

单词 machined
释义 ma·chine·d 英mə'ʃiːn美mə'ʃiːn COCA⁵³⁷³⁴BNC⁵⁴⁷²⁹iWeb²¹²¹⁶
n.机器⁹⁹;做事效率高的人;工具¹;车辆v.以机器制造原型machine 的过去式和过去分词形容词machinable过去分词machined现在分词machining三单machines

an instrument or apparatus which uses power, such as electricity to perform work

vt. 用机器制造,用机器加工

make or produce by machine, especially in sewing and printing; produce according to exact measurements

any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasksan efficient person;

the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine

an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently;

the war machine

a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other pointa group that controls the activities of a political party;

he was endorsed by the Democratic machine

a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine;

he needs a car to get to work

turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinerymake by machinery;

The Americans were machining while others still hand-made cars

machine, apparatus, implement, instrument




This apparatus can purify a thousand gallons of water a minute.这种装置一分钟可以净化1000加仑的水。
The television men set up their apparatus, ready to film.电视摄影人员将他们的全套设备安装好,准备开拍。


Does your sister play any instrument?你姐姐会演奏什么乐器?
He can play the piano, violin and several other instruments.他能演奏钢琴、小提琴以及其他几种乐器。
All surgical instruments must be sterilized before use.所有的外科手术器械在使用之前都必须消毒。
Language is an instrument for communication.语言是交际的工具。
A police force is an instrument for keeping law and order.警察是维护法律与秩序的工具。


There are a large variety of household implements on sale in the market.市场上有大量的各式各样的日用器具出售。
Man's earliest implements were carved from stone and bone.人类最早的工具是由石头和骨头刻制而成的。machine, machinery

这两个词的共同含义是“机器”,前者指一台机器,有单复数之分; 后者是集合名词,指机器总称,不可数。例如:

How much machinery has been installed?已安装多少台机器了?machine,machinery,mechanism,apparatus,engine,motor








用作名词 n.
动词+~build a machine制造机器control a machine控制机器design a machine设计机器fix a machine安装机器fuel a machine给机器加油have a machine in operation使机器运转look after machine看管机器manage a machine操纵机器oil a machine给机器上油operate a machine操作机器pilot a machine操纵机器put together a machine安装机器run a machine操作机器shut down a machine关机器take a machine to pieces拆卸机器take down a machine拆机器形容词+~calculating machine计算机copying machine复印机earth-moving machine推土机hand-operated machine手工操作的机器milking machine挤奶机powerful machine大功率机器printing machine印刷机sewing machine缝纫机washing machine洗衣机word-processing machine文字处理机political machine政治机构名词+~farm machine农业机械money-access machine存取款机X-ray machineX光透视机party machine党的机构state machine国家机器~+名词machine gun机关枪machine language机器语言,计算机语言machine tool机床介词+~made by machine机械制造的life of a machine机器的寿命teams of machines成套的机器用作动词 v.~+副词machine advantageously有利地用机器加工machine automatically自动地用机器加工machine completely完全用机器加工machine conditionally有条件地用机器加工machine confidently满怀信心地用机器加工machine critically紧急地用机器加工machine directly直接用机器加工machine extensively大规模地用机器加工machine finally最终用机器加工machine fitly适度地用机器加工machine hastily草率地用机器加工machine impossibly不可能用机器加工machine laudably值得赞许地用机器加工machine logically合理地用机器加工machine marvelously奇迹般地用机器制造machine mechanically机械地用机器制造machine particularly特别地用机器制造machine persistently固执地用机器制造machine punctually准时用机器制造machine scientifically科学地用机器制造machine secretly秘密地用机器制造machine strictly严格地用机器制造machine systematically有规律地用机器制造machine unconditionally无条件地用机器制造machine unwillingly勉强用机器制造machine widely大规模地用机器制造
近义词 toolagentdeviceenginegadgetapparatusappliancemachinerystructuren. agencyinstrumentcontrivance
用作名词n.The machine has been idling away for several minutes to get it warm.机器空转了几分钟以使它预热。
The machine can hammer metal very thin.这台机器能把金属锤得很薄。
They advised the peasants on how to use the machine.他们指导农民如何使用这台机器。
The worker operated the machine expertly; we admired him greatly.那位工人操纵机器很熟练,我们对他很钦佩。
They aided the rich to fix the machine.他们帮富人修理机器了。
I can't guess how to control the machine.我猜不出来怎样操纵那台机器。
How are the two halves of the machine joined together?这台机器的两部分是如何连在一起的?
The characteristics of the machine are fully detailed in our brochure.这部机器的性能在我们的小册子里有详细说明。
Please detail the characteristics of the machine.请详细说明该机器的性能。
Centrifugal machines are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a gearbox.离心机不通过调速箱直接与电机驱动装置相连。
Harvesting machines are eating their way well into many fields, in spite of the wet weather.虽然天下着雨,收割机还是在田间割了一片一片的庄稼。
Let me demonstrate to you how this powerful machine works.我给你演示一下这台大功率机器的运转情况。
The powerful machine gummed the back of stamps.那台大功率机器给邮票的背面上胶。
With his own body Huang Jiguang blocked the muzzle of the enemy's machine gun.黄继光用自己的身体挡住了敌人的枪眼。
When the house was built, the garden had to be levelled off with a big earth-moving machine.建房时得用大型推土机把园子推平。
The new sewing machine didn't go down very well even after a month's use.这台新缝纫机用了一个月但还是不怎么顺手。
I don't think this new sewing machine is everything it's cracked up to be.我 看这台新缝纫机不如他们吹嘘得那么好。
The washing machine seems to have broken down again.洗衣机好像又坏了。
The washing machine didn't measure up to the required standards.这台洗衣机没有达到质量标准。
The salesman demonstrated the new washing machine.那位推销员演示如何使用新式洗衣机。
You'll have to complain to the Head Office if the washing machine stops working again .要是洗衣机再出毛病的话,你只好向总公司诉说了。
The word-processing machines increased productivity three-fold.这些文字处理机把生产率提高了三倍。
None of the word-processing machines on display here are imported.这里展出的文字处理机没有一件是进口的。
All the word-processing machines were quickly bought up the day they were offered for sale.所有的文字处理机在出售的当天很快被买光了。
The calculating machines are made in China.这些计算机是中国制造的。
The workers are busy dismantling the old calculating machines to make room for the installation of some new ones.工人们正在忙着拆卸计算机,为安装新计算机腾出地方。
That factory imported some printing machines from Germany last year.去年那家工厂从德国进口了一批印刷机。
They first tried to import such printing machines from abroad, but soon found that it wouldn't work.他们打算从国外进口这样的印刷机,但不久发现这样不行。
The copying machine is named after its inventor.这台复印机是以其发明者的名字命名的。
The copying machine is very simple to maintain.这复印机保养起来很简便。
The internal affairs of any political machine do not allow of external interference.政治机构的内部事物是不容许外国干涉的。
The factory has decided to farm out production of some of the machine parts to other plants.这家工厂决定把一些机器零件包给其他工厂去生产。
All the machine parts on a blueprint must answer each other.设计图上所有的机器部件都应互相配合。
Data and specifications for the machine parts were often cited to demonstrate the merits and demerits of the factory's products.过去经常有人援引机器部件的数据和规格来说明这家工厂产品的优劣。
Now they can make all kinds of precision machine tools.他们现在能制造各种精密机床。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.They machined the clothes.他们用机器制造衣服。
The edge must be machined down to 0.03 millimetres.这边缘必须切割到 0.03 毫米的精确度。






as in.manufactured
同义词 assembled,completed,constructed,fabricated,mass-produced,produced,shapedbuilt,complete,done,erected,fashioned,forged,formed,tooled
反义词 incomplete,unfinished
manufacturedadjective made
assembled,built,complete,completed,constructed,done,erected,fabricated,fashioned,forged,formed,mass-produced,produced,shaped,tooled It is recommended that these steels be machined and heat-treated before nitriding, because there is no scale or further work necessary after this process.
建议对这种钢在渗氮前先机加工和热处理,因为渗氮后没有剥落并不需要更多的加工。 mapeng

Robert Kiener, of the Precision Machined Products Association, cites the case of one Ohio manufacturer whose bank asked for his life- insurance policy as collateral.
精确机器加工产品联合会的一员罗伯特•齐纳引用了一个俄亥俄州生产商向当地银行贷款但银行要求用他的人寿保险作为抵押品的例子。 ecocn

The gasket faces of girth flanges shall be machined after final heat treatment.
在最终热处理后翼缘法兰的垫片的端面应进行加工。 blog.sina.com.cn

The globular structure obtained gives improved machinability to the steel. This treatment is particularly useful for hypereutectoid steels that must be machined.
所获得的球状结构改善了钢的可切削性。此处理方法对必须机加工的过共析钢特别有用。 mapeng

The resulting machining marks are, therefore, a helix having a very small pitch, which is equal to the feed. Consequently, the machined surface is always cylindrical.
所以,由此产生的机加工痕迹是一条具有很小节距的螺旋线,该节距等于进给。因此机加工表面始终是圆柱形的。 liuxuebaba

The machined self lubricating composite tail rotor gears will stand up to the most aggressive3D flying.
加工自润滑复合材料尾桨齿轮都会挺身而出最具侵略性3D飞行。 iciba

Compared with a machined part, the printed one is some 60% lighter but still as sturdy.
与机械加工的部件相比,打印的部件重量要轻60%左右,而且更加结实。 ecocn

Cutting temperature has direct effects on not only tool wear and tool life but also machining accuracy and quality of machined surfaces.
切削温度不仅直接影响刀具的磨损和耐用度,而且也影响工件的加工精度和已加工表面质量。 cnki

Finer surface finishes also may be needed to eliminate unnecessary stress concentrations, especially in areas of machined radii or undercuts.
起光滑表面作用的涂层还应当避免不必要的应力集中,尤其是机加工倒角或内切槽。 gywx

Head and cap are machined from6061- T6 solid aluminum bar and anodized for corrosion resistance.
头帽的加工和从6061-扩建固体铝棒和耐腐蚀的阳极。 gyzdhw

If it is necessary, the new location features must be machined as a result of location from the former location features.
如果必要的话,新的定位要素必须作为先前的定位要素的定位结果来加工。 mapeng

If a part has several or more surfaces to be machined, the cost can be excessive when little deviation is allowed from the nominal size.
如果一个零件有若干或较多表面要机加工,且几乎不允许偏离名义尺寸,则成本会超过正常合理的界限。 mapeng

Precision machined tilting disc and seat for tight shutoff in reverse flow direction.
精密机加工的倾斜式阀瓣和阀座,适用于逆流的紧密关闭。 h6688

Products are precisely machined with high assembling accuracy.
产品加工精度高,质量可靠。 iciba

Steel in this class is tough, ductile and easily machined.
这种钢强韧,延展性好,而且容易加工。 iciba

The piston and rod assembly being machined directly into the extruded body achieves space savings.
活塞和连杆加工组装被挤压到身体直接达到节省空间。 gyzdhw

The piston and rod assembly machined directly into the extruded body achieves space savings.
活塞和连杆的加工组装成人体直接挤压达到节省空间。 gyzdhw

The resulting laser- machined holes have a much higher aspect ratio diameter to depth ratio than holes achieved with standard fabrication techniques.
激光加工产生的孔比标准制造技术有更高的直径深比。 www.etiri.com.cn

These parts have usually been machined from solid billets, which can result in 90% of the material being cut away.
这些外壳通常由金属坯加工而成,其结果是90%的金属材料被废弃。 ecocn

These valves feature precision machined parts insuring years of dependable operation.
为了保证几年内能够可靠运行,这些阀门都采用精密加工部件。 iciba

They are axially guided by the axial sliding areas of the cage or by the lips of machined bearing rings.
它们通过保持架的轴向滑动区或加工过的轴承圈挡边轴向的引导。 blog.sina.com.cn

This echoes from its new high-fidelity machined chassis, representing the most exacting manufacturing process of any laptop made today.
这些从它全新的高保真的底板整体加工就能得到印证,它是当今笔记本电脑最严格的制造工艺的代表。 yeeyan

Those constraints include having to design things not in their optimal shape but to be machined, often as a series of pieces.
这些限制包括,设计者不得不用多个零部件去实现一个功能,不能从最优化的外形尺寸来设计产品。 ecocn

Weld preparations shall be machined1000 RMS maximum surface roughness; grit blasted near white blast, wired brushed or ground to bright metal, prior to welding.
焊接前的准备工作应包括机械加工1000 RMS最大表面粗度;喷砂出白级喷砂,手工刷除或打磨成光洁金属。 yeeyan




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