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词汇 apprehend
释义 ap·pre·hend 英ˌæprɪˈhend美ˌæprɪˈhɛndAHDăp'rĭ-hĕndʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四研GIST宝八COCA¹⁷⁹¹⁵BNC³²⁶⁵⁵iWeb¹⁴²¹³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

vt. 逮捕; 拘押

of the police catch sb and arrest them to take a person who breaks the law into police control

vt. 领悟; 理解; 认识到

understand or recognize sth

get the meaning of something;

Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

take into custody;

the police nabbed the suspected criminals

anticipate with dread or anxiety
apprehend, arrest, attach, detain


arrest可用于刑事案件,也可用于民事案件,如债务等; 而apprehend只用于刑事案件; attach常指因逃脱而扣押或查封,用于人时也只指将其拘留到法庭出庭作证; detain则是为了询问或审查而拘留或监护,不是严格的法律术语。

apprehend, comprehend

这两个词都指理解或领会事物,但在心理学上却有明显区别, apprehend 指稍有领会或了解,comprehend 则指全面地理解。apprehend可指单一的心理活动,而comprehend则指复杂费力的心理过程,例如母爱。孩提时只能用apprehend,只有到后来才能用comprehend。








来源于拉丁语动词prehendere抓住,也是英语predatory的词源。拉丁语apprehendere抓住,了解,由前缀ap-和prehendere复合而成,其潜在的意义为“用记忆抓住”,即“学习”。拉丁语动词apprehendere抓住,了解的缩写形式apprendere进入古法语为aprendre,在现代法语中为apprendre学习,其派生词aprentis学习着的人进入英语为apprentice学徒; 法语apprendre学习的过去分词appris被教的是英语apprise的词源。
词根词缀: ap-临近 + -prehend-抓住
同源词:predatory, apprentice, apprise
用作动词 v.
~+名词apprehend a thief逮捕窃贼apprehend the murderer缉拿凶手~+介词apprehend danger in every sound风声鹤唳apprehend the complexity of space flight了解宇宙飞行的复杂性
GRE红宝书ap朝向, prehend抓住-抓住不放-逮捕
pre向前 + hand用手,hend 看成hold 拿着,持有,类似grasp 抓住,理解, comprehend 理解,掌握,抓住要领,抓住,逮捕,所以恐惧
ap+prehend抓住→ 抓住不放→逮捕
ap=ad,趋近+pre向前+hend抓→向前趋近抓住⇒理解在头脑中抓住,逮捕抓住犯人。词根记忆ap加强+prehend抓→被抓住→逮捕;抓住意思→了解,明白GRE难词记忆apprehend→ap+prehend抓住→抓住一句话的意思→理解GRE难词记忆prehend→pre向前+hend→hand 手→手向前伸→抓住GRE难词记忆apprehend→ap=to+prehend=catch 抓住→逮捕词根记忆ap + prehend抓住⇒抓住,逮捕词根记忆ap+prehend=被抓住=逮捕近义词 grasparrestcapturecomprehend反义词 let goreleaseliberatedischarge
S+~+ n./pron.The police apprehended the burglar.警方抓获了那个夜贼。
The police have finally apprehended the killer.警方最终拘押了那名杀人犯。
The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man believed to be armed with a shot gun.警方急于抓捕一个据说持有一支猎枪的中年男子。
Do you apprehend any difficulty?你担心会有困难吗?
He was slow to apprehend danger.他没有及时意识到危险。
I don't apprehend your meaning.我不懂你的意思。
I apprehend no worsening of the situation.我不担心局势会恶化。
I apprehend the meaning of your words.我理解你说话的意思。
I apprehended his meaning from his gestures.我从他的手势动作领会了他的意思。
I don't fully apprehend the meaning of this poem.我并没有完全理解这首诗的含义。
Are you sure you entirely apprehend the importance of completing these forms as accurately as possible?你肯定你完全明白了尽可能准确地填写这些表格的重要性了吗?
A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound.犯罪者做贼心虚,一有响声就心惊。
She apprehended disaster in the snowstorm ahead.她担心即将来临的暴风雪会带来灾难。
The thief was apprehended and put in jail.小偷被抓住,并被关进监狱。
It was apprehended at a glance by everyone.大家对它一目了然。S+~+that-clauseI sometimes apprehend that our institutions may perish.我有时候真担心我们的机构会垮台。S+~+wh-clauseI completely fail to apprehend why you're behaving like this.我是完全无法理解你为什么要表现得如此。Pmisapprehendvt.误会误解Punapprehendeda.未被理解的未被逮捕的逍遥法外的


apprehend的基本意思是“逮捕; 拘押”,指警方抓住违法犯罪者如偷盗、暴行等,将其关押或监禁起来。本词仅用于刑事案件,并且不存在对拘捕者是否有证据或怀疑的问题。

apprehend用于比喻可指“领悟; 理解; 认识到”。和汉语中“抓住要领”颇为近似,仅知道其意思,但不知道其全部关系及内容,但本词指只是领悟式理解,而非全部理解。只用作及物动词。

用作动词I can'tapprehendyour meaning.我不明白你的意思。
He can'tapprehendthe real nature of change.他不能理解变革的真实性质。
Do youapprehendthere will be any difficulty?你怕有任何困难吗?
This will help them toapprehendthe rapist.这将有助于警察逮捕强奸犯。verb.catch and arrest
同义词 bust,capture,seizebag,collar,cop,grab,nab,nailplace under arrest,run-in,take in,take into custody,take prisoner
反义词 free,let go,liberate,release,losemisunderstandnot catchverb.understand
同义词 believe,catchabsorb,accept,appreciate,comprehend,conceive,digest,fathom,get,grasp,have,imagine,know,perceive,read,realize,recognize,sense,thinkget the picture
反义词 disregard,exclude,fail,forget,ignore,lose,misinterpret,miss,misunderstand,neglect,not get,overlook,not catch
accuseverb place blame for wrongdoing, fault
allege,arraign,arrest,attack,attribute,betray,blame,blow the whistle,brand,bring charges,censure,charge,cite,complain,criminate,denounce,file claim,finger,frame,hang something on,hold accountable,impeach,implicate,impute,incriminate,inculpate,indict,lay at door,let have it,libel,litigate,lodge complaint,name,pin on,point finger at,prosecute,recriminate,serve summons,slander,slur,sue,summon,tax
anticipateverb act in advance of
apprehend,be early,be one step ahead of,beat someone to it,block,delay,forestall,hinder,hold back,intercept,precede,preclude,prepare for,prevent,provide against
anticipatesverb act in advance of
assumes,awaits,bargain for,conjectures,counts chickens,counts on,crosses the bridge,divines,entertains,figures,forecasts,foresees,foretastes,foretells,has a hunch,hope for,is afraid,jumps the gun,looks for,looks forward to,plan on,prepares for,previsions,prognosticates,promises oneself,prophesies,sees,sees comes,sees in the cards,supposes,visualizes,waits,waits for
appreciateverb recognize worth
acknowledge,apprehend,be aware of,be cognizant of,be conscious of,catch the drift,comprehend,dig,fathom,grasp,know,perceive,read,realize,recognize,savvy,see daylight,sympathize with,take account of,understand
appreciatesverb recognize worth
acknowledges,apprehends,catches the drift,comprehends,digs,fathoms,grasps,is aware of,is cognizant of,is conscious of,knows,perceives,reads,realizes,recognizes,savvies,sees daylight,sympathizes with,takes account of,understands
arrestverb take into authorized custody
apprehend,bag,book,brace,bust,capture,catch,collar,detain,drop,gaff,get,glom,grab,hook,imprison,incarcerate,jail,kick,nab,nail,net,nick,pick up,pinch,pull,pull in,put the arm on,put the cuffs on,round up,roust,run-in,secure,seize,sidetrack,snag,tab,tag,take in,take prisoner,toss in jail By extension, he disagreed with our decision to try to apprehend Aidid for the UN.
因此,他不赞成我们想要为帮助联合国逮捕艾迪德的决定。 yeeyan

The Border Patrol will never manage to apprehend every last suspect, says Mr Hayes, but it is not that far off.
海耶斯说边境巡逻将永远不会逮捕到全部嫌疑人,不过现在抓的离全部也不远了。 ecocn

Because Aidid was well protected by heavily armed forces, the United Nations was unable to apprehend him and asked the United States to help.
因为艾迪德由武器装备精良的军队严密保护着,联合国无法逮捕他,就请美国帮忙。 yeeyan

Besides, what measures has China adopted to apprehend the heads of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement?

Despite his remote location, bounty hunters regularly attempted to apprehend him.
虽然身处偏远地带,但赏金猎人总是企图逮捕他。 starwarschina

I also signed several Memoranda of NotificationMONs authorizing the CIA to use lethal force to apprehend bin Laden.
我还签署了许多《通知备忘录》,授权中情局使用致命武力来抓捕本·拉登。 yeeyan

I apprehend no worsening of the situation.
我不担心局势会恶化。 iciba

King Fahd called me to express his condolences and solidarity, and to pledge the commitment of his government to apprehend and punish the men who had killed our airmen.
法赫德国王打电话给我表示他的慰问和声援,承诺他的政府有义务抓获并惩罚那些炸死我国空军的人。 yeeyan

Self and his team are there waiting, and apprehend them all.
赛尔夫和他的组员在路上等着,将他们一网成擒。 yeeyan

She is alarmed when Mason tells them to apprehend Victor Drazen even if it is at the risk of losing Jack.
当梅森下令要他们逮捕维克托.德拉赞而无需理会杰克的死活时,她担心起来。 yeeyan

She'd love to tell Comus something about chastity, but he has neither ear nor soul to apprehend the sublime notion and high mystery.

Since his demands were simple, why not just grant them and then apprehend him?

Stay in the desert long enough, and you could apprehend the absolute.
在沙漠中呆久了,你就能理解绝对。 yeeyan

The police maintain order in the city, help prevent crime, apprehend lawbreakers and directs traffic.
警察维持城市的秩序,协助防止犯罪,逮捕犯法者及指挥交通。 tdict

To achieve this goal, we should apprehend, reflect and develop library science in the practical thinking way.
为了实现这一目标,我们需要以实践的思维方式理解、反思和发展图书馆学。 cnki

What is it about a chair that makes you immediately apprehend it as a chair, even if you've never seen that particular type before?
是椅子的什么特点让你立即断定它是一把椅子呢,又或者你之前从未看到过一个特别的样式? yeeyan

Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things.
在万物中领会上帝,因为上帝存在于万物中。 yeeyan




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