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词汇 macabre
释义 ma·ca·bre 英məˈkɑːbrə, məˈkɑːb, -ˈkɑːbə美məˈkɑbrə, məˈkɑb, -ˈkɑbɚAHDmə-käʹbrə, mə-käbʹ, -käʹbər ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA³⁰⁹⁹¹BNC²²⁰⁰²iWeb²²¹⁷²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

shockingly repellent; inspiring horror;

ghastly wounds

the grim aftermath of the bombing

the grim task of burying the victims

a grisly murder

gruesome evidence of human sacrifice

macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages

macabre tortures conceived by madmen

在欧洲历史上最猖獗的瘟疫莫过于14世纪蔓延于整个欧洲的黑死病Black Death,死亡人数之多超过历史上任何流行病或战祸。法国编年史家傅华萨说,约有三分之一的欧洲人死于这次流行病。另有资料说,这次大瘟疫夺走了三分之二的欧洲人的性命。除此而外,从1337年至1453年英法两国进行时断时续的百年战争也在很大程度上增大了人口的死亡率。焚化尸体的火堆几乎随处可见。因此,中世纪末期人们时常想到死亡,死亡也就成了当时西欧戏剧、诗歌、音乐和美术的一个普通主题。最风行的一种题材是在戏剧里和画面上表现生者和死者共舞,象征死亡的骷髅带领众人一步步走向坟墓。这种舞蹈古法语作do.nse maco.bre,英语作dance macabre,意思是dance of death死亡之舞,若照字面义讲则屉dance of the Maccabees马卡比家族之舞。它可能起源于14世纪德国一出据《圣经- IH约》次经Old Testamenr Apoc-rypha里有关Maccabee家旅的故事编写而成的道德剧或奇迹剧。这个家族为了拯救叙利亚犹太人领导了一场长达近30年的解放战争,公元前142.年建立了一个由Maccabef家族后裔统治的犹太国家,公元前63年为罗马人所灭。Maccabee家族的故事充满了阴惨的气氛,读起来令人毛骨悚然。多数学者认为,danse macabre得名于故事中七位殉难的Maccabee兄弟的舞蹈,而macabre则显然为Maccabee之讹误。macabre直到19世纪末期寸作为形容词出现于英语之中,并被赋予“以死亡为主题的”、“阴惨的”、“令人毛骨悚然的”等义。
  danse macabre法Dance …
GRE红宝书来自法语, 原指quot;死神之舞quot;ma妈妈, cab出租车, re热: 妈妈在出租车里面很热, 因为开不开车门, 联想好莱坞的大片, 司机杀乘客的情景.
音:妈可怕,妈可怖,我的妈呀,好可怕,可怖;remarkable 非常的
GRE难词记忆macabre 音“魔卡脖”→魔鬼卡住了你的脖子→恐怖的谐音记忆macabre音“魔卡脖”→魔鬼卡住了你的脖子⇒恐怖的来自法语,原指“骷髅舞蹈”近义词 grim严厉的sick有病的scary可怕的grisly可怕的horrid可怕的morbid病态的ghastly可怕的deathly致死的terrible可怕的gruesome可怕的horrific可怕的ghoulish食尸鬼似的chilling使人寒心的cadaverous像尸体的

用作形容词Even a successful electrocution ismacabre.就算是一次成功的电刑,它也是很恐怖的。
If that doesn’t give you amacabrethrill, nothing will.如果没有给带来阵阵寒颤,那么你会什么事都不惧怕了。adj.(eerie;deathlike
同义词 frightening,ghastly,ghoulish,grim,grisly,gruesome,lurid,morbid,spooky,weirdcadaverous,deathly,dreadful,frightful,ghostly,hideous,horrible,horrid,offensive,scary,spookish,terrible,unearthly
反义词 cheerful,happy,pleasant,pleasing,prettycommon,living,normal
creepieradjective nasty, scary
creepyadjective nasty, scary
deathlyadjective suggesting end of life
disgustingadjective sickening;repulsive
fearfuladjective horrifying
frightful/frighteningadjective scary, shocking
alarming,appalling,atrocious,awesome,awful,chilling,daunting,dire,direful,dismaying,disquieting,dread,dreadful,fearful,fearsome,formidable,ghastly,grabber,grim,grisly,gruesome,hair-raising,hairy,harrowing,hideous,horrendous,horrible,horrid,horrifying,inconceivable,intimidating,lurid,macabre,menacing,morbid,ominous,petrifying,portentous,repellent,spooky,terrible,terrifying,traumatic,unnerving,unspeakable IT WAS a macabre, if predictable, way of celebrating ETA's50th anniversary.
埃塔组织采用了一种意料中之中的恐怖的方式来庆贺其成立50周年。 ecocn

Whoever had set this macabre ordeal in motion, it seemed, had called it off once the cops had appeared— and had probably been watching them every step of the way.
显然,操控这个令人毛骨悚然的游戏的人在发现有警察出现时就已经把计划取消了——并且,很可能一直在观察警察们的一举一动。 yeeyan

Yet this is only the latest, macabre, technique in a country that suffers an epidemic of suicides.
然而,这只不过是最新的,恐怕的一种手段而已,但在日本却已引发了自杀潮。 ecocn

BURIED in the2001 round of George Bush’s tax cuts was a macabre oddity.
纠结于2001年乔治•布什总统的减税政策真是一件可怕的怪事。 ecocn

But his passions had a macabre side.
但丹东的激情也有恐怖的一面。 ecocn

Evazan set up shop on the distant and macabre world of Necropolis.
埃瓦赞在遥远可怕的墓地星设立实验室。 starwarschina

Even worse, I had daily macabre fantasies of being operated on while I was still conscious, and watching my skin and organs being ripped apart.
更糟糕的是,我每天都会有种超恐怖的幻想,就是在我还清醒的时候就被开刀了,然后眼睁睁地看着我的皮肤和内脏一点点被刀子拉开。 yeeyan

Even a successful electrocution is macabre.
就算是一次成功的电刑,它也是很恐怖的。 ecocn

Fairy tales of the past were often full of macabre and gruesome twists and endings.
从前的童话都是充满了曲折情节和阴森结局的。 yeeyan

Females sometimes kill and eat their counterparts after mating in a macabre behavior that gave the insect its name.
雌性黑寡妇有时交配后杀死并吃掉交配对象,黑寡妇一名就来自这种恐怖的行为。 yeeyan

His tales of the macabre, with death and beauty closely intertwined, were admired by many editors.
他那些以死亡为主题的故事,将死亡和美紧密的交织在了一起,得到了众多编辑的青睐。 ecocn

His witty and often macabre tales won him critical acclaim and he was a successful short- story writer.
他的机智和恐怖的故事常常为他赢得好评,他是一个成功的短篇小说作家。 ecocn

In 2008 local news media uncovered a macabre network that lured unemployed urban youths to the countryside with promises of jobs, only to kill them and pass them off as dead rebels.
2008年,当地新闻媒体揭发了一个害人的犯罪陷阱,以工作为诱饵欺骗失业的城市年轻人来到农村,然后杀害他们,将他们混充为战死的叛乱分子。 topsage

Jobs are evaporating: inside the shells of Woolworths stores, all now closed, CCTV screens suspended from the ceilings flicker eerily, like macabre art installations.
工作岗位在减少:所有的沃尔沃斯商场都关门停业,在商场内,从天花板垂下来的闭路电视屏幕闪着诡异的光,好象是以死亡为主题的恐怖艺术装置。 ecocn

Most objects are violent, raw, macabre, and deliberately so.
大多数展品看上去粗暴,原始而又骇人,而且是刻意为之的。 ecocn

TERRORISM and guerrilla warfare are often intended as macabre theatre.
恐怖主义和游击战通常被认为是致命的威胁。 ecocn

This blood- red lake outside of Iraq's Sadr City garnered a fair share of macabre speculation when it was discovered in2007.
当伊拉克萨德尔市外这个血红色的池子于2007年被发现时引起了极大一部分恐怖的猜想。 yeeyan

This scenario was played out to a macabre end in the movie, The Terminator, when the machines used their camouflage to good effect in an attempt to wipe out the human race.

Though the footage could scare some drivers into being more careful, the massive response to a recent video suggests the recordings are becoming macabre entertainment.
虽然这些镜头会让一些驾驶员望而生畏,变得更加小心翼翼,但从近期一段视频的大众反应来看,视频记录本身竟变成了一种恐怖的娱乐素材。 yeeyan

Urban legends have been around forever, as fear of the unknown gets spun into macabre tales that proliferate with each person who hears them.
对未知的恐惧被编造成令人毛骨悚然的故事随之扩散开来,都市传言便一直流传在人群之间。 yeeyan

What followed is one of the more macabre scenes of this or any war.
不管是对于这场战争还是任何一场战争来说,接下来的场景都更令人毛骨悚然。 yeeyan




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