

单词 macksoud
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“ They would have missed out on selling her a vault and expensive plot, ” Macksoud says.
“他们因此没法向她兜售昂贵的墓地和墓穴, ” 马克苏德说。 yeeyan

For20 years Macksoud worked in big funeral homes and eventually bought his own in Lapeer, Mich., a blue-collar town about50 miles north of Detroit.
马克苏德在大型殡仪馆里工作了20年,然后在密歇根州的拉裴尔买了一个自己的殡仪馆,这个工薪阶级的城镇大约处于底特律北部50英里开外。 yeeyan

Two days later, his widow is in a conference room in suburban Detroit meeting with Tom Macksoud, who runs a business called Simple Funerals.
两天后,他的遗孀来到底特律郊区的一间会议室,找到经营“便宜殡葬”服务的汤姆.马克苏德。 yeeyan

Macksoud subcontracts with traditional funeral homes to use their embalming rooms and to store bodies.
马克苏德通过外包的方法,利用一些传统殡仪馆的防腐室储存尸体。 yeeyan

Macksoud is betting that, over time, the cost consciousness he's seeing continues to spread.
Macksoud打赌,随着时间的推移,他所观察到的成本意识将会继续蔓延。 yeeyan

Macksoud is6 feet1 with dark, thinning hair and a plain, soft- spoken manner.
马克苏德身高6.1英尺,头发黝黑而稀疏,说话朴实温和。 yeeyan




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