

单词 Madelyn
释义 Madelyn ˈmædəˌlɪn COCA⁶⁰⁴¹⁹
IN A speech delivered to a banking-industry conference in Geneva in December2006, Madelyn Antoncic issued a warning and then offered some reassurance.
2006年在日内瓦举行的金融会议上, Madelyn Antoncic作了一个演讲,其间她发出了警告但随后又给出了一些安慰。 ecocn

But there was personal sadness last night for Mr Obama with the news that his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, had died of cancer, aged86.
但是在私人方面,奥巴马先生昨天晚上却收到了一个令人伤心的消息:他的外祖母马德琳·邓纳姆因癌症逝世,享年86岁。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

His grandmother, Madelyn, had a job at a bank that helped pay to send Barryand later his half sister, Maya to the school.
他的外婆,玛德琳,在一个银行工作,帮他付了学费随后也帮他的同母异父的妹妹玛雅也来这里上学。 blog.sina.com.cn

Obama's mother was survived by her Kansas- born mother, Madelyn Dunham until her death on November2, 2008, just before the presidential election.
他的母亲先于外祖母去世。奥巴马的外祖母玛德琳•杜汉姆出生于堪萨斯,遗憾的是她在本月2日大选之前去世。 kekenet

The Illinois senator is canceling events Thursday and Friday to be with85-year-old Madelyn Dunham, who helped raise him.
这位伊利诺伊州参议员取消了星期四和星期五的一切活动,去看望他现年85岁的外祖母邓纳姆。邓纳姆帮助把奥巴马抚养大。 topsage

Madelyn Dunham who helped raise the Democratic presidential candidate died peacefully Sunday night after a battle with cancer.
曾抚养过民主党候选人的 Madelyn Dunham与癌症抗争多时,于周日晚上平静的去世。 putclub

Madelyn MacKay, a Quaker, says the protests are sending a message to the candidates in the November4 presidential election.
贵格会教徒马德琳.麦凯说,抗议示威活动是向参加11月4号总统选举的候选人传递一个信息。 www.voanews.com.cn




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