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词汇 Mackey
释义 Mackey ˈmæki 
Currently, doctors rely on patients to tell them whether or not they are in pain. And that is still the gold standard for assessing pain, Mackey said.
麦基博士说,通常,医生从病人口中得知他们是否感到疼痛,这种方式依然是医生诊断疼痛的“黄金标准”。 huanqiu

The idea has gained even more traction in recent years, with corporate leaders like Google's GOOG Eric Schmidt and Whole Foods' WFM John Mackey embracing it.
近年来,更多高管加入了1美元年薪的队伍,其中不乏谷歌的埃里克•施密特和全食超市Whole Foods的约翰•麦基等大牌CEO。 fortunechina

“ Art was talking about love, ” Mackey said.
“艺术谈论的是爱情,”麦基说。 yeeyan

“ He was talking about the neural systems involved with love and I was talking about the neural systems involved with pain, and we realized there was a lot of overlap, ” Mackey says.
“他在讨论与爱情相关的神经系统,我在讨论与疼痛相关的神经系统,并且我们认识到这有很多重叠的部分,” Mackey说。 dxy

“ People have been looking for a pain detector for a very long time, We're hopeful we can eventually use this technology for better detection and better treatment of chronic pain. ” Mackey said.
麦基博士说:“很长时间以来,人们一直都在寻找‘疼痛诊断器’。我们有望最终利用这项技术对慢性疼痛病症做出更好的诊断和治疗。” cjzg

“ We posted fliers around Stanford University and within hours we had undergrads banging on our door, ” Mackey said.
“我们在斯坦福大学周围贴了传单,几个小时内就有本科生敲门。”麦基说。 yeeyan

After the conference, Mackey returned to Stanford and collaborated with postdoctoral scholar Jarred Younger, PhD, now an assistant professor of anesthesia, who was also intrigued with the idea.
会后,麦基回到斯坦福大学和被这个想法机激起了很大的兴趣的博士后学者,现在是麻醉助理教授的贾里德.扬格瑞博士合作。 yeeyan

Doug Mackey, , the chief regional archaeologist for the New York State Historic Preservation Office, said that finding the ship is very exciting.
纽约州历史保存办事处的首席地区考古学家道格·麦基 Doug Mackey说,这艘船舶的发现是非常令人兴奋的。 yeeyan

His roommate had studied how painful love can be emotionally, but Mackey wondered if love could influence how we experience physical pain.
他的室友研究了爱能让人多痛苦,但是 Mackey博士想知道爱能否影响我们对于生理疼痛的感受。 yeeyan

I don't know if I'm going there,“ Mackey said. ” But it tells us there's a lot more to the experience of pain than just the injury.
我不知道我会不会这样做,但是这个实验告诉我们除了给病人注射药剂减少病人的痛苦外还有其他办法可以达到同样的效果。 yeeyan

In its ruling, the California Supreme Court declared that neither Miller nor Mackey were victims of traditional sexual harassment.
在裁定期间,加州最高法院宣告米勒和麦基均不是传统性骚扰受害者。 yeeyan

In2006 their singer Todd Mackey parted ways with the band.

Miller and Mackey alleged that Kuykendall habitually rewarded the three women with promotions, bonuses, and other special treatment.
米勒和麦基声称, Kuykendall习惯性地以升职、奖金以及其它特殊待遇嘉奖这三名女性。 yeeyan

Nico Pitney of the Huffington Post, Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic and Robert Mackey of the New York Times waded into a morass of information and pulled out the most useful bits.
《赫芬顿邮报》的尼科•皮特尼、《大西洋报》的安德鲁•萨利文以及《纽约时报》的罗伯特•麦基搜集了大量的信息并从中挑出最精华的部分。 ecocn

Perhaps a few right-wingers will now start shopping at Whole Foods as a gesture of support for Mr Mackey, but the odds are against it.
可能只有很少一部分右翼人士会以行动支持麦基先生,从现在开始去全食超市购物,占多数的只会是反对者。 yeeyan

Race champion Lance Mackey harnesses up his famous lead dog, Larry.
冠军兰斯麦基给他著名的领跑犬拉里套上拉索。 cnnas

The company soon issued an apologetic clarification, noting that Mr Mackey had expressed his own views, not those of the company.
该公司迅速发表了一份致歉声明,指出麦基先生的文章仅代表个人观点,与公司无关。 yeeyan

The discovery highlights a curious aspect of Manhattan: The land is so valuable that government officials and landowners have searched for ways to add more, Mackey said.
这一发现突出了曼哈顿地区的好奇方面:那里的土地是非常宝贵,政府官员和土地所有主都在想方设法地去寻找增加土地的办法,麦基说。 yeeyan

The head of the site, Catherine Mackey, a transplant from Pfizer’s laboratories in Connecticut, has become an avid early- morning surfer.
这个研究站的负责人,凯瑟琳•麦琪 Catherine Mackey从辉瑞康涅狄格实验室借调过去已经是一个早晨冲浪的爱好者。 yeeyan

When I bring this up, Mackey tells me he thinkscompetitors are stakeholders too.
当我提出这个问题时,麦金告诉我他认为竞争对手也是利益相关都。 suiniyi

Worse, Miller and Mackey described a prison rife with awkward tension, lovers' quarrels, and public displays of affection.
更糟的是,米勒和麦基描述的监狱充满紧张不安、情侣间争吵以及公开示爱。 yeeyan

Mackey certainly isn't advocating abusing drugs as a way to control pain, but what about finding passionate love?
Mackey博士一贯不提倡通过滥用药物来控制疼痛,但是对于是否采用热烈的爱情? yeeyan

Mackey cautioned that the study was done in a very controlled lab environment, and it did not look at the differences between chronic and acute pain.
麦基博士提醒说,此实验是在一个十分受控的实验环境下做的,它尚不能分辨出慢性疼痛和急性疼痛。 cri

Mackey recruited15 undergraduates, each of whom described themselves as“intensely in love”.
马齐招募了15位大学生,他们当中的每一个人都声称自己正处于热恋之中。 yeeyan




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