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magnetic field mæɡˌnetɪkˈfiːld ★☆☆☆☆高ST短语⁷⁰⁹⁵ 基本英英近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.磁场 化学基本概念物理电磁
Noun: the lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle近义词 flux流量magnetic flux磁通量 用作名词It shows the presence of amagnetic field.这表明有磁场存在。 Total field measurement is not always desirable.总磁场测量不是始终需要的。noun.magnetic field of currents 同义词 electromagnetic field And he found line splitting in the magnetic field. 他发现光谱线在磁场中分裂了。 v.163.com Just after the initial testing, the researchers administered TMS which is a noninvasive procedure that uses a magnetic simulator that can create a current in the brain through a magnetic field. 第一次测试之后,研究者们开始进行颅磁刺激。颅磁刺激一种无创性治疗方式,可以在磁场中用一个磁模拟器在大脑中激发电流。 yeeyan The latest piece of the puzzle is superoxide, an oxygen molecule that may combine with light-sensitive proteins to form an in- eye compass, allowing birds to see Earth’s magnetic field. 最新的谜题是过氧化物,这是一种氧分子,它可以与一些光敏蛋白质化合,在眼球中形成一个罗盘,让鸟儿们可以看到地球的磁场。 yeeyan The solar wind, which carries the particles from the sun's magnetic field, known as the interplanetary magnetic field, takes about three or four days to reach the Earth. 太阳风将粒子从太阳的磁场,也就是我们通常所说的行星际磁场中带出,经过三至四天的时间到达地球。 yeeyan Another interesting property of superconducting materials is that they will levitate in a powerful magnetic field. 超导体还有一个有趣的特点那就是他们在强大的磁场内可以悬浮。 yeeyan But some astronomers always suspected that the remaining antiprotons must become trapped by the Earth's magnetic field, forming an antiproton radiation belt. 但是一些天文学家一直怀疑,那些剩下的反质子一定被地球磁场捕获,形成一条反质子辐射带。 yeeyan But these bubbles seem to be disconnected from the sun's magnetic field. 但是,这些太阳系边缘的气泡结构与太阳磁场没有联系。 yeeyan But you also have to have a magnetic field, because that protects the atmosphere from erosion and the complete removal of water. 但是同时也必须有一个磁场,因为正是磁场保护大气层免受侵蚀或者水被完全蒸发。 yeeyan Electrons flowing through the chip would“ see” a magnetic field that flips from one direction to the opposite every few hundred nanometres billionths of a metre. 穿过芯片的电子可以“识别”某一磁场,该磁场每隔几百纳米十亿分之一米就变换一次方向。 ecocn For occupational exposure, present limits are based on avoiding the sensations of vertigo and nausea induced by movement in a static magnetic field. 对于职业暴露来说,目前暴露限值的根据是避免在一个静电磁场中运动时产生眩晕和恶心的感觉。 who Further imagine that this pipe is not made of metal but a transparent magnetic field. 接着再想象一下,这样的管道不是用金属做的,而是一个透明的磁场。 yeeyan He also realised that varying the strength of an electric field would generate a changing magnetic field, even in empty space with no moving electric charges to speak of. 他同时认识到,变化电场强度将会产生一个变化的磁场,甚至在一个没有移动电子的空间中也是如此。 yeeyan In particular, every electron has its own magnetic field aligned with the axis of its spin. 特别是每个电子自身都会产生与其自转轴相一致的磁场。 ecocn Lohmann speculates that hatchling turtles may imprint on the magnetic field of their home beach and, if so, such a phenomenon could be the basis of strategies for species preservation. 罗曼推测,人工孵化的海龟也许会留下它们家乡海滩磁场的烙印,如果是这样,这种现象可能会成为物种保护的策略基础。 yeeyan Messenger will explore the surface of Mercury, its crust, its atmosphere and even its magnetic field. “信使号”将探索水星的表面、外壳和大气,甚至还要探测水星的磁场。 ecocn Moreover, turtles responded to the magnetic fields by orienting themselves in a direction that would have led them towards the capture site had they been where each magnetic field naturally occurs. 此外,如果海龟处在磁场自然分布的任何一个地方,他们就会对磁场做出这样的反应,即,引导自己朝向捕食地点。 yeeyan NASA says the structure of the sun's far away magnetic field is of huge importance because it tells how our solar system interacts with the rest of the galaxy. 美国宇航局说,太阳遥远磁场的结构非常重要,因为这种结构告诉我们,太阳系是如何与银河系的其它部分相互作用的。 yeeyan Since a magnetic field changes the resistance of ordinary metals by only a fraction of a percent, they dubbed this phenomenon“ giant magnetoresistance,” or GMR. 由于磁场变化对普通金属只会造成远远不到百份之一的电阻变化,这种现象被称为“巨磁电阻”或巨磁阻 GMR。 yeeyan Such machines are known as “ asynchronous” motors, because the rotor’s magnetic field never catches up with the stator’s field. 因为其中转子的磁场与定子的磁场不同步,所以这种机器被称为“非同步”发动机。 ecocn The satellite is designed to study the sun's magnetic field to help scientists better understand how its energy propagates through different layers of the sun's atmosphere. 这颗卫星设计的目的是研究太阳磁场以帮助科学家更好地理解它的能量怎样传播穿过太阳大气的不同层。 yeeyan They'd like to bring these nanoparticles through openings in the nipple and use a magnetic field to move them along the ducts where they would bind to cancer cells. 他们希望可以通过乳头上的开孔使得这些纳米颗粒进入,并且使用一个磁场使得他们沿着导管移动,这样就可以追踪到癌变细胞了。 yeeyan This is when the last stage of their one-way trip into space begins: sailing along the magnetic field of the Earth. 至此,离子通向太空的单程旅行前的最后一步开始了,这就是沿着地球磁场自由航行。 ecocn This creates a secondary magnetic field around the cans that is repelled by the magnetic field of the rotor, literally ejecting the aluminium cans from the other waste materials. 这样,被转子磁场隔开的铝罐周围就会产生一个二级磁场,实际上也就能将铝罐与其它废料隔离开来。 ecocn When the magnetic field is at its strongest, and sunspots at their most plentiful, they cluster close to the equator. 磁场最强的时候,就是黑子数量最多的时候,同时,它们也更趋向群集于太阳赤道的位置。 ecocn With the more precise data and the SDO’s ability to see the whole sun at once, scientists anticipate that they’ll be able to solve some longstanding questions about how the sun’s magnetic field works. 因为有更精确的数据,还有太阳动态观测台一次能够观察整个太阳的能力,科学家预计能够解决关于太阳磁场如何运作的一些长期存在的问题。 yeeyan With the magnetic field turned on, the iron layers both magnetize, say, in the spin- up direction, so all of the spin- down electrons move through the entire sample without scattering. 加上磁场后,两个铁层都被磁化,假如是上方向,那么所有下自旋的电子移动通过整个样本都没有散射。 yeeyan Yet another longstanding mystery is why Mercury has a magnetic field. 另一个悬而未决的谜团是为什么水星上有磁场。 yeeyan |