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词汇 mad
释义 mad 英mæd美mædAHDmăd


ill in the mind, insane




filled with strong feeling, interest, or admiration


very foolish or crazy

roused to anger;

stayed huffy a good while

she gets mad when you wake her up so early

mad at his friend

sore over a remark

affected with madness or insanity;

a man who had gone mad

marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion;

a crowd of delirious baseball fans

something frantic in their gaiety

a mad whirl of pleasure

very foolish;

harebrained ideas

took insane risks behind the wheel

a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains


❌ The death of her children has driven her to be mad.

✔️ The death of her children has driven her mad.


❌ You drive me to be mad when you say that.

✔️ You drive me mad when you say that.

“使…受不了,要发疯”英语中用 drive sb mad 来表示, mad前不加to be。

mad, angry, annoyed

这组词的差别主要在程度上:annoyed语气较弱,只是烦恼,不见得气愤; 而mad表示的感情则比angry更强烈。例如:

He was annoyed to learn that the train would be delayed.他听说火车要误点,心里很烦恼。
She seemed to be very mad at him.她似乎对他非常恼火。

另外, mad主要与at, about连用,而较少与with连用。

下面的句子有两种意思:She is mad to speak to the stranger.她向那陌生人讲话,那是狂妄的。












用作形容词 adj.
~+名词mad doctor精神病医生mad house疯人院,精神病院mad wind狂风动词+~become mad生气drive sb mad使某人发疯get mad恼火go mad发狂grow mad发怒make sb mad使某人生气~+动词不定式mad to hear听到…很生气mad to learn知道…很生气副词+~really mad真正的狂热~+介词mad about对…表现出狂热,对…想得发疯mad at对…恼火mad at missing the train因赶不上火车而生气mad at sb's words因某人的话而愤怒mad for因…而恼火mad on迷恋…,极喜欢…mad with因…而发狂mad with delight欣喜若狂mad with drink酗酒发狂mad with shame恼羞成怒
用作形容词 mad

如病人般疯狂地 as if crazy

故事记忆我的老 Dad爸爸职业是做 Ad广告性情就像 Lad少年随身常带 Pad便签本灵感来时 Glad高兴脚气却更 Bad糟糕常常半夜 Mad发疯让我老妈 Sad伤心小学英语速记音律记忆:Dad爸爸sad伤心的,差点mad发疯的近义词 crazyangryinsaneragingenraged反义词 sanelucidcontentcheerful
~+ n.I'm afraid of mad people.我怕疯子。
The boy was bitten by a mad dog.那个男孩被一条疯狗咬了。
His mad mistakes amused all of us.他的愚蠢的错误使我们大家都发笑了。
Everyone condemned his mad behaviour.人人都责备他的愚蠢行为。
S+be+~She went mad after the death of her son.儿子死后,她就疯了。
He has gone mad.他疯了。
When the boss gets mad, leave him alone.当老板生气时,不要理他。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is mad about her.他对她着了迷。
He is mad on golf.他对高尔夫球着了迷。
He is mad for a reputation.他渴望得到荣誉。
He is mad for fame.他疯狂地追求名誉。
Her husband is mad for liquor.她丈夫酷爱喝酒。
The horse was mad for water.这匹马急欲喝水。
Those tourists were mad about missing the plane.旅游者因为没赶上飞机而大怒。
She ran mad about cartoons.她对动画片着了迷。
She was mad at her husband for forgetting her birthday.她因为她的丈夫忘了她的生日而生气。
He is mad at losing all his money.他因丢失了他所有的钱而气得要疯。
The enemy became madder in its death-bed struggle.敌人更加疯狂地进行垂死挣扎。
She was mad with joy for she had seen him at last.她最终见到了他,真是欣喜若狂。S+be+~+to- v / v -ingHe was mad to go out with no coat on a cold day.他冷天出去不穿外套,真是发疯了。
She has been going mad wiping the table.她一直在使劲擦桌子。It is/was+~+to- vIt's mad to bet on horses.赌马是愚蠢的。
It's mad to force your foot into a shoe that's too small for you.硬要把脚穿进太小的鞋里去是愚蠢的。
S+V+O+~The noise outside the building nearly drove me mad.楼外的噪音几乎使我发疯。
That music drives her mad.那音乐使她发疯。
Unjust treatment drove them mad.不公正的待遇使他们很气愤。
One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad.干一件疯事并不足以证明一个人就是疯子。Phorn-mada.狂怒的Pmad-itch假狂犬病Pmadwomann.狂女疯女Pmaddinga.发狂的狂乱的Pmad-doctorn.精神病医师Pmadmann.疯子精神病患者Pmadnessn.疯狂愚蠢的行为Pmad-braineda.狂热的鲁莽的Pmadcapa.鲁莽的冲动的n.鲁莽的人Pmaddenvt.使发狂激怒vi.发狂发怒Pmadlyad.发狂地精神失常地愚蠢地Pmadhousen.精神病院极为吵闹的场所Pmaddeninga.令人发狂的激怒的使人气极的



mad 作“狂热的”“着迷的”解时其后可接介词about, on或for; 作“发怒的”解时表示对某人发怒接at或with,表示发怒的原因则常接at或for。



用作形容词She was almostmadwith grief when her son died.她的儿子死去时,她悲伤得几乎疯了。
They aremadabout football.他们对足球很狂热。
It was amadidea to climb the mountain in this bad weather.在这种坏天气去爬山真是愚蠢。
Both brothers aremadabout tennis.兄弟俩对网球都很入迷。
When Bob getsmad, you can't hold him down.当鲍勃生气的时候,你都抑制不住他。
I was somadat getting this kind of bum rap.受这样的冤枉气真让我非常生气。”adj.crazy, insane
同义词 absurd,delirious,demented,fantastic,foolish,frantic,frenzied,kooky,nutty,psychoticaberrant,bananas,batty,crazed,cuckoo,daft,deranged,distracted,foolhardy,frenetic,illogical,imprudent,invalid,irrational,loony,ludicrous,lunatic,mental,non compos mentis,nonsensical,of unsound mind,off one's rocker,out of one's mind,preposterous,rabid,raving,senseless,unbalanced,unhinged,unreasonable,unsafe,unsound,unstable,wacky
反义词 balanced,calm,collected,rational,reasonable,sane,sensible,wiseOK,sound,unenthusiasticadj.angry
同义词 agitated,distraught,exasperated,excited,frantic,furious,livid,resentfulabandoned,berserk,distracted,enraged,frenetic,fuming,incensed,infuriated,irritated,provoked,raging,seeing red,uncontrolled,very upset,wild,wrathful
反义词 calm,cheerful,composed,happy,peaceful,pleasedbalanced,cheeredadj.enthusiastic;in love
同义词 crazy,nutsardent,avid,daft,devoted,enamoured,enthused,fanatical,fond,hooked,impassioned,infatuated,keen,wild,zealous
反义词 balanced,collected,disenchanted,unenthusiastic
acrimoniousadjective nasty in behavior, speech
angersnoun state of being mad, annoyed
acrimony,animosity,annoyance,antagonism,blow up,cat fit,chagrin,choler,conniption,dander,disapprobation,displeasure,distemper,enmity,exasperation,fury,gall,hatred,hissy fit,huff,ill humor,ill temper,impatience,indignation,infuriation,irascibility,ire,irritability,irritation,mad,miff,outrage,passion,peevishness,petulance,pique,rage,rankling,resentment,slow burn,soreness,stew,storm,tantrum,temper,tiff,umbrage,vexation,violence
bananasadjective insane
bonkers,brainsick,crackers,crazy,crazy as a loon,cuckoo,daft,demented,deranged,distraught,disturbed,dotty,kooky,loco,lunatic,mad,mad as a hatter,maniac,maniacal,mentally ill,moonstruck,not all there,nuts,nutty as a fruitcake,off one's rocker,out of one's mind,out to lunch,psycho,sick,sick in the head,stark raving mad,touched,unbalanced,unhinged,unsound,wacky
berserkadjective crazed
beside oneselfadjective in a panic
agitated,anxious,berserk,bothered,carried away,crazed,delirious,demented,distraught,distressed,frantic,frenetic,hysterical,insane,mad,out of one's mind,out of one's wit,overwrought,rattled,raving,shook-up,unbalanced,unhinged,upset,very upset,worked-up
blissfuladjective happy
beatific,cool,crazy,delighted,dreamy,ecstatic,elated,enchanted,enraptured,euphoric,floating,flying,gone,heavenly,in ecstasy,in seventh heaven,in the twilight zone,joyful,joyous,mad,on cloud nine,rapturous,sent,turned-on It is important to note at the outset that the man who flaunts that mad claim is indeed of this world.
我们首先需要注意到,四处卖弄这种疯狂信仰之人确实是这个世界上的人。这一点很关键。 yeeyan

The good sceptics have done a good service, but some of the mad ones I think have not done anyone any favours.
善意的怀疑者做过不少好事,但是我认为一些疯狂的怀疑者并没有给任何人以帮助。 yeeyan

But I know that people do go mad.
我知道人们确实能干出疯狂的事。 yeeyan

Clearly some of the people he describes don’t belong in prison at all; some are more mad or sad than bad.
显然,他所描述的一些人也根本不该被监禁,有些人并不太坏,只是更疯狂一些或更沮丧一点。 ecocn

Do it even if the world thinks you are mad.
即使这个世界认为你疯了,你也要去做。 yeeyan

He is not mad, as some claim, but he does believe the mumbo-jumbo he has been telling his people for the past42 years, including that he is the brother of all Libyans.
像有些人宣称的那样,他并没有疯,但是他的确对42年以来他告诉自己人民的那些异端邪说深信不疑,比如他是所有利比亚人民的兄长。 ecocn

He must be either mad or drunk.

He kept going for almost an hour until he was out of bullets, then walked back to his bewildered men as the M-10 exploded in the background Mad Max style.
一个小时后,打光最后一颗子弹,他溜达了回来;那台 M-10在他身后以一种疯狂马克斯的风格炸开了花。他的兄弟全被雷呆了。 yeeyan

He must be mad.

He only helps others when he has something to lose by not doing so, making Mad Max one of the most beloved anti-heroes of all time.
他只有在会失去某些东西的情况下才会去帮助别人。 这一直是疯狂的麦克斯中最受喜爱的一个角色。 yeeyan

Her behaviour drives me mad.

I on the other hand prefer to think of him as the father of Soviet mad science.
从另一个角度来说,我更倾向认为说,他是苏联的疯狂科学之父。 yeeyan

If so, is he mad?
如果是,他是不是疯了? putclub

It has also helped spur on other chaotic freedoms: look at the way ideas, good, bad and mad, are texted around the world.
它也有助于促进其他乱七八糟的自由:看看发展思路,有好的,坏的和疯狂的,都在世界各地书写着. ecocn

Meditate or practice deep breathing. This one works best if you do it regularly, as it's more of an overall stress management technique that can help you use self- control when you're mad.
冥想或者练习深呼吸:如果你经常练习的话,这种方法会是最有效的,因为当你生气的时候,它是一种更全面的处理压力的技术,能够帮助自己自我控制。 yeeyan

My brother-in-law has been living with us ever since he got mad at his boss and quit his job.
这个人是在说他的妹夫。他说:自从我妹夫对他的老板生气辞职以来,他一直住在我们家里。 hjenglish

Readers and some critics were scandalised by the story of a young, plain governess who falls in love with her Byronic employer, unaware that he already has a mad wife incarcerated in the attic.
读者和一些评论家都对书中的故事感到震惊,在书中一个年轻、普通的女家庭教师爱上了她傲慢的雇主,却不知道他有一个疯妻子被关在阁楼里。 yeeyan

Reading the same book over and over might drive you mad, but repetition helps your little one learn.
反复的阅读一本书也许会逼疯你,但重复对你的小家伙来说绝对有帮助。 yeeyan

There is both mad delight and infinite irony in the thought of my ashes scattered to the four winds, sown frenetically in space, an eternal reproach to the world.
在我思想的灰烬中,同时存在一种疯狂的喜悦和一种无止尽的讽刺,而这被分割成四股风,在空间里散播,这是对于世界永恒的批判。 yeeyan

This made me think of Mississippi Gene too and as the river poured down from mid America by starlight I knew, I knew like mad, that everything I had ever known and would ever know was One.

We tend to be egotistical creatures, he says; when people smile, we tend to think they are smiling at us, but when they look angry, we think they are mad at someone else.
他说,我们人类是自我的生物;当别人微笑时,我们愿意认为他们是对我们微笑,而当别人生气时,我们就愿意认为他们在对其他人生气。 yeeyan

We are followers, not leaders; we are the gilding on this mad lily.
我们都是随从,而不是领导人,我们是疯狂的百合花上的镀金。 yeeyan

When the mad scientist asks me, Which one of these two should I torture?

Why, my good woman, you must be mad!




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