

单词 macromolecular
释义 mac·ro·mo·lec·u·lar 英,mækrəuməu'lekjulə美,mækrəuməu'lekjulə 高COCA¹¹⁹⁴²⁸BNC⁷⁴⁶⁴¹iWeb⁴⁵⁴⁰⁸

relating to or consisting of or characterized by macromolecules;

macromolecular compounds

macromolecular chain高分子链macromolecular solution高分子溶液macromolecular resin network化 大分子树脂网…macromolecular compound大分子化合物…synthetic macromolecular compound合成巨分子化合物…macromolecular conformation大分子构造macromolecular dispersion胶体macromolecular alignment大分子排列macromolecular property高分子性质macromolecular system大分子体系macromolecular organization大分子组织macromolecular chemistry大分子化学macromolecular array大分子排列macromolecular structure高分子结构macromolecular orientation高分子取向
macro-宏-molecular⇒adj.大分子的 Featured with plentiful matrices for choosing, multiple methods for preparing and good stability, macromolecular nanoparticles are generally used nanocarriers.
大分子纳米粒具有选材面宽、制备方法多和稳定性好的特点,是目前纳米药物载体中常见的一种类型。 cnki

The component analysis of filter cake on membrane surface showed that metallic membrane played a very important role in TN removal by retaining macromolecular soluble and colloid compounds.
膜表面滤饼成分分析表明,除了生物去除之外,通过截留大分子溶解性和胶体含氮化合物,金属膜在脱氮方面发挥重要作用。 cnki

The design and synthesis of macromolecular prodrugs, choice of polymer carrier, active drug and linker are introduced.
对大分子前药的设计与合成,载体、活性药物和连接基的选择进行了论述。 chemyq

The latest advance in the study of the macromolecular structure and macromolecules stacking structure of coals were reviewed.
评述了关于煤大分子结构和煤大分子堆垛结构研究的最新进展。 chemyq

Adjusting use level of collagen and chitosan, the interaction of macromolecular could be changed, and stability of pulp could be adjusted.
调整胶原蛋白和壳聚糖的用量比例,可以改变大分子间的相互作用,从而调整纸浆纤维的稳定性。 chemyq

CHARMM is a program for macromolecular dynamics and mechanics.
CHARMM是大分子动力学和力学的程序。 iciba

In general, only with a good understanding of the structure of the macromolecular complexes at atomic resolution level, can its function be better understood.
一般情况下,只有知道生物大分子的原子水平结构才能更好地了解其功能。 cnki

Lignin is a kind of important macromolecular organic material and only inferior to cellulose inside plant, with a content of 15%-30%.
木质素是植物体中仅次于纤维素的一种重要大分子有机物质,在植物体中含量为15%-30%。 cnki

Living radical polymerization has developed over the past decade into an effective means for macromolecular design.
活性自由基聚合经过十多年的发展,已成为一种有效的高分子设计手段。 dictall

Poly- lactide is one of the generally acknowledged biodegradable macromolecular materials.
聚丙交酯是世界公认的可体内降解的高分子材料之一。 iciba

Relationships between the electrical anisotropy of coal and coal macromolecular structure were studied theoretically along with several experiments.
从理论和实验两个方面研究了煤的各向电异性与煤大分子结构间的关系。 chemyq

Silk fibroin has been widely used in many fields as a natural macromolecular material with excellent biocompatibility.
丝素蛋白作为一种生物相容性优良的天然高分子材料有着广泛的应用。 bioon

Silk fibroin has been used widely in biomedical fields as a natural macromolecular material with excellent biocompatibility.
丝索蛋白作为一种具有优良生物相容性的天然高分子材料在生物医用领域有著广泛的应用。 iciba

The work is significant for studying the statistical type of copolymers and microstructure of macromolecular chains, and for predicting the composition of copolymers.
这对研究共聚物的统计类别,大分子链的微结构和预测共聚物的组成等都有重要意义。 cnki

Therefore, one of the important tasks in multiphase macromolecular systems is to improve the compatibility of rigid-rodlike polymer with flexible matrix polymer.
因此改进刚性高分子与柔性链聚合物基体的混溶性是多相高分子体系的一个重要课题。 cnki

This is macromolecular chemistry.

This macromolecular metalloporphyrin was used as the catalyst for the first time for cyclohexane oxidation to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone with air in the absence of additives or solvents.
在无任何外加溶剂及共还原剂的条件下,应用此高分子金属卟啉作为催化剂,选择性地催化空气氧化环己烷为环己酮和环己醇。 cnki

Macromolecular proteins coupled with tannin polymer were the main factor to induce precipitate and turbidity in yellow rice wine.
高分子蛋白质是引起黄酒沉淀的主要因素,其与单宁聚合物引起黄酒冷浑浊、沉淀。 cnki




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