

单词 machinist
释义 ma·chin·ist 英məˈʃiːnɪst美məˈʃinɪstAHDmə-shēʹnĭst ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁹²⁶²BNC⁴⁹²⁸³iWeb²¹²⁹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a craftsman skilled in operating machine tools词根词缀: -machin-机器,机械 + -ist名词词尾,从事某项工作的人machinist's mate机械军士长的助手…erecting machinist装配工
machin=mechan,机械+ist专业人士⇒机械工,机械师。近义词 mechanic技工operator操作员operative有效的technician技术员machine operator机床工人

用作名词Now, my dad was amachinistin the Navy.是的,我的爸爸在海军中当机械师。
Once the girl got her hand in, she was soon getting through as much work as the more experiencedmachinists.一旦掌握了技术,这个姑娘不久就会做得像更有经验的机工一样多。
Themachinistis aligning the wheels of the car.这个机械工正在调整车轮。as in.craftsman
同义词 artisanjourneyman,maker,manufacturer,master,mechanic,smith,specialist,technician,wrightskilled worker
反义词 apprentice,unskilled workeras in.craftsperson
同义词 artificer,artisan,blacksmith,journeyperson,maker,manufacturer,mechanic,skilled worker,smith,specialist,technician,wright
反义词 bumbler,unskilledas in.mechanic
同义词 operator,workerartificer,artisan,craftsmanhandicraftsman
craftsmannoun skilled person
artisan,journeyman,maker,manufacturer,master,mechanic,skilled worker,smith,specialist,technician,wright
craftsmennoun skilled person
artisans,journeymen,machinists,makers,manufacturers,masters,mechanics,skilled workers,smiths,specialists,technicians,wrights
craftspersonnoun person skilled in art
artificer,artisan,blacksmith,journeyperson,machinist,maker,manufacturer,mechanic,skilled worker,smith,specialist,technician,wright
mechanicnoun mechanician
artificer,artisan,craftsman,handicraftsman,machinist,operator,worker A sturdy table or bench at which manual work is done, as by a machinist, carpenter, or jeweler.
工作台在上面做手工工作的坚固的桌子或长凳,如机械工人、木匠或珠宝匠的工作台。 kuenglish

Charles Batcheldor was a machinist.
查尔斯·巴切尔多是一位机械师。 cnblogs

On my first day of duty an officer told me, “ You are a machinist and will be in charge of the machine shop.”
第一天报到的时候,一个军官跟我说:“你现在是我们的机械师,负责机修部。” edu.sina.com.cn

Steve Jobs the adopted son of a machinist;
有史蒂夫·乔布斯,被一位机械师收养; yeeyan

Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant.
史蒂夫•乔布斯在读大学时辍学,他被一名机械师和他做会计的妻子收养。 ebigear

The correct selection of sewing threads prior to garment assembly is essential in order to achieve the required finish to the garment and to aid the machinist during making.
为了达到预期的效果,并有助于缝纫工缝纫,因此在缝制服装前,有必要选择与面料相配的缝纫线。 dictall

The car that the machinist fixed only till now is mine.
那个机修工修理的唯一一辆车子就是我的。 xkyn.com

The machinist pressed his ear to the instrument in order to listen and tell where the abnormal sound came from.

“There's no way to explain it until you experience it, ” said Andrew Williams,28, a machinist from Warren, Pa.
“没有办法来解释它,直到你亲身经验,” 就是美的妙不可言啦宾夕法尼亚州沃伦市28岁的机械师,安德鲁。 yeeyan

Able to use and read vernier calipers, micrometers, depth gauges and other basic and simple machinist's measuring instrument.
会使用和读出游标卡尺,千分尺,深度尺以及一些常用的测量工具。 gdrc

Above each machinist’s workstation there was a wooden cube with a different colour painted on each face.
在每名机械师的工作站上方都有一个木质方盒,每一个面都涂有不同的颜色。 ecocn

Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet.
再说,大场面和效果的制作和作者的技巧无甚相关,倒是更依靠舞台机械人员的技巧。 cctvcnm

Even so, she and her husband, who still has work as a machinist, were sinking into debt.
即便如此,她和仍担任机械师的丈夫,已经开始陷入债务。 yeeyan

He applied for the machinist's job under false colours because he has absolutely no experience of handling machine tools.
他冒牌申请机械师职位,因为他根本就没有操作机床的经验。 iciba

He had been working as a machinist fixing sewing machines.
他的工作一直是缝纫机修理师。 douban

If a machinist know Psychology, his car- designing will give more comfort to clients.
如果对心理学相当熟悉,机械工程师设计出的汽车结构会让驾驶者、乘坐者倍感舒适。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is proved be a main point that how to handoff machinist through MAC layer to expend mobility area and ensure the data of communication.
如何通过漫游切换机制来扩大移动范围,保障在移动时的数据通信的畅通,已经成为无线局域网的研究重点之一。 fabiao

Now the self- designated“ machinist monkey” has a different outlook, and plans to study mechanical engineering.
现在自我指定的“机械师白痴”有了一个不同的规划,她计划去学习机械工程。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Marine Corps experience launched my machinist career. It also made me realize that learning how-to- learn is a powerful tool.
海军陆战队的经历开始了我的机械工程师生涯,也让我懂得学会怎么学就是一种有力的工具。 edu.sina.com.cn

The results showed that the metallurgical defect in steel caused the hair lines, leading to same pinhole as hair pipe that it was squeezed during machinist metal forming forging and hot- rolling.
结果表明,发纹产生于钢中的冶金缺陷,并经热加工轧锻后被拉长了呈毛细管状的“针孔”。 cnki

Today a machinist in Massachusetts is using his own cells to grow a new thumb after he lost part of his in an accident.
马萨诸塞州的一名机械工由于在事故中切掉了一截大拇指,此刻正在利用自己的细胞进行手指再生。 blog.sina.com.cn

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