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ap·pro·pri·ate·s 英ə'prəʊpriət美ə'proʊpriət COCA⁴⁸⁴²⁰BNC³²⁴²¹ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句例句 adj.适当的⁹³;相称的³vt.占用⁴;拨出款项原型appropriate的三单形容词appropriative副词appropriately名词appropriateness过去分词appropriated现在分词appropriating三单appropriates adj.形容词 适当的,恰当的correct or suitable for a particular situation or occasion v.动词 vt. 挪用; 占用; 盗用take for oneself or for one's own use, especially without permission vt. 拨出款项set aside for a particular purpose Adjective: suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc;a book not appropriate for children a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity it seems that an apology is appropriate Verb: give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause;I will earmark this money for your research She sets aside time for meditation every day take possession of by force, as after an invasion;the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants The army seized the town The militia captured the castle adj.形容词 appropriate, fit, proper, suitable这组词都有“适当的”“合适的”意思。其区别是: 1.proper强调经过判断觉得是适宜的、合理的; fit指适合某种目的、用途、条件、要求或某人有能力胜任某种工作或职务等; suitable强调适合某种环境、情况或某种特殊需要; appropriate除指某一事物符合一定的目的外,也可指人、物品、特征、地方、时间等被社会公认为正确。例如: Thick woollen clothes are not appropriate for a hot summer day.厚的毛衣不适于夏天穿。 They will visit the country again at a proper time.他们将在适当的时候再度访问这个国家。 These clothes are suitable for a weekend.这些衣服适宜于周末穿。 That man is not fit for the position.那个人不适合那一位置。2.proper是较正式的用法; fit是最普通用法。 1520年左右进入英语,直接源自后期拉丁语的adpropriare:ad 去) +propriare (成为自有),意为将财产等占为己有。 用作形容词 (adj. ~+名词appropriate amount of pressure适当分量的压力appropriate choice of words恰当的措词appropriate clothes合适的衣服appropriate extent适当的程度appropriate manner and method恰当的方式appropriate measure恰当的措施appropriate method恰当的方法appropriate place恰当的场合appropriate preferential treatment适当的照顾appropriate readjustments适当的调整appropriate remarks恰当的话appropriate response恰如其分的反应appropriate time在适当的时间appropriate wording措词得当~+介词appropriate for the drama适合这种戏剧appropriate to the weather合于时令appropriate to time and place与时间和地点都相宜用作动词 v.~+名词appropriate bedroom占用寝室appropriate funds挪用资金appropriate money挪用公款appropriate state property挪用国家财富appropriate the van of the firm挪用公司的货车~+介词appropriate for为…腾出〔拨出〕appropriate to将某物分配给 用作动词v. appropriate for v.+prep.
为…腾出或拨出房舍或款项( take or save sth officially for a special purpose) appropriate sth for sb/sth/v-ingHe appropriated the trust funds for himself.他把信托基金挪作己用。 He has appropriated the company's money for his own use.他挪用公司的钱作为己用。 You can't appropriate the van of the firm for your own use.你不能擅自动用公司的运货车。 The government was forced to appropriate extra funds for the new airport.政府被迫拨出额外的款项来建造新的机场。 The committee appropriated money for the memorial.委员会拨款建造纪念碑。 The legislature appropriated funds for technology in the schools.立法机关为学校添置技术设备拨出专款。 The state appropriates a large amount of money for the development of science and technology each year.国家每年拨出巨款来发展科学技术。 There has been a lot of opposition to the government's plans to appropriate millions of pounds for a new submarine.政府为建造一艘新的潜艇而计划拨款数百万英镑,这招致了一片反对声。 Congress has appropriated money for building the highway.国会已拨下专款建那条公路。 The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.政府为建造医院拨出一大笔款项。1,000,000 yuan has been appropriated for the new school buildings.为了建新校舍,已拨了100万元。Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease.已拨款500万美元用于这种疾病的研究。 This place is appropriated for a sports ground.这个地方已拨来作运动场。 appropriate to v.+prep.
将某物分配给… take (sth by or as if by right for oneself or one's own use) appropriate sth to sb/sthNo one is allowed to appropriate state property to himself.谁也不许侵占国家财富。 Congress appropriated the funds to the states.国会给各州拨款。 I see that the director has appropriated the best office to his own use.我知道主任自己已占用了最好的办公室。 It is against the law to appropriate public money to private purpose.挪用公款是违法的。 The room is appropriated to your friend.这房间给你的朋友住。 This hall is appropriated to silent reading.这个大厅专供阅览之用。近义词 rightproperadj. applicable反义词 inaptunfitwrongadj. inappropriate 用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.Complain to the appropriate authority!到合适的上司面前抱怨去! Complaints must be addressed to the appropriate authority.投诉必须向适当的主管当局提出。 Would a camera be an appropriate present for a ten-year-old child?送十岁的孩子照相机作礼物合不合适? Tell him the truth at an appropriate time.在适当的时间告诉他真相。 This isn't the appropriate time to discuss the problem.这不是讨论该问题的合适时间。 Is now an appropriate time to make a speech?现在发表演讲是不是时候? I think this is an appropriate moment to raise the question of my promotion.我认为这是提出我的晋升问题的适当时刻。 He always tries his best to give the appropriate examples to illustrate the usage of an expression.他总是尽力举出恰当的例子来说明词语的用法。 An appropriate solution to the present trouble is not far to seek.解决目前困难的恰当办法是不难找到的。 Appropriate arrangements will be made for their work and livelihood.他们的工作和生活会得到妥善安排。 Please complete the appropriate parts of this form and return it as soon as possible.请填写表格中应填的部分,并尽快交回。 The manager should take appropriate action if safety standards are not being met.如果没有达到安全标准,经理应该采取适当的措施。 Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.现在既已找出问题的症结,即可采取适当行动。 This isn't an appropriate occasion to discuss finance.在这个场合谈钱的事是不合适的。 Those countries should have an appropriate organization to uphold their interests.那些国家应当有个适当的组织来维护他们的利益。 To have good results the needle must be inserted rather deep at the appropriate acupuncture point.要得到良好的疗效就必须在恰当的针灸穴位上把针扎得相当深。 We consider these to be appropriate demands.我们认为这些是适当的要求。 We should take appropriate measures to improve our teaching.我们应当采取适当的措施提高教学质量。n. +~+ prep. -phraseThis is, indeed, a position appropriate for him.这对他的确是一个恰当的职位。 We should write in a style appropriate to the subject matter.我们应该用和题材相称的文体写作。n. +~+to- vI've been invited to her wedding but I haven't got anything appropriate to wear.我被邀请参加她的婚礼,但我没有合适的衣服穿着去。 用作表语 S+be+~Please do whatever you think is appropriate.你认为怎么做好就怎么做。 This metaphor is very appropriate.这个比喻很贴切。 Your quotation from the commentary is highly appropriate.你引用的那篇评论中的话十分恰当。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseIt is equally appropriate as a recourse book for students wishing to improve their skills on their own.作为一本自学读本,它同样适合渴望通过自学提高技能的学生使用。 I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.我认为他的议论在当时是不够妥当的。 He has recently got a position that is appropriate for her.他最近找到了一个很适合于她的职位。 Clothes of this kind are not appropriate for a workshop.这种衣服不适合在车间穿。 Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party.正式聚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。 The stranger's dress is out of place while his manner is quite appropriate for the party.那个陌生人穿的衣服与宴会不相称,但他的举止很合时宜。 Plain,simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.简朴的服装适合上学时穿。 Her bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral.她那身鲜艳的衣服不适合参加葬礼。 Her thin shoes weren't appropriate for such muddy paths.她的鞋太薄,不适宜走这么泥泞的路。 His bright clothes were hardly appropriate for such a solemn occasion.他那鲜艳的衣服不很适合这样严肃的场合穿。 Some cold drink is appropriate for such a hot day.这样的大热天,喝点冷饮是有益的。 Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme disease.极端的药适合用于极端的病。 The time is not appropriate for the discussion of this subject.讨论此项议题尚非其时。 These articles are particularly appropriate for Christmas gifts.这些礼品很适宜作圣诞礼物。 His remarks were appropriate to the occasion.他的话应景适时。 The opening speech is appropriate to the occasion.在那种场合讲那种开场白很合适。 Professor He's behavior was appropriate to time and place.何教授的举止适合于当时的时间和场合。 The statement of our delegation was singularly appropriate to the occasion.我们代表团的声明非常适合时宜。 Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion.她的衣着在那个场合很得体。 The design is not appropriate to a sober environment.这种图案与严肃的环境不相称。 Her remarks were considerate and very appropriate to the situation.她的话周到,也很得体。 Cold drinks are particularly appropriate to the hot season.冷饮特别适于暑天饮用。 We need to ensure the teaching they receive is appropriate to their needs.我们需确保他们接受的教育符合他们的需要。It is/was+~+for sb to- vIt is not particularly appropriate to tip a bus driver.给公共汽车司机付小费不太合适。 It's not appropriate to wear casual clothes to a formal banquet.穿便装出席正式宴会是不恰当的。 It seemed appropriate to end with a joke.以一个笑话作为结束似乎很恰当。 It wouldn't be appropriate for me to comment on it.我不宜对此加以评论。 It was not appropriate for her boss to ask her to babysit for his children.她的老板要求她给他临时看孩子,那样做是不适当的。It is/was+~+that-clauseIt is appropriate that everyone be suitably attired.人人穿戴得体是恰当的。 It is appropriate that he should be present.他出席是恰当的。 It is singularly appropriate that he shouldbe present.他尤其应该在场。 It is appropriate that he should get the post.由他担任这一职务是恰当的。 It is appropriate that he should run for Governor.他竞选州长是恰当的。 It is entirely appropriate that his music should be played at this festival.他的音乐在这个节日里演奏是完全合适的。其他Vary your presentation, using handouts and overheads as appropriate.适当地使用讲义和投影,让你的陈述多些花样。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.He appropriated the best bedroom.他占用了那间最好的寝室。 My daughter is always appropriating my clothes!我女儿总是乱穿我的衣服! She appropriated my unread newspaper and never returned it.她擅自把我没看过的报纸拿去看,并且没有归还。 He tends to appropriate what he borrows.他动不动就把借来的东西占为己有。 Growing plants appropriate whatever elements they need from the soil and the air.生长中的植物从土壤与空气中吸取所需要的各种元素。 Let no man appropriate a common benefit.任何人不得独享公共福利。 The materials are exported in a raw state and other countries appropriate the profits.这些材料均以原料状态出口,因而让别的国家攫取了利润。 You should not appropriate other people's belongings without their permission.你不该未经允许私自占有他人之物。 He often appropriates other's ideas.他时常剽窃别人的见解。 He was accused of appropriating club funds.他被控盗用俱乐部资金。 The minister was found to have appropriated government money.部长被查出挪用了公款。 He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company's money.当被发现曾挪用公司的部分公款时,他被开除了。 The government has appropriated funds to set up a library here.政府已拨款在这里建立一个图书馆。 Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government.反对党的一些政策已被政府照搬照用。 adj.形容词
appropriate所表示的“恰当”指的是“非常匹配”,以至于看起来明显属于该人〔事物〕,而且这种适宜性常给该人〔物〕以一种优雅与魅力。 appropriate后可接介词for或to,表示“…是恰当的”; appropriate还可用于虚拟语气中。 v.动词
appropriate作动词意思是“挪用; 占用”土地、房屋、家具、款项等,尤指未经批准或非法挪用。 appropriate也可作“拨出”解,常指为某种用途拨出款项,后接介词to表示“拨给…使用”,后接介词for表示“拨作…之用”。 形容词83%,动词14%,名词3% 用作形容词You will be informed of the details at theappropriatetime.在适当的时候将把详情告诉你。 It is not easy to choose clothes which areappropriateto your beautiful figure.选择与你漂亮的体型相称的服装是不容易的。用作及物动词She again entreated his forgiveness for so selfishlyappropriatingthe cottage她为自己这么自私地占用了这座农舍而再次恳求他的原谅。 The government hasappropriatedsome funds for education.政府拨出了一些款项用作教育基金。 If that wasn't enough, we had ourselves discovered some accounting appropriates in Mexico that turned into a worldwide SEC investigation. 这还不是最糟糕的,我们还发现了,在墨西哥的一些资产挪用,甚至被,证监会调查。 open.163.com The archer notices the dead man's boots and appropriates them. 射手注意到了死者的靴子,并占有了它们。 yeeyan The heuristic appropriates different capacities to different network components based on demand for these components. 用不同的启发式能力不同的网络组件,这些组件基于需求。 aicuxiao The high-speed magnetic levitation peripheral train appropriates freeway, right of way, and“ dream space” to become a mega structure for the Los Angeles transit system. 高速磁悬浮列车占有周边高速公路,权利的方式,和“梦想空间” ,成为一个大型结构洛杉矶过境系统。 telaijz The human being enjoys the food and drink that it incorporates and the multifarious things that it appropriates so as to sustain and enhance its being. 人类享受那些合并的食物和饮料,这五花八门的东西很适当地维持和加强着人类的存在。 www.xmu123.com The President is Commander-in-Chief of the army, but Congress appropriates money for a standing army. 总统是军队的统帅,但军费是由国会拨出的。 dictall The traditional financial fund pays into the treasury and appropriates the way, is through levies the institution and the budget unit set up the multiple account dispersers to carry on. 传统的财政性资金缴库和拨付方式,是通过征收机关和预算单位设立多重账户分散进行的。 fabiao Article 63 Whoever intercepts or appropriates funds and materials for flood control and disaster relief shall, If a crime has been constituted, be investigated for criminal liability according to law. 第六十三条截留、挪用防洪、救灾资金和物资,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任; www.1stenglish.com Currently, China's forestry construction funds channels are quite unitary, mainly from government's finance appropriates. 当前我国林业建设资金来源比较单一,主要还是政府的财政拨付形式。 fabiao Matthew appropriates that term, and he begins his own text with that same word, probably meaning for his readers to recall the book of Genesis in a way. 马太挪用了那个词,然后用同一个词来写自己的文字,可能也是希望他的读者,能想起创世纪一书。 open.163.com Now, decades later, her granddaughter, visiting from Portugal, appropriates the photograph to display in her parents' restaurant. 现在,几十年过去了,艾琳的外孙女去葡萄牙拜访,恰恰看到了挂在她的父母的餐馆中的那个照片。 yeeyan That selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk. 那个自私的学生总是占用最大的书橱和书桌。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The government immediately appropriates the invention in“the public good.” 政府立刻决定以有益于“公共利益”的名义向此项目注资。 yeeyan This new method appropriates not only for numerical calculation of BFH, but also for that of Blast Furnace Body. 此方法不仅适用炉缸炉底的数值计算,也适用高炉炉体的数值计算。 chinamet This shall be carried out at appropriates states of the product realization process in accordance with the planned arrangements see7.1. 这应于产品实现流程的适当阶段加以执行,使与既定规划安排一致见7.1。 sjzyitong When the fire is strong, it soon appropriates itself to the matter which is heaped upon it, and consumes it, and rises higher by means of this very material. 当火势强旺,它很快就会挪用堆积的材料,吞食它,并靠着这材料使自己升得更高。 blog.sina.com.cn |