

单词 macro
释义 mac·ro 英ˈmækˌrəʊ美ˈmækˌroAHDmăkʹrō' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁴⁵⁸⁴BNC³⁰⁷⁹³iWeb⁶³⁹¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language
very large in scale or scope or capability缩写自macro-instruction。macro-长的,大的,宏观的来自希腊语macer,长的,大的。来自原始印欧语*mak,长的,薄的。引申词义拉长的,大的。其中含有负面词义消瘦的大,虚大,见其同源词emaciate, meager。 macro缩写自macro-instruction。macro-长的,大的,宏观的来自希腊语macer,长的,大的。来自原始印欧语*mak,长的,薄的。引申词义拉长的,大的。其中含有负面词义消瘦的大,虚大,见其同源词emaciate, meager。 instruction来自instruct,指示。 macro缩写自macro-instruction。macro-长的,大的,宏观的来自希腊语macer,长的,大的。来自原始印欧语*mak,长的,薄的。引申词义拉长的,大的。其中含有负面词义消瘦的大,虚大,见其同源词emaciate, meager。 meager来自古法语maigre,薄的。来自拉丁语macrum,薄的,细的,长的,大的。来自原始印欧语*makro,细长的,词源同macro-。macro-表示“大的, 长的”…macro expansion宏指令扩展, 宏扩展…recursive macro递归宏功能macro etching宏观腐蚀macro programming宏编程序task macro任务宏指令macro emulsion粗乳状液last macro最后宏指令error macro查错宏指令macro component大组分macro molecule高分子macro analysis总体分析macro etch宏观腐蚀debug macro侦错用巨集macro approach宏观方法macro lens超近摄影镜头,大镜头…
近义词 command命令function职务shortcut捷径short cut捷径instruction指令key code键盘编码器macro instruction宏指令

The State shall exercisemacrocontrol over the overall payroll.国家对工资总量实行宏观调控。
His analysis wasmacro, and not directly applicable to individual firms.他的分析是宏观的,个别商行不能直接引用。
Negative impact from the deterioratingmacrohas become clearer.宏观经济恶化带来的负面影响已经越来越明显。
I spent two summers as an intern in themacrogroup of the CBO.我在国会预算办公室的宏观小组实习了两个暑假。
The national financial risk has become the most seriousmacroeconomic risk.国家财政风险已成为一个最深层次的宏观经济风险。adj.large in scale and scope
同义词 big,large,large-scaleprominentcapacious,colossal,copious,enormous,global,huge,immense,jumbo,massive,voluminous
反义词 micro,small,small-scale,tiny A state machine has a major drawback: It is only useful for visualizing workflows at the macro level of application interactions.
状态机的一个主要缺点是:它只对应用程序交互的宏观层次的可视化工作流有用。 ibm

The excruciating pain and harrowing guilt seared into your time holograms from that era will be shifted, but you must in micro and macro make it so.
从那时代所烙印到时间全息图中难以忍受的痛苦和罪疚将被移除,但你必须在微观和宏观上让它成为那样。 blog.sina.com.cn

And I know that at macro level, there are some concerns about the overheating.
我知道在宏观层面,对于经济过热有一些担忧。 worldbank

Extending RUP to include the macro dimension will make it more agile and help to differentiate its unique, iterative nature from that of other approaches.
扩展 RUP来包含宏观的维度将使其更敏捷,并且帮助区分它与其他方法不同的独特的迭代特性。 ibm

First, you need to create a HATS project for an identified business process and record a macro.
首先,你需要为一个已标识的业务过程创建一个 HATS项目并记录一个宏。 ibm

Notice that to do this you used the binding macro.
注意,这里的操作需要用到绑定宏。 ibm

Now it is time to associate the macro you created previously with this control.
现在是时候将您前面创建的宏和这个控件关联起来了。 ibm

Once a next- screen is received, actions are run on that screen, and the macro then looks for the next screen.
一旦接收到一个后续屏幕,操作就会在这个屏幕上运行,而宏则接着寻找其他后续屏幕。 ibm

Save the macro.
并保存这个宏。 yeeyan

Some other macro references are available that are substituted with the current date and time, module name, project name, and so on.
有一些其他的宏引用也可以使用,由当前的日期和时间、模块名字、项目名字等等所取代。 ibm

That made macro funds one of the most popular types of hedge fund.
这使得宏观基金成为最受欢迎的对冲基金类型之一。 ecocn

The macro creates an array of variables, one per CPU instance.
该宏创建了一个变量数组每个 CPU一个变量。 ibm

Then, it stores a reference to the unit's file in the PDOM, along with references to the included directives and macro definitions.
然后,它存储一个对 PDOM中的单元文件的引用以及对所包含的指令和宏定义的其他引用。 ibm

This macro runs automatically and collects relevant data from the mainframe application without any user intervention.
这个宏自动运行并从大型机的应用程序收集相关数据,无需任何用户干预。 ibm

What are the macro trends in this industry that should be considered during application design?
在应用程序设计期间应该考虑此行业中的哪些宏观趋势? ibm

When you finish all phases, you complete the evolution— a macro iteration.
当您完成所有阶段时,您完成了演进——宏观的迭代。 ibm

With that single macro, you can take away a lot of work for any program that has to generate mathematical tables indexed by integer.
使用这一个宏,就可以节省很多编程的工作,它可以生成一个使用整数进行索引的数学表。 ibm

You and God are creating all the time-- you on the micro level, God on the macro.
你和神永远都在创造中——你是在微观的层面,而神是在宏观的层面。 yeeyan

You can also change the next screen order from the advanced macro editor.
您还可以在高级宏编辑器中更改后续屏幕的顺序。 ibm




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