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词汇 Maghreb
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the region of northwest Africa comprising the Atlas Mountains and the coastlands of Morocco and Algeria and Tunisia近义词 Mahgrib马格里布非洲西北部的一…
Arabian had conquered wholeMaghrebin 702 .公元702年阿拉伯人征服了整个马格里布。
TheMaghreb's appeal is obvious.马格里布的吸引力是显而易见的。
Souk El Web :MaghrebOnline - Online shop for Arts, handicrafts, jewels, cosmetics and delicacies.易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
Gaddafi called for the resumption of the ArabMaghrebcountries and joint action.卡扎菲呼吁恢复马格里布国家和阿拉伯国家的联合行动。
In mid-July, Al-Qaida's Algerian-based offshoot, Al-Qaida in the IslamicMaghreb, issued a call for “reprisals”.7月中旬,基地组织在阿尔及利亚的分支,基地在伊斯兰马格里布(AQIM组织,发出了“报复”的呼吁。
Speakers of the various Berber languages of theMaghreb, including Tamazight, Tashahit, and Tarifit.马格里布操各种柏柏尔语包括塔马齐格特、塔萨希特和塔里菲特等语的人。 Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for a suicide- bomb attack on a military academy in Algeria that killed18 people.
阿尔及利亚一所军事学院发生自杀式炸弹袭击,造成18人死亡,伊斯兰马格里布基地组织宣称对该起事件负责。 ecocn

And his selection deftly acknowledged France's diversity: the Maghreb, black Africa and the heavily Muslim French banlieues.
萨科奇的选择巧妙地承认的法国的民族来源的多样性:马格里布,黑非洲和大量的穆斯林市郊居民区。 ecocn

Its credibility in the French-speaking Maghreb, its traditional sphere of influence, is at stake.
其传统势力范围、法语地区马格里布就会受到威胁。 ecocn

The cost of sugar rises too. So does the price of honey, especially in the Maghreb.
同样涨价的还有糖和蜂蜜,特别是在摩洛哥。 ecocn

The government in Rabat was respectful but cool, noting Morocco’s commitment to the Maghreb Arab Union.
拉巴特当局向来尊重他国但独来独往,摩洛哥对于北非阿拉伯联盟的承诺受到注意。 ecocn

The attack took place in the capital of the eastern Kabylie region, which is a stronghold of the Islamist group al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
袭击发生在东部 Kabylie地区首府。这是伊斯兰基地组织在马格利布地区的据点。 hxen

The use of remotely detonated bombs and Nigeria’s first suicide bomb point to links with more established terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
远程引爆炸弹的使用和尼日利亚首起自杀式炸弹袭击,表明博科海姆与包括马格里布的基地组织在内的恐怖组织建立了更加密切的联系。 ecocn

Will the long stalemate between the Maghreb’s two big rivals ever end?
究竟马格利布两大对手间的长期僵持会结束吗? ecocn

With Italy’s Maghreb policy in disarray, the Northern League appears bent on making things worse.
意大利的马格里布政策已杂乱无章,北方联盟似乎只会火上浇油。 ecocn

A few months later the group was renamed al- Qaeda in the Islamic MaghrebAQIM, identifying Francethe former colonial power and America as the two “ far” enemies on which it would focus.
几个月后,该集团被重命名为伊斯兰马格里布基地组织,并将法国前殖民国家与美国定为它将重点关注的“远敌”。 ecocn

Across the Maghreb—in Morocco and Algeria to the west and Libya and Egypt to the east—the din of Tunisian protests is reverberating.
沿马格利布一带,西起摩洛哥阿尔及利亚,东至利比亚和埃及,突尼斯抗议的喧嚣在这里回响着。 ecocn

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has increasingly been targeting French interests.
马格里布地区的基地组织已经对袭击法国的目标产生了越来越大的兴趣。 yeeyan

But as the yearning for democracy stirs in the Arab world, a wave set off in tiny Tunisia, travelling east through the Maghreb, is now rocking giant Egypt.
但当对民主的渴望在阿拉伯世界蠢蠢欲动时,要求改革的浪潮最早在小国突尼斯掀起,随之向东蔓延至马格里布地区,如今正冲击着大国埃及。 ecocn

Fighters might also link up with al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a regional terror group.
这些战士也可能与伊斯兰马格里布地区的基地组织取得联系。 ecocn

If the Maghreb can move beyond historical fault lines, it can be part of a Euro- Med integration linked to both the Mideast and Africa.
如果马格里布共同市场组织能超越历史上的断裂带,它将成为联系中东和非洲的欧洲-地中海一体化的一个组成部分。 worldbank

In regional and religious terms, it may be noted that Muslim and Maghreb countries do badly on the democracy and human- rights index.
考虑到地区和宗教因素,可能需要注意的是穆斯林和马格里布国家在民主和人权指数方面都表现很差。 ecocn

Insecurity has increased in Algeria since the beginning of this year when the militants relaunched themselves with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
自从今年年初,军队重新发动对伊斯兰教教激进组织阿尔盖达的进攻,阿尔及利亚地区的不安全性急剧增强。 kekenet

It also impedes economic integration between the Maghreb countries in general.
从总体上看,这也阻碍了马格里布国家经济一体化。 ecocn

The more recent surge took place in the 1960s, as Western and Northern European countries actively recruited Maghreb workers for their expanding economies.
最近的大幅度增长始于1960年代,当时西欧和北欧国家因经济扩张而大量招募马格里布工人。 worldbank

The US depends on co-operation with Algerian intelligence in tracking groups such as al- Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb Arab north Africa.
美国依靠与阿尔及利亚情报机构的合作来追踪一些组织,比如在伊斯兰地区马格里布北非的阿拉伯城市的基地组织。 yeeyan

The crises present a challenge to both regions; the Maghreb needs to loosen political control and strengthen its institutions and Europe must support such moves, both politically and economically.
这些危机无论对北非还是欧洲都是一种挑战。北非需要放松其政治控制并加强制度建设,而欧洲则必须从经济和政治上予以支持。 ecocn

Though spared its own civil war, Libya is the Maghreb’s most repressive regime.
虽然没有发生内战,但利比亚却是马格里布北非国家最常镇压人民的政权。 ecocn




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