

单词 lyric poetry
释义 lyric poetry短语⁷⁷⁷⁹⁰
I consider that the metaphor of' lyric poetry'refects the experience of viewer to watercolour, another saying is that it reflects the aesthetic specific property of watercolour.
本文认为“抒情诗”之喻体现着欣赏者对水彩艺术审美特性的感受,或者说“抒情诗”是对水彩审美特性的一种反映。 fabiao

The lyric poetry is the main stream of Chinese classic verse, and the emotion ontology is an important term of Chinese classic poetics.
抒情诗是中国古典诗歌的主流,情感本体论是中国古典诗学中的重要论题。 dictall

The lyric main body's existing and disappearing is another difference between lyric poetry and satirical poetry.
民歌体的泛用。抒情主体的存在与消隐凸现了抒情诗与讽刺诗的又一差异; cnki

A glance can be a dangerous thing in the world of Latin lyric poetry.
在拉丁文的抒情诗中,无意的一瞥可能是危险的。 yeeyan

Rain, like an elegant lyric poetry, poetic spirit that likes to say the memory could not finish.
雨,就像一首优雅的抒情诗,这富有诗意的精灵总喜欢把记忆说个不完。 blog.sina.com.cn

Satirical Poetry, Lyric Poetry, Verse Fable and Prose Poetry.
讽刺诗,抒情诗,寓言诗和散文诗; yinghanhuyi.org

The political lyric poetry, which changed in the crisscrossing and merging of the Sunlight and the Shade, provides us with space and samples for thinking deeply.
在阳光和阴影的交错与融合中流变的政治抒情诗,给我们提供了思考的空间和样本。 cnki

There's lyric poetry, there's love poetry, there are proverbs, there are psalms of thanksgiving and lament.

This is the Shelley most famous politics lyric poetry and politics agitation and propaganda poem, is also an outstanding political prediction, the political drive poem.
这是雪莱最著名的政治抒情诗和政治宣传鼓动诗,也是一首优秀的政治预言、政治激励诗。 donghairen

Lyric poetry is my favorite kind of poem.
抒情诗是我最喜欢的诗歌。 blog.sina.com.cn




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