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词汇 Macedonia
释义 Mac·e·do·ni·a 英ˌmæsɪˈdəʊniːə, -ˈdəʊnjə美ˌmæsɪˈdoniə, -ˈdonjəAHDmăs'ĭ-dōʹnē-ə, -dōnʹyə 高Economist¹¹⁷⁶⁶

landlocked republic on the Balkan Peninsula; achieved independence from Yugoslavia in 1991the ancient kingdom of Philip II and Alexander the Great in the southeastern Balkans that is now divided among modern Macedonia and Greece and Bulgaria近义词 Macedon史马其顿王国古代巴…Makedonija马其顿(希腊北部一古国…

用作名词I'm getting phone calls fromMacedonia.我还接到了来自马其顿王国的电话。
On a recent trip to Ohrid,Macedonia, I arrived in the middle of the night after a six-hour bus ride through Albania.在最近的一次去马其顿王国的奥赫里德的旅行中,我在经过了六个小时的穿越阿尔巴尼亚的车程后,在半夜到达了目的地。
A man rides in the trunk of a car to increase traction during a heavy snow storm on a regional highway near Skopje,Macedoniaon December 19, 2009.在一辆汽车的行李箱乘坐一名男子期间增加附近一个斯科普里,马其顿地区公路大雪困在二零零九年十二月一十九日牵引。 After these things were ended, Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, After I have been there, I must also see Rome.
这些事完了,保罗心里定意,经过了马其顿,亚该亚就往耶路撒冷去,又说,我到了那里以后,也必须往罗马去看看。 ebigear

And Macedonia, unable to resolve a quarrel with Greece over its name, has stagnated as an EU candidate since2005.
因为国家名字不可能解决与希腊之间问题的马其顿在2005年使其成为欧美候选国受到了阻碍。 yeeyan

Lest haply if they of Macedonia come with me, and find you unprepared, wethat we say not, ye should be ashamed in this same confident boasting.
万一有马其顿人与我同去,见你们没有豫备,就叫我们所确信的,反成了羞愧。你们羞愧,更不用说了。 ebigear

Mr. Redzepi was born and spent most of his childhood in Copenhagen, where his father, an immigrant from Macedonia, drove a cab and his mother, who is Danish, worked as a cleaning lady.
雷哲毕是土生土长的哥本哈根人,童年的大部分时间都是在这座城市度过的,开出租车的父亲是马其顿移民,母亲是一位清洁女工,丹麦人。 yeeyan

The French“Macedoine” salad could be the big exception: it is a mixed fruit salad that some say was named after the ethnic confusion in Macedonia100 years ago.
法国的“马其顿式”沙拉相比起来可能是个异数:这是道混合水果沙拉,有人说名字来自于100年前马其顿发生的种族混合。 ecocn

The1992 Barcelona Olympics is Macedonia’s first participation of the Summer Olympics, separately from the Yugoslavia team.
1992年巴赛罗那奥运会是马其顿从南斯拉夫独立后第一次参加夏季奥运会。 ebigear

We also dramatically increased our financial support and troop presence in neighboring Albania and Macedonia to help them deal with the large number of refugees flooding in.
同时,我们还大大增加了对其邻国阿尔巴尼亚和马其顿的经济援助,并大量在该地区增兵,以帮助应付潮水般涌入的难民。 yeeyan

A week after Kosovo’s move on the border, the number of lorries crossing into the country from Macedonia suggested that Kosovars were not having much trouble replacing goods from Serbia.
在科索沃边界行动的一周后,从马其顿来经过这个国家的卡车数量表明科索沃人在从塞尔维亚人那换货并没因此遇到大的麻烦。 ecocn

Albania and Croatia are widely expected to get a formal invitation to join NATO while the status of Macedonia is less clear.
阿尔巴尼亚和克罗地亚都被广泛期待获得北约正式邀请加入这个组织,但是马其顿的地位还不那么明朗。 ebigear

Chinese enterprises are always welcome to invest in sectors of energy, tourism, and infrastructure construction in Macedonia.

Conspiracy theorists said the real purpose of the camp was to safeguard the planned AMBO oil pipeline that aimed to pump Russian and Caspian oil from across Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania.
阴谋理论认为基地的真正目标是保护计划中的 AMBO输油管道,该管道计划将俄罗斯和黑海原油运输到巴尔干半岛、马其顿和阿尔巴尼亚地区。 ecocn

For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal hath provoked very many.
因为我知道你们乐意的心,常对马其顿人夸奖你们,说亚该亚人豫备好了,已经有一年了。并且你们的热心激动了许多人。 ebigear

From an Albanian nationalist point of view, Macedonia is not a state, but a compromise, and perhaps only a temporary one.
从阿尔巴尼亚民族主义者的角度来看,马其顿并不是一个国家,而只是一种妥协,可能还只是暂时的妥协。 ecocn

In 1989 Greece registered the term “ Macedonia” so that only wines from the Greek region could bear that stamp.
1989年,希腊注册了“马其顿”商标,这样就只有希腊产的葡萄酒可以使用这个商标。 ecocn

In 2001 her predecessor as chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, could not construct a majority with votes from his SPD- Green coalition alone for sending troops to Macedonia.
2001年她的前任首相,格哈特·施罗德在出兵马其顿时无法靠他自己的自由民主党-绿党联盟获得大多数投票。 ecocn

In another, a Hong Kong-owned textile- maker shut up shop in Latvia, citing a“ lack of workforce” in the region, and shifted production to Macedonia and Vietnam.
另一个案例则是一家港资纺织品制造商关闭了在拉托维亚的工厂,声称这一地区“劳动力不足”,将生产线转移到了马其顿和越南。 ecocn

In the Yugoslav days80% of Macedonia’s grapes were exported in bulk and ended up bottled elsewhere in Yugoslavia, or abroad.
在南斯拉夫时代,80%的马其顿葡萄会大批出口,最终在南斯拉夫或国外被酿成葡萄酒并装瓶销售。 ecocn

In Macedonia, an egg can mean the difference between life and death.
在马其顿,鸡蛋可能意味着生与死的差别。 yeeyan

In Macedonia, they forego the stake and just drive a nail through the vampire’s navel.
在马其顿,他们没用木桩,只是用钉子插进吸血鬼的肚脐。 yeeyan

It borders the Black Sea to the east, Greece and Turkey to the south, Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, and Romania to the north along the river Danube.
它东面与黑海接壤,南边与土耳其和希腊接壤,西面毗邻塞尔维亚、南斯拉夫的西南部以及马其顿共和国,北面是罗马尼亚并且沿着多瑙河。 ebigear

More of this, and Macedonia should risk losing its status as a candidate.
再这样下去,马其顿将面临失去其候选国的资格。 ecocn

Morocco, Moldova and Macedonia improved the most in the past year.
摩洛哥、摩尔多瓦和马其顿在过去这些年改进最多。 yeeyan

Spain and Macedonia count as relative success stories; the worst black spots of disadvantage are in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.
西班牙与马其顿还算比较而言不错,最差的地方是保加利亚、捷克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚与斯洛伐克。 yeeyan

The European Union has warned Macedonia that political and ethnic stability in the country is crucial for its European future.
欧洲联盟警告马其顿,马其顿政治和族群的稳定对它在欧洲的未来至关重要。 ebigear

The Greeks say that the very name Macedonia implies territorial claims to a part of Greece.
希腊人说,马其顿这个名字就暗含对希腊北部马其顿省的领土要求。 ecocn

Who was Phillip of Macedonia's son?

Without the long bus ride, there would be no Macedonia, and that would be sad.
没有汽车的长途颠簸,就到不了马其顿,那样我就更难过了。 yeeyan




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