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词汇 Macerata
释义 Macerata
n.马切拉塔在意大利;东经 13º27' 北纬 43º18'
Matteo Ricci was born in 1552 inMaceratain central Italy.利玛窦在1552年出生于意大利中部的马契拉塔城。
An 11m high Big Ben clock tower made entirely from chocolate has become the highlight during the Christmas food festival inMacerata, central Italy.最近,在意大利中部马切拉塔城的圣诞食品节中,以纯巧克力制成的一座11米高的“大本钟”成为一大亮点。
The court ofMaceratahas hit a new national low with this, Cuccioletti's lawyers were quoted as saying, referring to Italy's notoriously slow legal system.报道说,意大利的司法程序一向非常缓慢,平均需要3041天才能对一件民事案件进行最终宣判。
Many Italian cities established their own university in Renai-ssance. There were sixteen in all, including Bologna, Catania ,Ferrara , Florence,Macerata, Messina , Naples , Padua , Parma , Pavia , Perugia, Pisa ,Rome ,Salerno ,Siena ,Turin .文艺复兴时期意大利的许多城市都建立了自己的大学,共十六所,分别为:波伦亚大学、卡塔尼亚大学、费拉拉大学、佛罗伦萨大学、马切拉塔大学、摩西拿大学、那不勒斯大学、帕多瓦大学、帕尔马大学、帕维亚大学、佩鲁贾大学、比萨大学、罗马大学、萨莱诺大学、锡耶纳大学和都灵大学。




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