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macroinitiator 基本例句 大分子引发剂 Secondly, Br-TEMPO was used to mediate the polymerization of styrene, renderingmacroinitiatorPS-Br.利用Br-TEMPO首先调控苯乙烯的活性聚合,得到了大分子引发剂PS-Br。 Using poly with a bromine atom at the chain end, which was prepared by ATRP, as themacroinitiator, a diblock copolymer PMMA-b-polyethyl methacrylate) was synthesized by means of ATRP of BEMA.通过ATRP制备末端带有溴原子的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯,并以其为大分子引发剂进行BEMA的ATRP,制备了嵌段共聚物PMMA-b-PBEMA。 PFMnC-Br was used asmacroinitiatorto initiate the ATRP of t-butylmethacrylate, thus PFMnC-b-P with narrow distribution was obtained. After hydrolyzationand acidition, the amphiphilic diblock copolymers PFMnC-b-PMAA was prepared.并以此PFMnC-Br为大分子引发剂进行了甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯的ATRP,从而制得分子质量分布较窄的嵌段共聚物PFMnC-b-P,水解后得到了光敏性两亲嵌段共聚物PFMnC-b-PMAA。 Dihydroxy-capped PCL asmacroinitiatorcan further initiate the polymerization of 2,2-dimethyltrimethylene carbonate . Thus, triblock copolymer of CL with DTC ) has been prepared.以双端羟基PCL,作为大分子引发剂引发DTC聚合,获得CL和DTC的poly三嵌段共聚物。 Polystyrene polymethacrylate diblock copolymers with well defined structures asw- ell as controlled and narrow molar mass distribution were obtained from the lower mass polystyrenemacroinitiator.聚苯乙烯 -聚甲基丙烯酸酯嵌段共聚物的分子量可控 ,分子量分布较窄 ,单体转化率较高。 The diblock copolymer of PI-b-PEO with a protected hydroxyl group at the junction point was synthezised by ROP of EO using PI-EEGE asmacroinitiatorand DPMK as deprotonation agent.同时,用和制备聚苯乙烯PS-EEGE相同的方法,合成了具有功能化端基的聚戊二烯PI-EEGE,并将该聚合物作为大分子引发剂,引发EO单体进行ROP聚合,用溴乙烷进行封端制得链段连接处含保护羟基的嵌段聚合物PI-b-PEO。 |