

单词 lyrical
释义 lyr·i·cal 英ˈlɪrɪkəl美ˈlɪrɪkəlAHDlĭrʹĭ-kəl ★☆☆☆☆高MT八COCA²⁰¹⁷⁶BNC¹³⁸⁵⁵iWeb¹⁴⁰⁸³Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

suitable for or suggestive of singingexpressing deep emotion;

the dancer's lyrical performance

钱博士lyric抒情诗-al…的形容词后缀→抒情诗的⇒ 抒情的,抒情体的,抒情风格的
lyric抒情诗-al…的形容词后缀→抒情诗的⇒ 抒情的,抒情体的,抒情风格的。近义词 poetic诗的lyric抒情的musical音乐的romantic浪漫的emotional感情的expressive表达的inspired有创见的sentimental感伤的

用作形容词There's a wonderfullylyricalflute solo in the middle of this symphony.在交响乐中间有一段美妙的抒情长笛独奏。
This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry.这首诗是雪莱抒情诗的范例。
She started to become/waxlyricalabout health food.她对保健食品极为讲究了。adj.musical
同义词 choral,emotional,expressive,lilting,melodic,operatic,passionate,rhapsodic,rhythmic,soulfulagreeable,blending,chiming,dulcet,euphonious,harmonious,melodious,orchestral,pleasing,poetic,songful,songlike,sweet-sounding,symphonic,symphonious,tuneful
poeticadjective with rhythm and beauty;related to poetic composition
poeticaladjective poetic
symphonicadjective melodic
consonant,harmonic,harmonious,lyrical,mellifluous,musical,symphonious A style with ornamental, poetic, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes.
融装饰性、诗化的、曲线的形式和抒情主题为一体的艺术。 hxen

In our view, the narrative fiction from the poetry of their“ poetic” tradition of independence, and the narrative is lyrical language fiction and poetry of the essential differences between languages.
我们认为,叙事把小说从诗歌所属的“诗学”传统中独立出来,叙事和抒情是小说语言和诗歌语言的本质区别。 club.edu.sina.com.cn

It’s a well-rounded and fashionable album. The title song is a lyrical rock dance, which is full of exoticism.
主打歌流向巴黎是那种慵懒的、抒情的、充满异国风情的摇滚舞曲。 edu.sina.com.cn

Now she brings the same raw, lyrical quality to her first book of prose, Just Kids, out this month.
在本月即将推出的她的第一本散文《只是孩子》( Just Kids)中,她表现出了同样未经雕琢而又抒情的品质。 yeeyan

On the other hand, King’s “ I have a dream” speech in1963 wasn’t historic because he was so lyrical, though he was certainly that.
反过来,马丁·路德·金在1963年发表的“我有一个梦想”的演说,尽管声情并茂,却并不是因此而名垂青史。 yeeyan

The first in Grassic Gibbon's A Scots Quair trilogy, this is the great Scottish novel, told in a lilting, lyrical tongue as beautiful as the land it describes.
这本书是格拉西克 ·吉本《苏格兰的书》三部曲中的第一本,是伟大的苏格兰小说,它的语言音乐般美妙、抒情,就像它描述的这片土地一样的美丽。 yeeyan

The Turkish foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, waxes lyrical about a “ golden age” of the Balkans with Turkey.
土耳其外交部长艾哈迈德•达乌特奥卢感慨了巴尔干半岛地区与土耳其之间诗意抒情的“黄金时代”。 ecocn

There's even a television programme on a Tuesday night that compiles a “ lyrical ranking” of the best moments of skill from the weekend games, whether or not they led to anything worthwhile;
甚至星期四晚上有一档电视节目推出了周末比赛最佳技巧时刻的“抒情排名”,无论怎样他们认为这是值得的; yeeyan

This was Jefferson’s lyrical way of describing the quite remarkable feat of making an explosion happen in slow motion.
杰弗逊用这种抒情的表达方式描述了让轰轰烈烈的革命缓步下来的骄人功绩。 yeeyan

Hayden was an African American poet who managed, in this brief epic, to bring the slave trade into lyrical focus with a polyphony of voices.
海登是一个非裔美国诗人,他专注于描写奴隶贸易的多韵抒情叙事诗。 yeeyan

He waxes lyrical about the potential for businesses from advances in the life sciences.
他抒情地描绘着生命科学发展中隐含的商业潜力。 ecocn

He waxes lyrical about the “ magical elements” of working there— so much so that he has decided to write an annual letter to tell the world what he is up to.
还带有抒情意味的描述这份工作的神奇之处,以至于他决定写年笺信告诉世界他所做的一切。 yeeyan

His main regret is not building more things: he waxes lyrical about visiting South Korea and counting the cranes on the skyline.
他的主要遗憾则是没有做成更多的事情,比方说向往访问韩国以及数一数地平线上出现的白鹤。 ecocn

I can hear similar lyrical themes of reserved English desperation set to fascinatingPink Floyd arrangements on Field Music's excellent Tones of Town.
在 Field Music乐队优秀的 Tones of Town专辑中我听到了类似的英国式绝望的抒情主题以及类似的 PF式迷人编曲。 yeeyan

In a brochure for an exhibition opening in Stratford in April, titled“ Shakespeare Found, ” the birthplace trust offered a lyrical interpretation.
在一本为今年4月在斯特拉特福德举行的展览会所写的名为“发现莎士比亚”小册子里,莎士比亚出生地基金会提出了抒情般的解释。 yeeyan

Its author emerges as a grittier W.G. Sebald, a lyrical German writer with the same forlorn urge to rescue lives and cultures from oblivion.
本书的作者让人想见了仿佛更加坚韧的W.G. Sebald一般的人物,一位擅长抒情的德国作家,带着同样的凄凉欲从湮没中打捞出生活和文化。 ecocn

Love can be joyous, lyrical, beautiful, passionate, transcendent and more powerful than the high you'd get from any kind of drug.
爱可以是愉悦的、抒情的、精美的、热烈的、卓绝的,甚至要比吸食任何药物带来的感觉还要强烈。 hjenglish

Love is lyrical. Lust is lewd.
爱是深情的,性欲是淫荡的。 yeeyan

Poets who wax lyrical about the silvery Moon may be on to something.
擅长寄情于银色月光的诗人大概是收到了宇宙的某些启示。 yeeyan

Quasimodo was eventually named winner, for“ his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times”.
夸西莫多最终以“他的感情丰富的诗歌——通过传统的炙热的方式表达了我们这个时代的悲剧遭遇”而获得提名。 yeeyan

The books are full of lyrical prose that bring to mind Tolkien style fantasy.
这部作品大量的抒情文字让人不由得向其托尔金式的魔幻。 kekenet

This lyrical tale of grief and gruelling love on a tobacco farm takes place in the mid- nineteen-eighties but, if not for glimpses of linoleum and double- wides, might recall an earlier time.
这个悲痛而又艰苦的关于烟草农业的爱情抒情故事发生在1980年的中期,但是如果不是为了油地毯和双倍扩展的一瞥,可能回想起一个更早的时间。 yeeyan

Through lyrical expressions and enabling connectivity, the world was changed.
通过抒情的表达已经使得连接成为可能,世界杯改变了。 yeeyan

With the period detail and deep resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha, this lyrical and emotionally charged novel delves into one of the most mysterious of human relationships: female friendship.
通过这一时期的细节和对艺妓回忆录的深深地认同感,这部抒情的和充满感情的小说探究了一个最神秘的人类关系:女性的友谊。 hjenglish




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