

单词 magi
释义 magi
The Magi are indeed off by9 miles, but they are so because they are human.
博士们确实只相差9英里,但这距离是因他们是人而铸成的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Magi saw the star but did not regard it simply as an object of study.
博士们看到了那颗明星,但却没有把当作研究的对象。 blog.sina.com.cn

Magi and Jean have a busy agenda every day. They always work together, whether doing voluntary work, or just visiting friends.
现在他们每天的日程排得很满,但是,不管是在社区做义务工作,还是去访友,这对恩爱夫妻总是形影不离。 zftrans

Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.
无论在任何地方,他们都是最聪明的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Exploit the industry and zeal of the Magi.
利用博士们的劳力和热诚。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jesus was born, the three Magi presented to him three kind gifts, those giftsforeshow of Jesus's life.
耶酥诞生之日,三位麦琪赠送给他三样礼物,那些礼物预示着耶酥的一生。 iask.sina.com.cn

More than two years after the trial opened, the judge, Oscar Magi, heard final submissions from the prosecution and defence before retiring to consider his verdict.
在审判开始两年多后,本案法官奥斯卡·马吉 Oscar Magi在退席考虑他的判决前听取了控方和辩方的最终意见。 yeeyan

Taking the Magi and Herod together, we can see the epiphany of Christ engendering different responses.
将博士与希律放在一起,我们可以看到基督的显现带来不同的反应。 blog.sina.com.cn

The other two magi and their camels eye him skeptically.
另外,两位智者以及他们的骆驼正以怀疑的眼光看着他。 edu.sina.com.cn

The senator has just told one of the magi that he has “ recently acquired great wisdom” presumably about race and politics and is therefore qualified to become a wise man himself.
这位参议员告诉其中的一位智者,说他“最近获得了超群智慧”大概是关于种族与政治的,因而有资格成为智者。 edu.sina.com.cn

The Magi were likely involved in its practice.
祭司很可能涉及到这场实践中。 zhiyins

This tradition began with the Magi.
这个传统始于麦琪。 www.netfm.com.cn

When it dawned on him that the Magi would never return, he did what many powerful people would do.
当他觉悟博士们永远不会回来时,他就作出许多权势的人所会做的手段。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the order was extended to humans after they too began to learn magic, it was kept as a secret Order amongst only the greatest magi.
当议会被扩充到了人类之后他们也开始学习魔法,这一直是被作为秘密组织在为一的最高层的魔法师之间。 tgbus




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