism催眠术charisma非凡的领导力…magnetic force物磁力magnetic attraction磁吸引,磁引力…

Forbidden City is a great magnet for foreign tourists.紫禁城对外国旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方。
He persuaded them to join him by the sheermagnetismof his personality.他完全是靠个人的魅力,说服他们和他在一起干。
But nobody had previously worked out a theory aboutmagnetism.但还从未有人研究出磁学理论。noun.charm, attractiveness
同义词 allure,charismaappeal,attraction,draw,enchantment,fascination,glamour,hypnotism,influence,lure,magic,mesmerism,power,pull,spell,witchcraft,witcherycaptivatingness,drawing power,seductiveness
反义词 impotence,incapacity,ugliness,weaknessrepugnance,repulsion
allurenoun appeal
attraction,bedroom eyes,charisma,charm,come-hither look,come-on,enchantment,enticement,glamor,inveiglement,lure,seductiveness,temptation,the jazz
allurementnoun attraction
animal magnetismnoun magnetic personal charm
attractiveness,aura,beguilement,bewitchery,charisma,charm,hypnotic attraction,it,magnetism,mesmerism,odyl,odylic force,personal appeal,pizazz,sex appeal,sexiness,sexual attraction
attractionnoun ability to draw attention;something that draws attention
allure,allurement,appeal,attractiveness,bait,captivation,charm,chemistry,come-on,courting,draw,drawing power,enchantment,endearment,enthrallment,enticement,fascination,gravitation,inclination,inducement,interest,invitation,it,lure,magnetism,pull,seduction,solicitation,temptation,tendency
attractionsnoun ability to draw attention;something that draws attention
allurements,allures,appeals,attractiveness,bait,captivation,charms,chemistries,come-ons,courtings,drawing powers,draws,enchantments,endearments,enthrallments,enticements,fascinations,gravitation,inclinations,inducements,interests,invitations,its,lures,magnetism,pulls,seductions,solicitations,temptations,tendencies
attractivenessnoun attraction
allure,allurement,appeal,attractivity,captivation,charisma,charm,draw,enchantment,enticement,fascination,glamour,inducement,lure,magnetism,pull First put together by James Clerk Maxwell in 1861, the formulas describe all known behaviors of electricity and magnetism and show the relationship between the two forces.
1861年,詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦将这四个方程放到了一起,解释了电与磁在当时已知的所有行为,并揭示了两者间的联系。 yeeyan

Although an accomplished scientist who experimented with electricity, Franklin was not the first to describe or explore the properties of electricity and magnetism.
作为一名成就卓著的科学家,富兰克林的确用电来做过实验,但是他不是第一个描述并探索电和磁的特性的人。 yeeyan

But Allan Snyder of the University of Sydney has been able to induce what looks like a temporary version of this phenomenon using magnetism.
但是悉尼大学教授艾伦.斯奈德已经能够使用磁现象,诱导出该现象的“临时版本”。 ecocn

Having three“ waves” of magnetism induced in the rotor with every revolution, instead of just one, smooths out the induction process and allows more torque to be generated.
由于每次旋转过程转子都有三“波”感生磁场,而不是只有一“波”,其感应过程更平滑而使其能够产生更大的扭矩。 ecocn

Her name was now Marie, and she was now an official scientist, studying the properties of magnetism for her doctorate in physics.
她的名字从那时起,改称为玛丽,成了一位攻读博士学位,研究物理学中磁性质的正式的科学家。 yeeyan

If the reason the objects are sticking to the“ magnetic” person is because of magnetism instead of simple skin friction, there’s no reason they should only stick to bare skin.
如果东西粘在“磁铁”人身上是因为磁性而不是摩檫力,那么它们只能粘在光秃的皮肤上就毫无道理了。 yeeyan

If the minister's voice had not kept her there, there would nevertheless have been an inevitable magnetism in that spot, whence she dated the first hour of her life of ignominy.
如果不是牧师的声音把她吸引在那里的话,就必然还有一个不可或缺的磁力让她离不开这块她经受了耻辱生活第一个小时的地方。 hjenglish

In fact, the pair thinks about half of all ball lightning reports are actually tricks of the mind induced by magnetism.
事实上,这对夫妻,认为几乎全部报道过的球状闪电中的一半竟然是磁性在人的心目中的所构成的骗局。 yeeyan

It is not yet understood how turtles detect magnetism, nor exactly how they derive a navigational map from it.
人们对海龟如何探测磁场还不理解,对于它们怎样从磁场获得导航图也不能做出正确解释。 yeeyan

Maxwell's aim was initially to forge a mathematical link between electricity and magnetism that would capture these experimental results.
麦克斯韦的目的是为电和磁之间建立初步的,可以解释这些实验结果的数学联系。 ecocn

Physicists continue to carve the known universe into particles to describe everything from magnetism to what atoms are made of and how they remain stable.
物理学家继续将已知的宇宙切成粒子来研究从磁力学到何种物质组成了它们和它们是怎么保持稳定的万事万物。 yeeyan

Since then, technologists have improved the effect, and it is now widely used to detect the tiny patches of magnetism that store information on high-density disk drives.
从那时起,技术人员不断地完善这个技术的效果,现在被广泛用于检测在高密度磁盘驱动器中存储信息的微小磁性小块。 yeeyan

So the Madam thought she got the magnetism she wanted.
于是这位夫人认为她得到了她想要的吸引力。 ebigear

Spectacular explosions on the Sun’s surface produce solar storms of intense magnetism and radiation.
太阳表面壮观的爆炸产生具有强烈磁场与辐射的太阳风暴。 yeeyan

Sprinkled amid the prose in the Philosophical Magazine were equations which revealed electricity, magnetism and light to be different manifestations of the same phenomenon.
该文刊登于《哲学杂志》,散布于文中的方程显示出电、磁和光是同一种现象的不同表现形式。 ecocn

The key to understanding this phenomenon lies not in magnetism nor in any sort of mystical ability but instead in the physics of friction.
理解这种现象的主要方面既不是在磁性也不是在神秘力量而是摩檫力的物理性质。 yeeyan

There is some powerful magnetism attached to a Scorpio and of course the intensity of their love that invites you towards them.
天蝎座有很强大的吸引力,当然这和他们无时无刻不在释放爱意也是有关系的。 yeeyan

There existed between Marius and her an all- powerful magnetism, which caused her to do, instinctively and almost mechanically, what Marius wished.
在马吕斯和她之间有一种最强的磁力,能使她出自本能或几乎机械地照马吕斯的愿望行事。 ebigear

This approach uses fluorescence instead of magnetism to image samples.
该方法利用的是荧光而非影像样本的磁性。 yeeyan

This friend knew of another physicist working in Paris who was also working on the properties of magnetism.
这位朋友知道在巴黎还有另外一个研究磁的性质的物理学家。 yeeyan

Whether you want to call it magnetism, polarity, electricity, thought, intelligence or charisma, it's still attraction, and it invests everything— animal, vegetable or mineral.
不论你管它叫磁性、极性、活力、体贴、智慧还是魅力,它们都是吸引力,而且它适用于一切------动物、蔬菜或矿物。 yeeyan




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