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词汇 mafia
释义 Ma·fi·a 英ˈmɑːfiːə美ˈmɑfiə ★★☆☆☆高八COCA²⁰⁴⁵⁷BNC¹²²⁴⁴iWeb¹¹⁸⁷⁰Economist¹²⁶³³
a crime syndicate in the United States; organized in families; believed to have important relations to the Sicilian Mafiaa secret terrorist group in Sicily; originally opposed tyranny but evolved into a criminal organization in the middle of the 19th centuryany tightly knit group of trusted associates 该词从专有名词Mafia转化而来。作专有名词用时,它前面总带有定冠词the,作the Mafia,汉语译为“黑手党”。the Mafia是一个臭名昭著的秘密犯罪组织,起源于意大利西西里,19世纪由意大利移民传入美国,在美国各大城市乃至世界各地操纵赌博、卖淫、贩毒、讹诈等非法活动。其成员多为意大利或西西里人,或具有意大利或西西里血统的人。他们自己常把其组织称作Cosa Nostra,在意大利语中意为‘our thing’我们的事业。
据Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,Mafia 一词源自阿拉伯语mafia‘a place of refuge’避难所,庇护所。公元9世纪阿拉伯人征服了西西里岛,许多西西里家族逃往山里,在那里找到避难所mafia,最后又沦为土匪。他们对外族统治的抵抗活动一直持续到11世纪的诺曼征服Norman Conquest和以后16 - 18世纪的西班牙统治。一般认为,the Mafia作为一个组织约成立于14世纪。在意大利解放和统一之后,the Mafia已发展成为一个由多个‘家族’控制的、势力雄厚的庞大黑社会组织。
关于Mafia的来源,另有两种说法。一种说法认为,它是由一句意大利语口号Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela‘Death to the French is Italy's cry’的首字母缩拼而成的。董乐山、刘炳章编《英汉美国社会知识小词典》一种说法则认为,它源自意大利语西西里方言,原意是‘hostility to the law,boldness’敌视法律,胆大妄为。
如今Mafia 一词常用来泛指“秘密犯罪集团”、“社会黑帮”、“恐怖主义秘密团体”或“排外小集团”,首字母也由大写变为小写。从Mafia派生的Mafioso原指“黑手党成员”,其首字母小写时泛指“秘密犯罪集团成员”。mafia 一词今在英语中的广泛使用多少得力于《教父》The Godfather一类电影。近义词 Maffia黑手党Cosa Nostra“科萨·诺斯特…

用作名词Themafiaboss ordered his enemies murdered.黑手党的上司派人谋杀了仇敌。
Themafiapaid blood money to have that man killed.黑手党拿出血腥钱将那人杀了。 And the mafia that sells fuel to millions of generator- owners is fighting for its market.
向上百万发电机所有者兜售燃料的黑手党组织也阻挠改革的进程。 ecocn

How the Mafia’s ubiquitous and longstanding influence over the south of Italy has been further strengthened by globalisation, by our business and finance correspondent for Italy.
黑手党对意大利南部无处不在和多年长存的影响力因为全球化而加强,此书由我们在意大利的经济和金融版通讯记者所著。 ecocn

The leaning tower was reportedly one of the targets of a string of bombings carried out by the Sicilian Mafia in1993 though it was not hit.

The tightly knit Zurich business“ mafia” think he lacks vision.
紧密交织的苏黎世商业“黑手党”认为他缺乏远见。 ecocn

“The murder of Giolias was like a Mafia-style killing, ” says Brady Kiesling, a former U.S. diplomat living in Athens and author of a book about political violence in Greece.
“杀害吉奥利埃斯就像一宗黑手党式的谋杀”,生活在雅典的前美国外交人员布雷迪.基斯林表示,他曾写过一本关于希腊政治暴力的书。 yeeyan

Although Italy had problems, including a revival of the Mafia and a merry-go- round of weak governments,50 years of rapid growth have made it a rich country.
尽管意大利还有各种问题,其中包括黑手党的复兴和软弱政府走马灯似的团团转,但是50年的经济高速增长使它成为一个富裕的国家。 ecocn

Are the Mafia and the amateur police enemies or allies?
黑手党和自治警察是敌人还是同盟? ecocn

But this shrouded underlying political difficulties later manifest in left-wing terrorism and an abortive military coup in1970 that involved mafia and fascists.
但1970年代被政治困境掩藏,随后显明的左翼恐怖主义和失败的军事政变里就包括了黑手党和法西斯主义者。 yeeyan

Conservationists say that armed gangs are exploiting the security vacuum to pillage rosewood and ebony from supposedly protected forests on behalf of a so-called“ timber mafia”.
自然资源保护者说,那些武装匪徒代表一个所谓的“木材黑手党”利用真空安全区在那些原本受到保护的森林里掠夺红木和乌木。 yeeyan

Films like“The Godfather” and “ Goodfellas” and television dramas such as“The Sopranos” and “ Boardwalk Empire” have tended to glamorise the Mafia.
像《教父》、《盗亦有道》之类的电影和诸如《黑道家族》、《大西洋帝国》的电视剧往往美化了黑手党的形象。 ecocn

FOR many years the air around Reggio Calabria carried the odour of gunpowder and death, as mafia clans settled their disagreements the old-fashioned way.
多年来,由于黑手党家族以其传统方式解决分歧,雷焦卡拉布里亚周围的空气弥漫着火药和死亡的气味。 ecocn

He points to plans for yet more casinos and public buildings, including a Mafia museum that is now a symbol of the misuse of federal stimulus money.
他提到仍计划兴建更多的赌场和共用建筑,包括一座黑手党的展览馆。 但这座展览馆现在已成了滥用联邦刺激方案资金的象征。 ecocn

He was charged with mafia collusion, tax fraud, false accounting, corruption and bribery of police officers.
他被警方指控犯勾结黑手党、税务欺诈、作假帐和贪污行贿的罪名。 yeeyan

If you can hobble or wheel yourself onto the ferry, you may be lucky enough to join the mafia- like gangs trading in cheap clothes, alcohol and cigarettes.
如果你能跌跌撞撞地,或者坐着轮椅进渡船,你可能会幸运地看到类似黑手党的一帮人,有卖便宜的衣服,也有卖烟酒的。 ecocn

Italian police say they've arrested a mafia boss in the Puglia region of southern Italy.
意大利警方称他们在意大利南部普利亚地区逮捕了一名黑手党头目。 hxen

Large areas of Guatemala— including some of its prisons—are out of the government’s control; and, despite the efforts of its president, the government is infiltrated by the mafia.
危地马拉的大部分地区——包括一部分监狱——不受政府控制;黑手党渗入了政府机构,虽然总统竭力避免这种状况。 ecocn

Much of it can be traced back to European hospitals and factories, who seem to be passing it on to the Italian mafia to“ dispose” of cheaply.
这些废料大部分追本溯源,都来自欧洲的各大医院和工厂,这些医院和工厂似乎把自己的废物交给意大利黑手党去廉价地“处置”。 yeeyan

Now that the Mafia is less involved in international drug- smuggling, extortion has become its main source of revenue.
目前,黑帮较少参与国际毒品走私,因此强取豪夺便成了其主要的收入来源。 ecocn

Seriously, my faith in scientists as ,being a bit more sincere than politicians, religious leaders, media pundits, military chiefs and mafia bosses has been restored.
说真的,我恢复了对科学家的信心,他们比政治家、宗教领袖、媒体专家、军事首领和黑手党头目多少更真诚点。 yeeyan

So far, aside from appointing an“ anti- mafia” committee to help clean up the police as well as a corrupt judiciary, the president has shown little interest in reining in the force.
迄今为止,除去任命一个“反黑手党”委员会来帮助清理警察队伍和贪污横行的司法机构,总统在控制这些势力方面表现出很少的兴趣. ecocn

The bill exempts inquiries into the Mafia and terrorism.
该法案豁免对黑手党和恐怖主义的调查。 ecocn

The crackdown is the largest against the American Mafia since the early1990s.
这是自1990年代初期以来对美国黑帮最大的一次打击行动。 ecocn

The man who planted the kiss on the lips of not one but two other men was a senior figure in the notorious Camorra mafia group who'd been placed under arrest.
这个将他嘴唇重重压在另两个男人嘴上的男子是一位臭名昭著的克莫拉黑手党组织的高层人物,他现在已经被逮捕。 hjenglish

The Mafia is not the force it used to be, but r Feldman observes that if it is not policed it will grow.
费尔德曼评论说,如今黑手党不再拥有昔日的势力了,但是如果没有警方的打击,其势力还会增长。 ecocn

There are also good reasons to suspect economic motives linked to Mafia-style organised crime.
我们同样有充足的理由怀疑这与黑手党组织的经济动机有关。 ecocn




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