

单词 appreciator
释义 ap·pre·ci·a·tor 英ə'priʃ,etɚ美ə'priʃ,etɚ 高COCA⁷⁷⁸⁸⁶iWeb⁵⁰⁵¹³

a person who is fully aware of something and understands it;

he is not an appreciator of our dilemma

蒋争熟词记忆appreciate欣赏-or表示人⇒欣鉴赏者appreciate欣赏-or表示人⇒欣鉴赏者as in.connoisseur
同义词 aficionado,buff,devotee,dilettanteaesthete,arbiter,cognoscente,critic,epicure,expert,fan,freak,gourmet,judge,maven,nut,savant,specialistbon vivant,one into
反义词 ignoramus
connoisseurnoun authority
aesthete,aficionado,arbiter,bon vivant,buff,cognoscente,critic,devotee,dilettante,epicure,expert,fan,freak,gourmet,judge,maven,nut,one into,savant,specialist The art's thinking studies in the art's creating and appreciation course, the creator and the appreciator how to think and how to deal with the world.
艺术思维是研究创作者和欣赏者,在艺术创造和欣赏的过程中,是以怎样的心理状态来进行思维和把握对象世界的。 cnki

The local aesthetics aesthetic subject who takes aesthetic activities is the aesthetic feeling creator with aesthetic faculties and appreciator.
乡土美学的审美主体是进行审美活动并具有一定审美能力的美感的创造者和欣赏者。 dictall

There divides metaphysical and explanation for my creation. As same, the appreciator also divides these two levels according the different culture background and aesthetic abilities.
我们创作艺术可分为形而上,形而下,同样,鉴赏者按照文化底蕴与审美能力也是如此分层面的。 zjata.com

What's more, painting as a kind of art, its most important thing is to bring something to the appreciator.
绘画作为一门艺术,在审美活动中,更重要的应该是给欣赏者所带来的感受。 qecom

He is a great appreciator of art.
他是个伟大的艺术鉴赏家。 xianzai

I am a man, and I am an appreciator of women.
我是个男人,我会欣赏女人。 mtime

In the fifth chapter, the author exposes the aesthetic attributes of the Zheng art in new era from the perspective of musical composition and the appreciator.
第五章,笔者从音乐本体和欣赏者两个角度着手,对新时期古筝艺术所表现出来的审美属性进行阐述。 fabiao

Therefore, different art has different appreciator. The works will put in the different level according their different taste.
所以,不同层次的艺术有不同的消费群,作品就按不同品味定在不同的层次。 zjata.com

Thus, the authenticity of the artistry of language is the work of unique appreciation, which comes into existence from the unity of the creator and appreciator.
因此,艺术语言的真实是创造主体、鉴赏主体共同创造的特殊的审美化的真实。 dictall

Training their observational ability of feeling the beauty of art to improve the appreciator's art and culture quality.
培养感受艺术美的观察能力;提高欣赏者的艺术文化修养; cnki




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