

单词 lyrics
释义 lyrics 英'lɪrɪks美'lɪrɪks 高COCA⁶⁹³⁵BNC¹¹³⁶⁸iWeb⁴⁸³⁷Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
名词 lyric:
the text of a popular song or musical-comedy numbera short poem of songlike quality
动词 lyric:
write lyrics for a songlyr-ics名…学⇒n.抒情诗¹⁰;歌词⁹⁰近义词 stanza诗节libretto歌词集words某人所说的话…lines剧本中的台词…

用作名词Schubert set some of Goethe'slyricsto music.舒伯特把歌德的一些抒情诗谱成了歌曲。
Theselyricsare not of a sweet, sentimental kind.这些抒情诗并不是那种缠绵伤感的诗歌。
Claire wrote thelyricsfor the song.克莱儿为该曲谱写了歌词。
We prefer music that has greatlyrics.我们更喜欢歌词很棒的曲子。noun.words of a song
同义词 book,libretto,lines,text,theme,verse,words
songnoun melody sung or played with musical instrument
air,anthem,aria,ballad,canticle,carol,chant,chorale,chorus,ditty,golden oldie,hymn,lay,lullaby,melody,number,oldie,opera,piece,poem,psalm,refrain,round,strain,tune,verse
versenoun written composition
ballad,epic,jingle,lay,lyrics,ode,poem,poesy,poetry,rhyme,rune,song,sonnet,stanza The lyrics are darker, dealing with recurring themes of death and loneliness.
歌词更加黑暗,反复出现了关于死亡与孤寂的主题。 yeeyan

The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.

And these lyrics and melodies never go out of style.
而且这些歌词和旋律永远不会过时。 edu.sina.com.cn

As bleak as the lyrics are, though, they're buoyed by the band's leanest, loosest songwriting yet.
尽管歌词凄凉,但是,乐队到现在以来最精简松散的作曲却使它们漂浮起来。 yeeyan

At the kindergarten, these children performed a song whose lyrics tell them that they have nothing to envy in the outside world and that they are the happiest people on Earth.
在幼儿园里,这些孩子们正在唱歌。歌词表达了他们一点儿也不羡慕外面的世界,他们就是世界上最幸福的人。 yeeyan

He had an extraordinary gift as a lightning composer of lyrics and songs of no mean merit, but in which he himself had no pride of authorship.
作为完美无暇的歌词和歌曲的闪电般的作者,他拥有非凡的天赋,但他本人对于他所创作出的歌曲却没有流露出得意之情。 yeeyan

Here's an experiment: try thinking of a song not as a song but as a collection of distinct musical attributes. Maybe the song has political lyrics.
做个试验:试着不把一首歌当做单纯的歌曲,而想象成各种不同音乐属性的集合这首歌可能有政治性的歌词。 yeeyan

I always spent hours listening to their songs feeling the feelings the lyrics just transmitted to me.
我总是连着好几个小时听他们的歌,去感悟他们的歌词所传达给我的感觉。 ebigear

I believe rock lyrics should be open to interpretation and I wrote these so they could be.
我信信摇滚歌词应被广泛而开放的诠释。我写的那些也正是如此。 yeeyan

LEILA ABOULELA’S “ Lyrics Alley”, which has been shortlisted for the2011 Orange prize for fiction, is set in Sudan, as it sloughs off British and Egyptian rule and prepares for its new liberty.
莱拉•阿布里拉的《歌词弄》已经入围2011年奥兰治小说奖。 故事发生在苏丹,正值苏丹脱离英国和埃及的统治,为新的独立解放做准备之际。 ecocn

Once the singer selects a song, which can be downloaded off the Internet or from special music cartridges, the lyrics come up on a2.4-inch display.
一旦演唱者选定一首歌曲,机器就会将其从网络或特殊音乐库上下载下来,歌词即出现在2.4英寸的显示屏上。 ebigear

Pineapple is liked by a number of musicians, singers and actors, because they want to memorize a lot of music, lyrics and lines.
菠萝常是一些音乐家、歌星和演员最喜欢的水果,因为他们要背诵大量的乐谱、歌词和台词,需要强化记忆。 yeeyan

So does everybody. For me, the love affair starts with the profound lyrics.
每个人都一样,对我来说,恋爱随着深奥的抒情诗开始。 kekenet

The rhythm, the melody and the lyrics help me get in the flow of writing, and depending on what kind of music I listen to, my writing becomes different.
这些音乐的节奏,曲调和歌词帮助我进入写作的状态。根据当时播放的音乐,我的写作也有所不同。 yeeyan

This song has lyrics that are borrowed from one of the Rocky movies, so it has to be inspirational, right?
这首歌的歌词是从洛奇系列的其中一部借鉴而来,所以它肯定能鼓舞人心,对吗? yeeyan

To this also I contributed a song or two and an effusive appreciation of Vaishnava lyrics.
我也给它写过一两首歌曲和一篇感情奔放的赞赏毗湿奴派抒情诗的评论。 yeeyan

You could argue that he totally lived up to the lyrics of“ Borrowed Time, ” but you'd be a fucking prick for doing so.
你可以争辩说他实际上做到了“借来的时间”的歌词所表达的东西,但你这样做的话,那你就是一个混蛋。 yeeyan

You may want to get involved in writing, be it lyrics, poetry or just self reflection.
或许你会想去做一些写作工作,可能是歌词、诗歌等等反映自己感受的文字。 ebigear




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