释义 |
Maemi 基本例句 前见姓,日本 TyphoonMaemibrought bountiful rainfall to Shihmen and Feitsui reservoirs.梅米台风为石门及翡翠水库带来丰沛雨量。 Wu and I.-F.Pan : The Interaction of SupertyphoonMaemiWith a Warm Ocean Eddy.2005台湾海洋年海洋资讯应用研讨会论文汇编。 Members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association who conducted rescue activities in the aftermath of TyphoonMaemi.清海无上师世界会在韩国协助梅米台风的救灾工作。 Maemimeans “cicada” in Korean.鸣蝉在韩国语里是“蝉”的意思。 Maemishoot on clearance ring gradually weak corner sooner or later, the trees the sound of insects especially stubborn and long-lasting, and summer seems to be a long lost tragedy pharynx.枝梢上鸣蝉的清响渐渐微弱,早晚墙角、树丛中的虫鸣声分外固执而持久了,似乎是对夏逝的一种长长的悲咽。 TyphoonMaemi, with winds of up to 134 mph, a record for South Korea, tore into southern parts of the peninsula on Friday night, carving a swathe of destruction before heading out to sea on Saturday.根据韩国天文台记录,台风“鸣蝉”,风力时速达到了每小时134英里,于当地时间周五晚上登陆朝鲜半岛,并且于周六离开朝鲜半岛。 |