

单词 Apps
释义 Apps.
The same as websites, apps often go through growth spurts of one kind or another.
和网站一样,应用程序经常经历这种或那种类型的爆发性增长。 yeeyan

The Web needs a platform that allows you to use your existing Web content, not apps.
网络需要一个平台让你使用现有的网络内容,而不是应用程序。 yeeyan

There should be nothing stopping you from exploring HTML5, and if you wanted to be ahead of the game, you should be building HTML5 apps right now.
没有任何理由阻止你探索 HTML5,如果你想要在这场游戏中一马当先,你就应该现在就开始建立 HTML5应用程序。 yeeyan

Yet, most of the major data breaches in recent news have been the result of attacks on Web apps like email and data systems.
最近爆发的几起重大数据失窃事件,就是电子邮件和数据系统等网络应用程序遭受黑客攻击的结果。 cnblogs

Your sites and apps should be better because you thought about this article, not just because you blindly put it into practice.
当您认真思考过本文后,您的网站和应用程序应当有所改进,当然,如果只是盲目照搬,那当然不行。 ibm

Another reason why apps have proved popular is that, unlike websites, they do not need a constant connection to the internet.
应用程序受欢迎的另一个原因是它们并不需要向网页一样要一直连接在互联网上。 ecocn

Both are valid observations! But for a first batch, these apps do look rather spectacular.
这都是事实,但是作为第一批应用程序,它们看起来还蛮壮观的。 yeeyan

Friends are a key part of that, as are the apps and brands that are part of your profile.
朋友和那些你档案中所设的应用程序及标识一样,是达到这种目的的关键。 yeeyan

If a user wishes to remove malware upon discovery, they need only find it in the list of apps, and uninstall it.
如果用户想要删除所发现的恶意软件,他们只需要在应用程序列表中找到它,然后卸载即可。 yeeyan

If you want to play it safe, read the EULA of the apps you want to leave on the PC.
如果你想要确保安全的话,阅读你想要留在电脑上的应用软件的终止授权使用协议。 yeeyan

In turn, they're bringing their own devices and apps to work, driving the emergence of an all- new technology landscape.
因此他们开始把自己的设备和应用程序带到公司,这种现象催生了一个全新的科技领域。 fortunechina

It is an embarrassment for Google; its procedures for pre- checking apps for its operating platform are considered to be not as robust as those at Apple and BlackBerry, relying more on user feedback.
此事使谷歌极为尴尬。人们认为谷歌对应用到其操作平台的应用程序的检查,不如苹果和黑莓那么严格,而是更多的依赖于用户的反馈。 ecocn

Many of the apps in them are designed to help mobile workers save time.
许多应用程序是为了帮助一些经常要流动的人员节省时间。 ecocn

Most of the apps we found charge a monthly or yearly fee. We do not.
我们发现,大多数应用程序都会按月或年收费,而我们不收费。 yeeyan

People will always demand more access to their data and more integration with their apps.
人们会需要更好的访问数据,需要他们的应用程序更为一体化。 yeeyan

Podcasts, apps, games: we know that’s what you want.
播客,应用程序,游戏:我们知道你们想要的。 yeeyan

So there are two separate collections of apps, or programs, that run on the two platforms.
所以说,这两个平台上运行的是两套完全不同的应用软件或程序。 iciba

The service offers apps and push notifications for all of these platforms.
这项服务在全平台上提供了应用程序和推送提醒。 yeeyan

There are a few free music downloading apps in the Market, but I like this one in particular.
在市场上有一些免费的音乐下载应用程序,但我独爱其中一款。 yeeyan

We think this is an interesting story, as it points out some of the problems developers face when trying to market their apps.
我们觉得这是一个很有意思的例子,因为它指出了开发者在出售他们应用程序时碰到的一些问题。 yeeyan

What do you think of the list? Which apps are your favorites?
你对这一清单有什么看法呢?那些应用程序是你的最爱呢? yeeyan

With the advent of apps, though, it’s become more like my religion.
随着应用程序的出现,它变得更像我的信仰。 yeeyan

You can check out and download the most popular Apps& Games.
您可以检测出并下载最流行的应用程序和游戏。 yeeyan




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