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词汇 madame
释义 Ma·dame 英məˈdɑːm,ˈmædəm美məˈdæm;英məˈdæm美məˈdæm 中高研COCA¹⁰¹⁵¹BNC¹⁰¹⁹¹
title used for a married FrenchwomanMadame Tussaud's杜莎夫人蜡像馆…Madame Recamier-type couch有靠肩的卧榻因法国…
ma(-dame⇒n.〖Mesdames〗女士商业书信开头的称呼语;用于 Dear 之后;夫人对女性官员之称呼;后面即其衔称;;n.夫人近义词 madam夫人

用作名词Madame Curie won two Nobel Prizes.居里夫人两次获得了诺贝尔奖。
Madame believes in rigid discipline.夫人的纪律非常严格。
Madam is not receiving callers today .夫人今天不接见来客。as in.madam
同义词 Frau,dame,ma'am,madonna,signoraMrs.,marm,señora
反义词 sir
madamnoun a title of address
mesdamesnoun a title of address
FrauMrs.dame,ma'am,madame,madonna,marm,señora,signora After he departed Warsaw, Clemens went so far as to consult a fortuneteller in New Orleans, one Madame Caprell, from whom he sought the lowdown on his prospects for rekindling the romance.
克莱门斯悻悻地离开华沙,到遥远的新奥尔良,向占卜师卡普里尔夫人求教,希望知道自己未来的爱情之火是否有机会重燃。 yeeyan

The gossip who did this thing was a gorgon named Madame Victurnien, the guardian and door- keeper of every one's virtue.
做这件事的长舌妇是个叫维克杜尼昂夫人的母夜叉,她是所有一切人的贞操的守卫和司阍。 ebigear

This liaison lasted for18 years and in many of the exchanged letters, Nobel addressed his love as' Madame Sofie Nobel'.
他们互相联络长达18年之久,还互致信函,诺贝尔称她为“诺贝尔的夫人”。 yeeyan

“ I buy hair,” said Madame.

Madame Jolivet is a large lady and she squeezes herself round the tiny space of her apartment.
朱莉维夫人是个很胖的女人,得在公寓狭小的空间里挤来挤去。 yeeyan

At Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Shanghai, young Chinese are lining up to take pictures of themselves with a startling likeness of the44th president of the United States.
在上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆,中国的年轻人争相与这座与美国44任总统一个模子刻出来的蜡像合影留念。 yeeyan

Chancellor Angela Merkel, once the euro zone's “ Madame Non, ” led a push to assemble the new Greek bailout program.
德国总理默克尔一度被称为欧元区的“‘不’夫人”,但她带头推动制定新的希腊救助计划。 yeeyan

Don't blame Madame Butterfly.
不要责怪《蝴蝶夫人》。 yeeyan

Father and son entered the labyrinth of walks which leads to the grand flight of steps near the clump of trees on the side of the Rue Madame.
父亲和儿子走上了蜿蜒的小路,这条路通往夫人街那边树丛密集的宽大的梯级那里。 ebigear

I learned the amount and the owner of the money not from anything Madame Broussard said at curfew—again, she was stony-faced and discreet—but from Dede, who was outraged.
我知道金额和事主,不是来自于布鲁萨德的法国夫人的晚点名——这一次,她仍旧板起面孔,不予张扬——而是听黛德说的,她是气坏了。 yeeyan

I leave you, Madame, they are waiting for you.
我走了,夫人,别人在等您。 ebigear

In addition to these worthy mothers, some old society women had obtained permission of the prioress, like Madame Albertine, to retire into the Little Convent.
除了这些真正够得上称为嬷嬷的以外,还有几个红尘中的老妇人也和阿尔贝尔丁夫人一样,获得了院长的许可,退隐在那小院里。 ebigear

Its obvious phallic nature notwithstanding, Erika believes the tower is the Grand Madame of Paris, the city of love.
关于它显眼的性别问题,艾丽卡认为铁塔是巴黎这一爱的城市的伟大的夫人。 yeeyan

Marion’s passion was writing and when she met the rising star Mary Pickford, the actress had played everything from Madame Butterfly to Cinderella.
当马里昂对写作充满热情之时,她遇到了演过从蝴蝶夫人到灰姑娘的一切角色的后起之秀玛丽.皮克福德。 yeeyan

One of his distant relatives, Madame la Comtesse de Lo, rarely allowed an opportunity to escape of enumerating, in his presence, what she designated as “the expectations” of her three sons.
他的一个远亲,德·洛伯爵夫人,一有机会,总爱在他跟前数她三个儿子的所谓“希望”。 ebigear

She was both submissive but also a strong character; she became very much Madame Picasso.
她温顺又非常有个性;她变得很像是毕加索夫人。 yeeyan

She stuck her bottle of oil into her bucket—on the first night in the dorm, Madame Broussard had given us all buckets for our toiletries—and turned toward me. “You’re not bad,” she said.
她把润发油的瓶子插进她的小桶里——住进宿舍的第一天晚上,布鲁萨德的法国夫人,就给了我们每人一只小桶放化妆品——转向我说:“你人不错。” yeeyan

That, madame, is an official secret; but if you have any commissions for Paris, a friend of mine is going there to- night, and will with pleasure undertake them.
夫人,这是法院的秘密,但假如您在巴黎有什么事要办,我的一位朋友今晚上就上那儿去。 ebigear

We begin in1911, when the Nobel Committee announced that its Chemistry Prize would go to Madame Marie Curie for her work with radium and polonium.
我们从1911年开始,那年诺贝尔组织宣布了化学奖将授予居里夫人,因其她在镭和钋所做的研究。 yeeyan

With that machine on my head, I have the air of Madame Mad-dog.
把那玩意儿顶在头上,我成了个疯狗太太。 ebigear

You know, madame, that I am peculiar, I have my freaks.
您知道,夫人,我很特别,我有我的怪癖。 ebigear

You wished to be Madame. You are so.
您要当夫人,您是夫人了。 ebigear

Madame Curie was the physicist with expertise in chemistry that, in1898, discovered the radioactive substances of radium and polonium in Paris, France.
居里夫人是一位具有化学专门知识的物理学家。1898年,她在法国巴黎发现了放射性物质的镭和钋。 yeeyan

Madame Tussauds is a famous wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities.
闻名世界的杜莎夫人蜡像馆总部设在伦敦,在很多大城市都设有分支。 ebigear

Madame de Sourdis, when informed of his death, demanded her smelling- bottle, and forgot to weep, through sniffling at her salts.
苏蒂夫人听到别人向她叙述这一死亡时,便要她的香水瓶来尽量闻醒盐,以致连哭泣都忘了。 ebigear

Madame Victurnien sometimes saw her passing, from her window, noticed the distress of“ that creature” who, “thanks to her,” had been“put back in her proper place,” and congratulated herself.
维克杜尼昂夫人有时看见她从她窗子下面走过,看出了“那家伙”的苦难,又想到幸而有她,“那家伙”才回到“她应有的地位”,她心里一阵高兴。 ebigear




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