

单词 Machiavelli
释义 Mach·i·a·vel·li 英ˌmækiːəˈveliː, ˌmɑːkjɑː-美ˌmækiəˈvɛli, ˌmɑkjɑ-AHDmăk'ē-ə-vĕlʹē, mä'kyä- 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a statesman of Florence who advocated a strong central government 1469-1527近义词 schemer计划者exploiter剥削者Svengali斯文加利manipulator操纵器wheeler-dealer追求利益的人…Niccolo Machiavelli马基维利spin doctor政客的代言人…
Are not these aristocratic goals of honor and glory? precisely what Machiavelli seems to be advocating?
这些追求名誉荣耀的高尚目标难道不正是,马基雅维利所拥护的吗? v.163.com

Da Vinci selected the Arno River for the painting specifically because he knew it well enough to obsess over it long after the plot with Machiavelli failed.
特别挑选此河做背景是因为他知之甚深,即使马基雅维利攻打比萨的计谋失败后,仍然久久沉迷其中。 yeeyan

And to some degree, he even seems to speak, he seems even more characteristically modern than Machiavelli.
在某种程度上,他说的,甚至比马基雅维利,更具有典型的现代性。 v.163.com

And it is not for Machiavelli simply the existence of these two different moralities that is at stake.
此外对于马基雅维利来说,不仅仅,这两种不同的道德观岌岌可危。 v.163.com

Another possible explanation for this apparent contradiction is that Machiavelli excused some evil means if the end was sufficiently noble.
另一种为这个明显自相矛盾的可能的解释是马基雅维里谅解了某些邪恶手段,如果目的足够正当的话。 yeeyan

But you might say, Hobbes goes further than Machiavelli.
但是霍布斯比马基雅维利想得远。 v.163.com

Even more than at other media firms, executives sometimes seem inspired by Machiavelli— or Richard III. Competitors are to be crushed.
相比于其他媒体公司,新闻集团的高管们有时候似乎受到马基雅维利或者理查德三世启发,应当将竞争者压垮。 ecocn

For all of his tough talk, Hobbes takes justice and the rule of law very seriously, far more seriously than, for example, does Machiavelli.
在他那些强硬的措辞中可看出,霍布斯对正义和法律的态度,始终是极为严谨的,比马基雅维利的态度要严谨得多。 v.163.com

Hobbes, in other words, tried to render acceptable, tried to render palatable, what Machiavelli had done by providing a more precise and more legal and institutional framework for the modern state.
霍布斯,换句话说,试图去变得易于接受,试图去变得更加愉快,马基雅维利的做法是,给现代国家提供一个,更加精确,更加法定的机构性框架。 v.163.com

Hobbes, again, along with Machiavelli, was one of the great architects of the modern state.
霍布斯,再一次,同马基雅维利一样,是现代国家的伟大建构者。 v.163.com

Hobbes, like Machiavelli, was an innovator, and he was self- consciously aware of his innovations.
霍布斯,像马基雅维利一样,是改革者,他自己也清楚地意识到他的革新。 v.163.com

I am not suggesting that Katie Couric take her questions from Hobbes and Machiavelli rather than from the polls that survey the opinions of ordinary citizens.
当然,我绝不是建议凯蒂·库里克拿着霍布斯或者马基雅维里的理论与候选人展开问答,而放弃那些来自普通市民的声音。 yeeyan

In his book The Prince, Machiavelli examines what rulers actually do to maintain power.
在他的《君主论》一书中,马基雅弗利审视了统治者是如何保住自己的权力的。 edu.sina.com.cn

Maybe they are exaggerations and I think to some degree they are but it's revealing that both of these very serious readers of Machiavelli took him to be an apostle of freedom.
也许他们过于夸张了,而且我认为,某种程度上他们确实是,但具有启迪意义的是,这两个严肃的马基雅维利的读者,都把他看作自由的传道者。 v.163.com

One explanation is that Machiavelli considered Borgia’s cruelties necessary, whereas those of Agathocles were senselessly cruel and unnecessary.
一种解释是马基雅维里认为博尔吉亚的残暴是必要的,而阿加索克利斯的是没有意义和不必要的残暴。 yeeyan

Religion had to bring a softening effect upon against the violent and bestial character of the early Romans. But for us today, Machiavelli writes, religion has to serve the opposite purpose.
宗教必须带来一种缓和效应,用以针对,早期罗马人的野蛮残忍的性格,但是对于今天的我们来说,马基雅维利写道,宗教不得不为相反的目的服务。 v.163.com

So what did Machiavelli achieve?
那么马基雅维利实现了什么? v.163.com

The terms are closely related, but Machiavelli has no rigid definitions of what they imply.
这些术语联系非常紧密,不过马基雅维里对它们的意思并没有严格的定义。 yeeyan

Winning the war required them to rediscover the classical republican values of Machiavelli.
赢得战争要求他们重新发现马基雅维利的古典共和价值观。 yeeyan

Machiavelli isn’t necessarily defending or recommending this behavior; he’s just reporting the facts.
马基雅弗利并不一定是在推崇这些做法,或者为之辩解;他只是实话实说。 edu.sina.com.cn

Machiavelli, you remember, claimed to have discovered a new continent, new modes and orders.
马基雅维利,被认为是,发现了一块新的领域,新的模式和秩序。 v.163.com

Machiavelli gives him a knife.
马基雅维利给了他一把刀子。 v.163.com

Machiavelli is not an evil genius, nor a demon, nor a miserable and cowardly writer; he is nothing but the fact.
马基雅弗利绝不是个凶神,也不是个魔鬼,也不是个无耻的烂污作家,他只是事实罢了。 ebigear

Machiavelli might call them sort of manly men who are fully confident about their abilities.
马基雅维利可能会称他们为有男子气概的人,并且对自己的能力充满自信。 v.163.com

Machiavelli uses these two psychological and even in some ways quasi- medical terms, humors, to designate two classes of people on which every society is based.
马基雅维利运用这两个心理学上的,甚至某种程度上准医学的术语,人民特质,来界定两种不同阶级的人,每个社会都以此为基础。 v.163.com

Machiavelli wants to redirect power to some degree away from the nobles and toward the people.
马基雅维利想要在某种程度上,使权力由贵族往人民方向偏转。 v.163.com




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