

单词 appreciations
释义 appreciations əˌpri:ʃi:ˈeɪʃənz COCA⁸⁰³⁹³BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
n.欣赏appreciation的名词复数;感激;评定原型appreciation的复数 Because of the restriction on entering market, this company has to manage basic telecommunication service and telecommunication service of appreciations inside power system only.
由于受市场准入的限制,该公司一直只能在电力系统内部经营基础电信业务和增值电信业务。 cnki

Commencing from the date of marriage, B alone is entitled to income, appreciations and other accumulations from his separate properties listed in 4. b hereinabove.
自结婚之日起, B有权单独获得上述第4 b款所列的私有财产所产生的收入、增值或者其他资本增值。 blog.sina.com.cn

He also expressed appreciations to the Brazilian government for its long-term adherence to the just stance of one- China.
他还对巴西政府长期以来坚持一个中国的正义立场表示赞赏。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

I have heard a lot of appreciations.
许多人表达了对她的感激。 blog.sina.com.cn

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciations to the Technical Secretariat for its efficient and orderly preparations.
借此机会,我也想对技术秘书处高效、有序的筹备工作表示感谢。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In some countries that had exchange-rate appreciations exports moved up the value chain: this also helped.
在有些国家,汇率升值提升了出口价值链:此举也很有益。 yeeyan

Li expressed his welcome for the holding of the60th Session of the ESCAP in Shanghai and his appreciations for Kim's contributions to promoting cooperation between the ESCAP and China.
李肇星对 ESCAP第60届会议在上海举行表示欢迎,对金学洙为促进 ESCAP与中方合作所作的贡献表示赞赏。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Music appreciations function is manifesting free personality through noiseless music and transforming social traditions.
音乐欣赏的功能在于以“无声之乐”标识自由人格及移风易俗。 cnki

Music appreciations process is two psychological levels on the appreciative subject and objects reciprocation and unity.
音乐欣赏的过程是欣赏主、客体互动统一的两个心理层次; cnki

One voice has expressed appreciations of China’s move in helping their sovereign crisis.
一种认为这帮助了一些欧洲国家渡过了主权债务危机,那么还有一种声音是对此表现出了一种顾虑甚至是担忧。 ebigear

Pak expressed his appreciations for the efforts China has made in safeguarding peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula.
朴凤柱说,朝方对中方为维护朝鲜半岛的和平与稳定所作的努力表示赞赏。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Transcending the instrumentalism and prostration of the nature, going toward the understanding, appreciations, and caring of the nature, are the basic principles to develop natural dimension of ICPA.
超越对自然的役用与膜拜,走向对自然的理解、欣赏与看护,是综合实践活动自然维度开发的基本原则。 dictall

Wu expressed her deep appreciations to Singapore for being the first nation among the ASEAN countries to recognize China's market economy status.
吴仪高度赞赏新方在东盟国家中率先承认中国市场经济地位。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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