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词汇 Lyndon Johnson
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36th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated 1908-1973近义词 LBJ林登·贝恩斯&…Johnson约翰逊人名…Lyndon Baines Johnson林顿·贝恩斯&…
A clever choice of VP can put a candidate over the top most famously with JFK and Lyndon Johnson in1960.
副总统人选得当,能使总统竞选如虎添翼最有名的要属1960年的约翰•肯尼迪和林登•约翰逊这对搭档了。 ecocn

During the Vietnam War, U. S. President Lyndon Johnson suggested North and South Vietnam should set aside their differences and collaborate to bring hydropower to the Mekong River delta.
越南战争期间,美国总统约翰逊曾建议南北越双方搁置争议,合作开发湄公河三角洲的水电资源,但越南人对此充耳不闻。 yeeyan

Hughes, policy-school dean at Rutgers University, who explained that Lyndon Johnson's1965 immigration law raised immigration caps for non- European countries.
打了个电话。他解释说,林登·约翰逊在1965年提出的新移民法,增加了非欧洲国家的移民数额。 yeeyan

In1968, a bipartisan congressional vote also supported a surtax when President Lyndon Johnson belatedly asked for taxes to pay for the war in Vietnam.
1968年,林登·约翰逊总统姗姗来迟,请求征税以支付越南战争的开销,国会两党表决支持了一项附加税。 yeeyan

On July30,1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law.
1965年6月30日,美国总统林登·约翰逊将医疗保险正式纳入法律。 yeeyan

The Council of Economic Advisers warned Lyndon Johnson about the dangers of a worldwide depression.
经济顾问委员会警告林顿·约翰逊全球萧条的风险。 yeeyan

There was, of course, considerable hostility between the remaining brothers and President Lyndon Johnson, and the vehicle for its expression became the Vietnam war.
罗伯特与爱德华兄弟与当时的总统林登·约翰逊之间存在很大敌意,集中表现在随后爆发的越南战争上。 yeeyan

They were part of Roosevelt's grand Democratic coalition during the New Deal, a coalition that held through Lyndon Johnson's Great Society in the 1960s.
工薪阶层在美国是罗斯福新政时期的大民主联盟的一部分——这个联盟在上世纪60年代前总统林登·约翰逊的伟大社会计划时实现。 yeeyan

As president, Lyndon Johnson is said to have asked aides and important visitors to follow him into the bathroom to continue their conversations.
作为总体,林登·约翰逊说,问问助手和一些重要的人,然后跟着他们走进浴室,继续他们的谈话。 yeeyan

I grew up in the era of the space race and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, when science, the arts, and education generally were respected.
我是在林登·约翰逊执政的太空竞赛时代长大的,在那个“伟大社会”中,人们对科学、艺术和教育都怀着敬重之情。 yeeyan

It took a decade of reports, lectures, and political wrangling, but when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act in1968, much of its language came from the Craigheads.
在历经十余年的报告、讲演和政治角逐后,当林登·约翰逊总统于1968年签署《国家自然与风景河流法案》时,其中的大部分文字竟然出自于克雷格亥兄弟之手。 yeeyan

Kennedy, which made Congress and the public far more amenable to liberal reforms, and the legislative skill of Lyndon Johnson.
到了1965年,约翰·肯尼迪遇刺身亡使得情况有所改变,美国国会和公众更易接纳自由派的变革,以及林登·约翰逊的立法手腕。 yeeyan

Official recognition of the place never came, despite the minting of some stamps and an approach to Lyndon Johnson America's president at the time.
尽管也制造了自己的邮票,还主动与当时的美国总统约翰逊联系,但从未得到正式的承认。 yeeyan

President Lyndon Johnson reportedly watched Cronkite's report and concluded that the war had now lost the backing of America's middle class.
据报道,总统林登·约翰逊观看了沃尔特的报道后得出结论,越战已失去美国中产阶级的支持。 yeeyan

Lyndon Johnson attacked steelmakers who raised prices as unpatriotic.

Lyndon Johnson may have wanted to be remembered as a great president, but the war came to redefine his presidency. That will be our story next week.
林登·约翰逊可能希望自己在历史上被铭记为一位伟大的总统,但是这场战争使得他的总统之路重新改写。 在下周的节目中,我们将要讲述这个故事。 remword

Lyndon Johnson won more than sixty percent of the popular vote.
林登·约翰逊赢得了超过百分之六十的选票。 remword




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