

单词 macy's
释义 macy's ˈmeɪsiz COCA²³⁸²¹⁰
Anxious to build on that success, the company just opened a third store on34th Street, down the block from Macy's department store.
所以公司乘胜追击,在梅西百货公司附近的街区第34大街开设了第三家店。 voanews

The New York Times recently asked Macy's chief executive: “ Anything you would like business schools to teach more?”
纽约时报近期访问了梅西百货的首席执行官:“你希望在商学院再教授点什么?” yeeyan

The Shrek balloon makes its way through Times Square during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York Nov.27,2008.
2008年12月27日,在感恩节游行中,史莱克气球通过时代广场。 kekenet

A festive mood prevailed as the annual Macy's Thanksgiving parade made its way through the crowded streets of New York under brilliant sunshine.
纽约,阳光明媚,一年一度的梅西百货感恩节大游行穿梭在熙熙攘攘的大街上,给人们带来了节日的气氛。 hjenglish

Another analyst noted that Macy's tactic reflected not only its need to drum up extra business, but the fear among many retailers that the upcoming holiday season will be a disaster.

As PS revealed weeks ago, Minogue was invited to join the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a huge honour and great promotional opportunity for her.
作为 PS周前透露,米洛被邀请加入梅西的感恩节大游行,一个巨大的荣耀和伟大的促销机会她。 freeoz

But whilst Sears' share price has tumbled by nearly half since last summer, the shares of rivals such as J.C. Penney and Macy's have also plunged.
但是自从去年夏天 sears股票跌落近一半的同时,它的竞争对手如 J.Cpenney和梅西百货股票也有所回落。 ecocn

Can you stop by Macy's first?
你可以先停在梅西百货吗? www.lingworld.com.cn

Do you see the search space on the homepage of the Macy's website?
你看到梅西网站空间主页上的搜索空间了吗? yeeyan

In New York City, Macy's Department Store held its annual holiday parade, featuring musicians, including a jazz band from New Orleans, the Louisiana city flooded by Hurricane Katrina.
在纽约市,梅西百货公司举办了每年一度的节日游行。活动包括音乐家演唱,其中还有一个来自遭受卡特里娜飓风重创的路易斯安那州新奥尔良市的爵士乐团。 tingroom




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