

单词 appropriateness
释义 appropriateness 英ə'prəʊpriətnəs美ə'prəʊpriətnəs 高COCA²⁰⁴⁶⁷BNC¹⁶⁹⁷⁵iWeb¹⁷²¹³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

appropriate conduct; doing the right thingthe quality of being specially suitableappropriate适当的
appropriate-ness名词后缀⇒n.适当性⁹⁰;适合程度¹⁰近义词 fitness健康harmony和谐aptness适合性relevance中肯conformity一致convenience便利suitability适当correctness正确rightness正确性pertinence有关性appositeness适当附着反义词 inappropriateness不适当

用作名词And who sets these standards ofappropriateness?又是谁设立的这些适当性标准?
I consult with the experts I respect, mainly on theappropriateness.我会咨询我信任的专家,主要是考虑适当性。noun.(appropriate conduct
同义词 propriety,suitability,usefulnessaptness,fitness,suitableness
反义词 inappropriateness,unsuitableness
applicabilitynoun relevance
appositenessnoun relevance
availnoun use
competencenoun ability
adequacy,appropriateness,capability,capacity,competency,cutting it,cutting the mustard,expertise,fitness,hacking it,know-how,making the grade,makings,might,moxie,proficiency,qualification,qualifiedness,savvy,skill,suitability,the goods,the right stuff,what it takes
consistencynoun constancy, regularity
conveniencenoun availability, usefulness;useful thing
accessibility,accessory,accommodation,advancement,advantage,agreeableness,aid,amenity,appliance,appropriateness,assistance,avail,benefit,comfort,comforts,contribution,cooperation,decency,ease,enjoyment,facility,fitness,furtherance,handiness,help,life,luxury,means,ministration,ministry,openness,opportuneness,promotion,receptiveness,relief,satisfaction,service,serviceability,succor,suitability,suitableness,support,time saver,use,utility As to the appropriateness of his behavior, worry about your own conduct and leave him alone.
想要他的行为变得适当,最好先管理好你自己的行为,让他一个人呆着。 yeeyan

The development team wishes to iterate but has yet to prove the appropriateness of the approach to the business community.
开发团队想要进行迭代但是已经证明了当前解决方案对业务组织的适用性。 ibm

The high profile nature of Obama's world tour has led some pundits to question the appropriateness of the candidate being given what amounts to a presidential welcome.
奥巴马所到之处令人瞩目的程度令一些学者不禁对奥巴马得到的总统般的待遇是否合适提出质疑。 ebigear

“ People's personal views of the appropriateness of same-sex relationships naturally influence their views of our lawsuit, ” Boies wrote.
“人们对于同性关系恰当程度的个人观点自然会影响到他们对我们法律诉讼的观点,”博伊斯写道。 yeeyan

Also, don’t discount the appropriateness of silence.
同时,不要对沉默的适当性打折扣。 yeeyan

But critics have noted that his shout was not an attempt to engage in discussion, and have also questioned the appropriateness of shouting“ death to” anyone.
但是批评者注意到他的叫喊并不是试图参与讨论,同时也怀疑叫嚣着让任何人去死是否合适。 yeeyan

Few opponents of regulation doubt the appropriateness of such judicially enforced rules as the implied warranty of fitness and safety that accompanies the sale of products.
很少有管制反对者会怀疑这些强制规定的适当性,因为那意味着伴随的健康和安全保证的产品销售。 yeeyan

Furthermore, there are good reasons for questioning the appropriateness of trauma counseling the Indonesian context.
此外,我们有许多理由质疑创伤咨询在印尼目前状况下的适当性。 yeeyan

Gestures should be unobtrusive; your audience should focus not on the beauty or appropriateness of your gestures but on your message.
手势不应该太引人注目,你的听众关注的并不是你的手势是否美观或合适,而是你的信息。 edu.sina.com.cn

If an independent group such as the IWF can make its own assessments as to the appropriateness of content, many are asking, where do we draw the line?
如果一个独立组织如 IWF可以就内容适当性做出自己的评判,很多人都在问,那么我们怎么划界线呢? yeeyan

In any emergency, the appropriateness of trauma counseling depends on three conditions.
在任何灾难状态中,创伤咨询的适当性都取决于三个条件。 yeeyan

It also raises fresh questions about the appropriateness of Middle Eastern firms owning large chunks of U.S. businesses that specialize in advanced technologies.
这同样也引发这样的新问题:中东公司入主美国先进技术的商业公司是否合适的问题。 yeeyan

It's a potentially slippery slope, and one reminiscent of other battles as to the appropriateness of various content.
这是一个潜在的滑坡,它让我们想起围绕着各种内容的适当性的其他争论。 yeeyan

Regulation bullying is where a serial bully forces their target to comply with rules, regulations, procedures or laws regardless of their appropriateness, applicability or necessity.
规定欺负是指当连环欺负者强迫他们的目标来服从条例,规定,步骤,法规,而不论是否法规适合性、适用性还是必要性是否存在。 iciba

There are marvellous historic and relevant fashion solutions to all of these questions, but in most circumstances people wear what they were probably always going to wear, despite the appropriateness.
同样的问题,历史上总有惊人的巧合。大多数情况下,大家只是会穿他们通常会穿的衣服,并不讲究场合。 yeeyan

These qualification activities are used as the basis for formalized change control programs that support the continued appropriateness of the sterilizer over time.
这些认证是正式的变更控制计划的基本内容;而正式的变更控制计划支持着消毒器持续的适用性。 jukuu

They recommend watching video games and talking with children about the appropriateness of the content.
他们建议看电子游戏并与孩子们谈论游戏内容的尺度。 yeeyan

This gender effect panned out even after controlling for participants’ evaluation of the social appropriateness of such acts.
甚至在控制了参与者对这类行为的社会适当性评估之后,这种性别影响会产生特殊效果。 yeeyan

We strongly encourage discussion about the appropriateness of deceptive robots to determine what, if any, regulations or guidelines should constrain the development of these systems.
我们强烈建议就欺骗机器人的适合性来一次讨论,争取能够讨论出束缚这一系统的规章制度和指导方针。 yeeyan

We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness.
我们学习英语口语的目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利,准确,和恰当。 ebigear

You have heard testimony from people with widely divergent backgrounds, and also widely divergent views about the appropriateness and effectiveness of the WHO response.
你们听到了背景差异很大的人士提供的证词,还听到了针对世卫组织应对工作的适当性和有效性问题所表达的大相径庭的观点。 who




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