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词汇 Magellanic
释义 Mag·el·lan·ic mæɡəˈlænik 高iWeb³⁹⁰⁴¹
As Olsen's team will report in a future issue of The Astrophysical Journal, the Large Magellanic Cloud probably stole5% of its stars from its smaller sibling.
奥尔森的研究小组在将要出版的一期《天体物理学杂志》上报道说,大麦哲伦星云很可能从它较小的兄弟星云那里偷窃了5%的恒星。 yeeyan

Found among the Small Magellanic Cloud's clusters and nebulae NGC346 is a star- forming region about200 light-years across, pictured above by the Hubble Space Telescope.
这幅哈勃太空望远镜所拍摄的图片展现了位于小麦哲伦星云的星团和 NGC346星云的一片跨越200光年的恒星形成区域。 yeeyan

It was seen in1987 amid vast billows of gas in the Tarantula Nebula within the Large Magellanic Cloud.
1987年科学家们在大麦哲伦星云里的蜘蛛星云的波涛滚滚的巨大气云中观测到这颗超新星。 yeeyan

Similar to the icon of a fictional ghost, NGC2080 is actually a star forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way Galaxy.
NGC2080看上去就像虚构的鬼魂的典型形象,它实际上是在我们的银河系的一个卫星星系——大麦哲伦星云里的一个恒星形成区域。 yeeyan

The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds orbit our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and are sufficiently close for detailed study.
大小麦哲伦星云都绕我们所在的星系银河运行,并且离得很近有利于详尽的研究。 iciba

The largest, most violent star forming region known in the whole Local Group of galaxies lies in our neighboring galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud LMC.
整个本星系群中已知最大最猛烈的恒星形成区,在我们近邻星系大麦哲伦星系中。 yeeyan

The Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds appear destined to see a lot more of one another in the eons ahead.
银河系和麦哲伦星云好像命中注定在接下来的漫长时期内要互相见多次面。 yeeyan

The Small Magellanic Cloud, and its companion galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud, are the two galaxies where this type of study is possible.
小麦哲伦星云和其伴生的大麦哲伦星云,是在可能进行这种研究的两个星系。 yeeyan

The Tarantula lies170,000 light years from Earth within the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way galaxy.
蜘蛛星云距地球17万光年,它位于环绕银河系的大麦哲伦星云里。 yeeyan

The Magellanic Clouds are irregular galaxies of this type.
麦哲伦星云就是这种类型的不规则星系。 iciba

The Magellanic Clouds— two gauzy patches of light at far right— share the sky above the Patagonian Andes with a streaking comet and the luminous band of the Milky Way.
大小麦哲伦星云——两片薄纱般光斑在右边那一侧——在巴塔哥尼亚的安第斯山脉上空和一颗急速而过的彗星和银河系绚丽的光带共享天空。 yeeyan

But new evidence suggests that the Magellanic Clouds have instead spent most of their careers farther away and are currently experiencing a rare close encounter with our galaxy.
但新的证据表明,相反,麦哲伦星云大部分的行程却是在远离银河系,而且目前正要我们星系进行一次鲜有的近距离邂逅。 yeeyan

Glowing visible filaments, shown in yellow, and X-ray hot gas, shown in blue, span about30 light-years in our neighboring galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud.
可见光波段的发光丝状物,用黄色显示, X射线波段热气体,用蓝色显示,宽30光年,在我们的近邻星系大麦哲伦云中。 yeeyan

It even has a dwarf companionthe blob of faint light on the lower right similar to the Magellanic Clouds that tag along beside our galaxy.
甚至其矮小的伴星系位于NGC 6744右下那抹微光都与大小麦哲伦星系银河系的两个伴星系没什么不同。 yeeyan

Looming near the mighty sweep of the southern Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds resemble detached pieces of our galaxy.
在银河系南部浩大一片地区附近若隐若现的大、小麦哲伦星云与我们星系不连接在一起的星云相似。 yeeyan

Moving further away, we find the Milky Way isn't alone; it's accompanied by two satellite galaxies called the Magellanic Clouds.
往更远的地方去,我们发现银河并不孤单,两颗名为麦哲伦云的卫星星系陪伴着它。 yeeyan

Near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy some200 thousand light-years distant, lies 5 million year young star cluster NGC602.
小麦哲伦云外围——20万光年远的伴星系附近,是这个年轻的5000万岁的恒星团 NGC602。 yeeyan

Olsen says the stars share the motion of gas streams near the Large Magellanic Cloud, suggesting that the galaxy tore not only stars but also gas from its lesser neighbor.
奥尔森说,这些恒星的运动跟大麦哲伦星云附近的气体流相同,说明该星系不仅从较小的相邻星系中掠走了恒星,而且还掠去了气体。 yeeyan

On the right, just above Pulpit Rock, is the Milky Way's small neighboring galaxy the Small Magellanic Cloud SMC.
右边,就在讲坛石上方,是银河系较小的邻居星系小麦哲伦云 SMC。 yeeyan

On February23,1987, astronomers got the next best thing: a supernova in one of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud.
在1987年2月23日,天文学家获得了次佳的机会:银河系的卫星星系「大麦哲伦云」中,发生了一次超新星爆发。 bioon

One of the most active star- forming regions near Earth, N11 is part of a complex network of gas clouds and star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a neighboring galaxy.
其中一个最活跃的恒星形成区域靠近地球, N11是在大麦哲伦星云一个邻近星系里的气云和星团所组成的复杂网络的一部分。 yeeyan

Punta Tombo has a colony of more than half a million Magellanic penguins and attracts many other birds, most notably king and rock cormorants, giant petrels and black oystercatchers.
蓬通博有一个超过50万只的麦哲伦企鹅群,同时吸引了许多其它鸟类,尤其是王和岩鸬鹚,巨大的海燕和黑色的蛎橘。 yeeyan

Stars a hundred times more massive than the sun pierce the roiling haze of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
那些比太阳大一百多倍的恒星穿过大麦哲伦星云里的蜘蛛星云中翻滚的烟雾。 yeeyan

The two Magellanic are each about ten times larger.
另外两个麦哲伦星系均为 X星系的十倍以上。 yeeyan

Magellanic penguins typically spend months at sea, riding cold currents and feasting on sardines.
麦哲伦企鹅通常数月都停留在海中,在冷水流中畅游,以沙丁鱼为食。 yeeyan




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